Often use VScode programming, with a long time, today for a computer, the newly installed VScode in the download plug-in forget before the use of a few handy, here to record, by the way to share with you, I hope you programming efficiency is getting higher and higher, programming habits are getting better and better, programming style is getting more and more popular!

Prerequisites Basic Plug-ins

Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio CodeChinese plug-in

GitLens is a must-have Git tool for development

Including but not limited to the following functions:

  1. Revision Navigation
  2. Current Line Blame
  3. Git Code Lens
  4. Status Bar Blame
  5. File History view
  6. Changes diff

More details on GitLens plugin

vscode-iconsVscode file icon plug-in

Polacod-2020 helps take screenshots of project code

Especially if you’re a tech blogger, taking screenshots of your code with the plugin might make the interface look more elegant and harmonious.

Polacode screenshots vscode CMD +p = “Polacode screenshots panel =” free to select your screenshots code

Various snippets

Blog. Hhking. Cn / 2018/08/15 /… Excellent recommendation from dao friends

Mention effect plug-ins

Color HighlightImplement the color – related code in JS to display the corresponding background color

Color PickerColor picker

Highlight Matching TagTag highlighting

One of the most painful things for HTML writers is that the console will report fewer tags. With this plugin, you can simply compare colorsCopy the code

Path IntellisensePath reminder plug-in

Auto Close TagAutomatic closing tag, can automatically fill in the end tag while you enter the first tag, save time and effort

Auto Rename TagThe plugin automatically changes the tag name when you change it

Bracket Pair ColorizerStatement block stainer

Subtle Match BracketsThe braces and braces of the statement block can be customized to see the scope of the simple

As an example of a simple configuration, add the following code to vsCode’s settings.json

"subtleBrackets.style": {
    "borderWidth": "2px"."borderStyle": "none none solid none"."borderColor": "#e84393",},Copy the code

Json can be configured with CMD +, open the console, and then search for the Subtle Match Brackets plugin. See more custom configuration of the INTRINSIC Match Brackets

Simple React Snippets

React snippets, easy to write React code


Code check Specifications Required code

Code Runner

Running code in vscode’s console supports multiple languages

Instead of creating new HTML files and writing script tags, you can also write js code directly in the browser console, if you are used to it.Copy the code

REST ClientThe request can be initiated directly in vscode instead of postman. The header configuration and parameter Settings can also be customized

More REST Client usage rules

Open in Browser View in the browserVS Code does not provide built-in functionality to run the application directly in the browser, so we need to install this plug-in to see our application in action in the browser

Highlight Matching tags

The plugin automatically highlights the selected matching tags so we don’t have to look for them anymore.

Image PreviewWhen the mouse moves over the image URL, the preview and size of the image will be displayed automatically.

Edit Markdown All in One live preview + export to HTML or PDF

You can edit markdown text in visual studio Code and preview it in real time or export it as HTML or PDF

Common shortcut keys: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V Preview MarkDown Ctrl/Cmd + K V open a new TAB preview markDown more details go here

Bookmarks Bookmarks

When changing the code in a large file, you may need to frequently jump to multiple places to change the code. In this case, you can quickly jump by adding labels to different lines of code.

Option +command+k On/off bookmark Option +command+j on bookmark Option +command+ L next bookmark For more details see here

Vscode-syncing the vscode configuration can be synchronized between multiple devices using this plug-in

Specific use: github.com/nonoroazoro…

Regex Previewer Regular online debugging

A utility for testing regular expressions in real time. It can apply regular expression patterns to any open file and highlight all matches

Fishing in the plugin

Little overlordLet you play bullies in vscode

More details of the little Bully information

Thief-BookAn artifact for reading and touching fish

More Thief-Book usage rules

Leetcode is a must for large factories

Enter big factory, must brush problem! This plugin directly brushes LeetCode in VSCode!

Zhihu On Vscode Zhihu online fish

It is widely said that the average education level of zhihu users is 985, and it is a place where large numbers of people gather. How can you go to work without studying on Zhihu?

Daily-anime chases

Leek boxLook at stocks, look at funds

Movie set watch a movie

VSC Netease Music Listening to Music

Live2D various secondary yuan Kanban niang

Essential for small program developers

Small program development assistant

  • Support js, JSON, WXML file code hint
  • WXML file syntax highlighted



  • Tag name and attribute auto-complete
  • Based on the existing attributes of the component, the set of supported attributes is automatically screened
  • Property values are automatically completed
  • Click on the function or property in the template file to jump to the js/ TS definition (only for pure WXML or pug files, not fully supported for vue files)
  • Autocomplete style names (only for pure WXML or puG files, not fully for Vue files)
  • Vue template files can also be automatically completed, and puG language support
  • Link (pure WXML or puG files are supported, vUE files are not supported)
  • Custom component auto-completion (only for pure WXML files, not vUE or puG files)
  • Highlight js variables in template files (only for pure WXML or pug files, not vue files)
  • Built-in snippets
  • Support emmet writing
  • WXML formatting

vscode weapp api

Type the keyword Wx, you will be prompted, and press enter. Keywords are case insensitive.

vscode wxml

WXML syntax intelligence tips