• README in NPM package
    • Give your users a quick understanding of how to install, use, and work with you
  • README in engineering projects
    • Multi-person project collaboration allows new participants or project handover staff to quickly get started and reduce communication

How to write README in NPM package?

Write readme based on giving your users a quick understanding of how to install, use, and work with you

  • Give users a quick idea of what your package does
    • Feature profiles – Intuitive to let users know what you are implementing
    • Renderings (or presentation address) – Visually let the user know if your implementation is the way they want it to be
    • Changelog – Tells the user which version of the package implements which features
  • How to install and use your project
    • Integration mode – Installation package mode
    • Usage – give examples
  • How to work with you
    • The author information
    • Copyright information
  • additional
    • Badge – (Build, Codecov, Downloads, Start, Issues, License)


How is a README written in a project?

README is written on the basis of enabling multiple people to collaborate on projects so that people who are new to the project or who are transitioning to the project can get started quickly and communicate less

  • Development Environment Configuration
    • Install vscode, Node, NPM, Zeplin, Filezilla…
  • Develop and run programs
    • Project environment, scripts command, etc
  • Error alarm and monitoring – Error alarm and monitoring view address
  • Access to the address
    • Project official environment, test environment access address
  • Q&A
    • Issues to pay attention to during development
  • Address of relevant documents
    • The product documentation
    • Interface documentation
    • Development specification document
    • Development plan document
    • Project deployment document