RequeryJS, if you want to implement modularity, this is something you need to understand. Now that you know RequeryJS, I think it’s important that you also know about the AMD specification and CMD specification. Let’s start with these two specifications.

AMD specification (see baidu encyclopedia:, can be understood as asynchronous module loading, module load load does not affect the back of the sentence. The CMD specification can be thought of as loose module loading, where you need the module and requere loads the module.

Without further discussion, RequeryJS has three advantages: 1. It resolves variable naming conflicts: When you join a large project, you must be able to declare a large number of variables, from Zhang SAN, Li Si, Wang Wu, Zhao 6 to Xiao Shiilang, MAO 18 and so on. Manpower is always limited, once the same naming occurs later, it will cause variable conflict, never cause interference and pollution. Leave it to RequeryJS. 2. Managing a large number of dependency packages: Needless to say, there’s a lot of work to be done on your own, so leave it to RequeryJS. You just need to be responsible for using it. 3. Code encapsulation: The benefits of code encapsulation are always efficiency. It’s clean, it’s reusable, and it’s easy to maintain. So leave it to RequeryJS. Website address but open the website seems to need a little technology, and use it every time you remember to remove all express, at the same time pay property fee this month.