Animation is fun and can breathe life into the user interface. When used properly, animations can convey information to the user and draw the user’s attention to important parts of the interface.

I’ve done some iOS Animations before, but haven’t studied them systematically. This time I studied iOS Animations systematically using the RW website’s book iOS Animations by Tutorials. The contents and projects of this book are not complex but comprehensive, covering basically every aspect of iOS animation.

IOS Animations by Tutorials the book is divided into 7 parts, 27 small chapters, the content is very rich, I corresponding to the 7 parts were summed up into 7 articles, some of the articles may be longer, especially more giFs, using mobile phone friends please be careful, be gentle to yourself 🥴.

Development environment: Xcode 10.1, Swift 4.2, macOS Mojave 10.14.1


The overall context can be clearly seen in the catalog. At the beginning of each article, I also listed the titles of small chapters, so that I can systematically learn iOS animation, and timely send questions and corresponding to the system point. Otherwise learn more likely more disorderly, this respect myself has experience deeply 😕🤔.

The system learns iOS animation one: View animation system learns iOS animation two: Automatic layout animation system learns iOS animation three: Layer animation system learns iOS animation four: View controller transition animation system learns iOS animation five: Learn iOS Animation 6:3D Animation 7: Other Types of animation using UIViewPropertyAnimator

About the code

I finish each chapter code on making andyRon/LearniOSAnimations, code to add some Chinese notes easy to understand.

The code provided in the original book, each chapter has the code to start and finish the project (this should be the norm on the RW website 😀), and some chapters have the challenge project. It is recommended to read in order, because there is a certain connection between the chapters.

Start projects are relatively simple projects or projects from a previous chapter, either directly from the book or from scratch (I did this myself 🤓🤓).

Say quietly, if you do not have extra 💰 to buy the legal version, you can private message me to get the ebook + code.

Project preview and corresponding chapters

The project name BahamaAirLoginScreen Flight Info Packing List
Corresponding to the section 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 4, 5 6, 7
The project name MultiplayerSearch SlideToReveal PullToRefresh
Corresponding to the section 13 14 15
The project name Lris BeginnerCook LogoReveal
Corresponding to the section 16 17 18 19
The project name LockSearch OfficeBuddy ImageGallery
Corresponding to the section 20, 21, 22, 23 24 25
The project name Snow Scene SouthPoleFun
Corresponding to the section 26 27