Step 1: Apply for the server and domain name

Application server: Most companies will have their own server, but if you are learning or developing privately, it is best to have your own server.

1. Cloud server: you can buy it directly from Aliyun or other websites. This kind of server is generally more expensive, but it has better flexibility and performance.

Domain name registration: can be registered in Ali cloud domain name, choose what looks like to see your own preferences, after domain name registration by the way real name authentication

Step 2: Apply for an HTTPS certificate

From ali cloud “products and Services”, find “CA certificate Service” to buy a free certificate

Step 3: Configure the server

Cloud server:

Cloud server configuration is relatively troublesome, installation environment, binding domain name and so on, here is not a detail, if not can be another Baidu, here by default your server has been set up. (I will write another article about cloud service environment construction later.)

(1) Create the CERT directory under the Apache installation directory, and copy all downloaded files to the cert directory. If the CSR file is created by yourself when applying for the certificate, put the corresponding private key file in the cert directory and name it 214497416760958.key. (2) Open the httpd.conf file in the conf directory of the Apache installation directory, find the following content and remove the “#” : Ssl_module modules/ Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf (3) Open apache Conf /extra/httpd-ssl.conf (or conf.d/ssl.conf, depending on the OS and installation mode) and look for the following configuration statements in the configuration file: SSLProtocol all-SSLv2-SSLv3 Modify the following encryption suite: SSLCipherSuite HIGH:! RC4:! MD5:! aNULL:! eNULL:! NULL:! DH:! EDH:! EXP:+MEDIUM SSLHonorCipherOrder on Certificate public key configuration SSLCertificateFile cert/public Cert /214497416760958.key Certificate chain configuration. If the value starts with a ‘#’, delete SSLCertificateChainFile cert/ chchain. pem (4) and restart the Apache.

Cloud virtual host:

1. Click to enter the host list, there will be your unfinished business according to the requirements, click left [domain name management]-[domain name binding], bind you just registered domain name.

There may be conflicts when adding DNS resolution. Generally speaking, if you have A resolution generated by the system before, you can directly change A resolution to CNAME resolution. The two cannot coexist

Step 4: Upload the file

After configuring the server and HTTPS certificate, you must upload the web page and interface file to access and request the interface

1. The location of the file corresponding to the virtual host (index is the default display page, data.php is the interface)

Then select the default home page Settings in the host management console to access. (Can be accessed by temporary domain name before registration)

2. Upload the domain name to the cloud host configuration directory

Step 5: Domain name record

Click put on record – enter the record system (please make sure all the above steps are completed before putting on record, visit the domain name (or temporary domain name) can open the url you uploaded)

Here is to note that the site name of the record do not write blog, the home page of these, seems to be easy, however, I wrote the rain dust blog before, and then Ali’s customer service called me said it was best to replace easy to be rejected, and then I turned into rain dust technology to share. A!!!! Still have namely “the website puts on record commitment book” the address inside should fill in the province that is in now, not be original home! After the filing information is submitted, Ali’s brother will first review it. If there is anything inappropriate, he will call you and ask you to deal with it. After the first review, it will be submitted to the corresponding provincial government for review. The specific audit time is variable (mine is one month)

Step 6: Small program setup

After the record is passed, you can go to the wechat public platform to set the server domain name of the small program

Then you can go to the small program request!

Now the work is done! Have any question can leave a message, alas alas, don’t walk ah, give me a thumbs-up ah!