This is the sixth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge.


About the SSD series: Some interesting content on the front end, aimed at 3-10 minutes, 500-1000 words, gain without being tired. Shared desktop application, wow, tall still! Actually not, let me take you 3 minutes to implement the desktop sharing program, but also can hear the opposite talk oh.

Effect demo and source code

Two tabs, one for the sharer and one for the viewer. By the way, how to save the sound to GIF diagram inside ????

Train of thought

The user1==> Screen Capture API ===> Web RTC ===> User2 Video Tag playbackCopy the code

With its core Screen Capture API + WebRTC API, let’s take a look at a wave.

Screen Capture API- Screen capture API

MDN explanation:

The screen capture API, which complements the existing media capture and streaming apis, lets users select a screen or part of a screen (such as a window) to capture as a media stream. That stream can then be logged or shared with others over the network.

Look at the dynamics first, then the code:

Isn’t it cool to be able to display your desktop on a web page with just over 10 lines of code?

    <video id="deskVideo" autoplay controls></video>
        (async function captureDesk() {
            deskVideo.srcObject = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
                video: {
                    cursor: "always"
                audio: false}); }) ();</script>
Copy the code



Web Real-time Communications (WebRTC) is a real-time communication technology that allows Web applications or sites to establish peer-to-peer connections between browsers without the use of intermediaries. Implement the transmission of video and/or audio streams or any other data.

We understand that it’s point-to-point transmission, just solve the transmission problem.


Follow the RULES of the SSD series: 3-10 minutes, 500-1000 words, gain without being tired. I will do it myself, the number of words will exceed, and there is a transfer server. Just, with the help of the sound Internet cafe.

Agora, why him? Because he is free for 10,000 minutes a month for testing and personal use. The underlying rationale has been explained above, but the core is Screen Capture API + Web RTC.

Of course, soundnet also supports camera, microphone and other streams push, camera and microphone are MediaDevices related content will not be explained too much.

Registered account

Sound network management station login or registration, the link address has been given, you can operate by yourself.

Create an

See the Runthrough example project for detailed steps to create an application and obtain an AppID and Token

Download the SDK

Go here to download the Agora SDK

Sharer code writing

Here is a parameter to understand:

  1. AppId: indicates the ID of an application
  2. -Serena: Well, you can read it as a room
  3. Token: ticket
  4. Uid: user ID
  5. Role: user role, which can be anchor or viewer

Core code:

async function startBasicLive() {
    rtc.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: "live".codec: "vp8" }); // Initialize the client
    rtc.client.setClientRole(options.role);  // Set the role

    const uid = await rtc.client.join(options.appId,, options.token, options.uid);       
    rtc.localAudioTrack = await AgoraRTC.createMicrophoneAudioTrack(); / / the microphone
    rtc.localVideoTrack = await AgoraRTC.createScreenVideoTrack();  / / desktop

    // Publish these audio and video track objects to the channel.
    await rtc.client.publish([rtc.localAudioTrack, rtc.localVideoTrack]);
    console.log("publish success!");
btnShareDesk.onclick = startBasicLive; // Register the click event

Copy the code

Viewer side code writing

The core code

async function startBasicLive() {
    rtc.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: "live".codec: "vp8" });

    rtc.client.on("user-published".async (user, mediaType) => {
         // Start subscribing to remote users.
        await rtc.client.subscribe(user, mediaType);
        console.log("subscribe success", mediaType);

        // Indicates that the subscription is a video.
        if (mediaType === "video") {
            // After the subscription is complete, get the remote video track object from 'user'.
            const remoteVideoTrack = user.videoTrack;
            // Insert a DIV node dynamically as a container to play the remote video track.
            const playerContainer = document.createElement("div");
            // Assign an ID to the DIV node. In this case, specify the UID of the remote user.
   = user.uid.toString();
   = "640px";
   = "480px";

            // After the subscription is complete, play the remote audio and video.
            // Pass in the DIV node and have the SDK create the appropriate player under this node to play the remote video.

        // Indicates that this subscription is audio.
        if (mediaType === "audio") {
            // After the subscription is complete, get the remote audio track object from 'user'.
            const remoteAudioTrack = user.audioTrack;
            // Play the audio because there is no screen, there is no need to provide information about the DOM; }});const uid = await rtc.client.join(options.appId,, options.token, null);
    console.log("uid", uid);
Copy the code

Demo complete code

Sharing desktop source code


Is not very simple, everything looks not so difficult, so, you can easily into the pit ah.

Write in the last

Writing is not easy, your praise and comments are the biggest motivation for me to move forward.

Refer to the reference

Web RTC Screen Capture API Media Devices to achieve live video streaming through the sample project