Streakjs is a multi-terminal JavaScript Canvas framework that supports desktop and mobile browsers, Node.js, and wechat apps. Streakjs uses a unified API to quickly draw, transform, animate, and interact graphics.

The main features

  • Multiterminal support
  • Provides rich graphic elements
  • Provides a complete event processing mechanism to support touch events on mobile devices
  • Supports serialization and deserialization
  • Based on object-oriented modular design, easy to expand
  • Provides a quick and simple API to support method chain calls
  • Supports TypeScript and provides complete type definition files

Begin to use

  • The introduction of streakjs

Streakjs has no dependencies. You can download the js file directly from Github or install it using the NPM command

npm install streakjs
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You can also use the CDN version

<script src=""></script>
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  • Creating a stage container

Add a container to the HTML for streakJS to create the stage

<div id="container"></div>
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  • Create the stage and bind the container, set the width and height
var stage = new streakjs.Stage({
  container: "container".width: 640.height: 480
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  • Create a layer
var layer = new streakjs.Layer();
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  • Create a graphic object and add it to the layer
var circle = new streakjs.shapes.Circle({
  x: stage.width / 2.y: stage.height / 2.radius: 70.fill: "red".stroke: "black"

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  • Add layers to the stage
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The complete code, see guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs / # /…


  • Streakjs is used on the Node.js server and node-Canvas is required
npm install canvas
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For details on how to install Node-Canvas, see…

  • Install streakjs
npm install streakjs
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  • Using streakjs
var streakjs = require("streakjs");

streakjs.adaptive.getGlobal().canvas = require("canvas");

var stage = new streakjs.Stage({
  width: 400.height: 400

var layer = new streakjs.Layer();

var circle = new streakjs.shapes.Circle({
  x: stage.width / 2.y: stage.height / 2.radius: 70.fill: "red".stroke: "black".strokeWidth: 4



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Wechat applets

Wechat applet uses StreakJS, see…

Actual operation effect, please scan the small program code

Basic concept

Core classes

  • Streakjs. Node Node

The Node class is the base class for scenes, layers, graphics, graphics groups, and so on, providing common properties and methods.

  • Streakjs. Stage Stage

Stage is a container object, and in StreakJS, the Stage object is used as the top-level container. Multiple layers can be added to a Stage object.

  • Streakjs. Layer Layer

Layer is a container object that encapsulates the Canvas object internally.

  • Streakjs. Shape pattern

Shape is the base class for all graphics objects. You can customize graphics objects either by inheriting Shape or by creating Shape objects

  • Streakjs. Group graphics Group

Group is a container object, which is used to combine multiple different Shape objects or other Group objects into a complex graph for unified management.

Built-in graphics

Streakjs has a variety of graphical objects built in

  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Arc Arc
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Arrow Arrow
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Button Button
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Circle Circle
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Ellipse Ellipse
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Label tag
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Line Line
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Path Path
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Polygon Polygon
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Rect rectangle
  • Streakjs. Shapes. RegularPolygon regular polygon
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Ring Ring
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Sector fan
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Star Star
  • Streakjs. Shapes. The Text Text
  • Streakjs.shapes.TextPath specifies the TextPath
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Image picture
  • Streakjs. Shapes. Sprite elves

In addition to using the built-in graphics objects above, you can customize the graphics objects by inheriting the StreakJS Shape class or by defining the sceneFunc function when you create the Shape object

var triangle = new streakjs.Shape({
  sceneFunc: function(context, shape) {
  fill: "#00D2FF".stroke: "black".strokeWidth: 4
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Basic attributes

All sreakJS objects that inherit from Node, including Stage, Layer, Shape, Group, etc., have the following properties:

  • ID
  • The Name of the Name
  • The Position location
  • The Size Size
  • Scale zooming
  • Rotation Rotation
  • Skew tilt
  • Offset the Offset
  • Opacity is transparent
  • Visible shows/hides
var rect2 = new streakjs.shapes.Rect({
  x: (stage.width - 100) / 2.y: 150.width: 100.height: 50.fill: "green".stroke: "black".strokeWidth: 5.cornerRadius: 10.skewY: 30
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Each graphic object in SreakJS supports the following style properties:

  • Stroke Stroke
  • StrokeLinearGradient Linear gradient stroke
  • The Fill to Fill
  • FillLinearGradient FillLinearGradient
  • FillRadialGradient Fill with radial gradient
  • FillPattern Fills the image
  • Shadow Shadow
  • LineJoin Indicates the inflection point of the line intersection
  • End point of LineCap line
  • LineDash dotted line
var rect = new streakjs.shapes.Rect({
  x: (stage.width - 240) / 2.y: 100.width: 240.height: 80.fillPatternImage: res,
  fillPatternOffset: { x: - 220..y: 70}});Copy the code


Streakjs all objects that inherit from the Node class can be draggable by setting the draggable property of the object to true

var circle = new streakjs.shapes.Circle({
  x: stage.width / 2.y: stage.height / 2.radius: 70.fill: "red".stroke: "black".strokeWidth: 4.draggable: true
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The event

All objects in SreakJS that inherit from Node can be bound to events

  • The binding event
circle.on("mouseover".function() {
  writeMessage("Mouseover Circle");
circle.on("mouseout".function() {
  writeMessage("Mouseout Circle");
circle.on("mousedown".function() {
  writeMessage("Mousedown Circle");
circle.on("mouseup".function() {
  writeMessage("Mouseup Circle");
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  • Bind multiple events
rect.on("mouseover mouseout mousedown mouseup touchstart touchend".function(
) {
  writeMessage("Rect Multi Events: " + evt.type);
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The Animation object in StreakJS provides basic Animation functionality.

var period = 2000;

anim = new streakjs.Animation(function(frame) {
  var scale = Math.sin((frame.time * 2 * Math.PI) / period) + 0.001;
  regularPolygon.scale = { x: scale, y: scale };
}, layer);
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The complete code, see guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs / # /…

The Tween object in StreakJS provides the function of slow animation, which can realize the linear change of the graph from the original state to the new state, including position, size, rotation, scale, tilt, color, transparency and so on

var tween = new streakjs.Tween({
  node: rect,
  duration: 1.x: 240.y: 100.fill: "red".rotation: Math.PI * 2.opacity: 1.strokeWidth: 6.scaleX: 1.5

setTimeout(function() {;
}, 5000);
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The complete code, see guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs / # /…

The selector

Streakjs container objects such as Stage, Layer, and Group all have find and findOne methods that can be used to retrieve objects by ID, Name, and class Name

  • Gets objects by ID
var shape = layer.find("#circle1") [0];
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  • Gets the object by Name
var shape = layer.find(".circle2") [0];
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  • Gets objects by class name
var shapes = layer.find("Circle");
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The complete code, see guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs / # /…

Serialization, deserialization, and export

  • Save the stage as JSON data
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  • Load the JSON data onto the stage
var json =
  '{"attrs":{"width":578,"height":200},"className":"Stage","children":[{"attrs":{},"className":"Layer","children":[{"attrs ":{"x":100,"y":100,"sides":6,"radius":70,"fill":"red","stroke":"black","strokeWidth":4},"className":"RegularPolygon"}]}] } ';

var stage = streakjs.Node.load(json, "container");
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  • You can export it directly as an image file
var dataURL = stage.toDataURL({ pixelRatio: 3 });
downloadURI(dataURL, "stage.png");
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The complete code, see guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs / # /…

Learn more methods of use, please visit the project site guyoung. Making. IO/streakjs

Project web site


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