Preface: If mastering a livelihood technology is the first lesson that technical personnel should learn, then the second lesson that technical personnel should really learn is not technology, but business, communication and collaboration, and learn to care about the work situation and progress of other work partners.

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Why do you say that? Because technical personnel are too easy to fall into the “island” state, pay more attention to the completion of their own work tasks, ignore the work of other partners, or even know nothing.

I make that mistake all the time. I dare say THAT I know a lot about what’s going on inside, but I know very little about what’s going on outside, and that’s not a good state.

An open, open-minded programmer should not be confined to his or her own narrow world, but should look at his or her work and career in a broader way, advancing and succeeding with his or her peers.

Why care about business?

Many techies aspire to become systems architects, the holy grail of programming. The problem is,

The system architecture itself serves for business requirements and expansion. It is necessary to fully understand business requirements and future development trends, and deeply understand the data and distribution involved in the system.

To make more reliable design decisions. If you know little about the business and think that you can be competent only by what the book says or your fragmentary experience before, the project will probably fail.

Therefore, even if you aspire to be a systems architect, you need to have a deep understanding of the business.

Secondly, the development of technology must be useful. If there are not enough intense and challenging business requirements and extensions, enough problems to hone, how can technology improve? Just by reading technical books? It can only serve as a guide; Really still want to improve in the actual combat.

What happens when a technical person is not interested in the business, but only the technology? He will have to be content to use his familiar skills to accomplish the tasks assigned from above;

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Maybe today it’s system A, and tomorrow it’s another similar system B. He did not know much about the various businesses involved in the system, nor did he know the development status of the industry field,

Can only be limited to the use of technology to do a variety of specific functions, unable to put forward relevant suggestions. His career development will be heavily coupled with his skills. If the technology remains viable for a long time,

He can still beat the enemy, but at any rate, he can only become the “senior engineer” of this technology; It would be tragic if the technology started to become obsolete.

Let go of technology

Technical people need to learn to let go of the “technology complex” in their hearts. Because I, too, have a tendency to worship technology, I can also feel the benefits and constraints of this complex. “Technophilic”

Where does it show up? You want to learn as much as you can and as deeply as you can. This gives you a good sense of security because you have a strong shoulder to lean on — confidence in your own abilities;

But it also constrains one’s development:

In his heart, he tends to be more dependent on his own ability, but has doubts about the ability of others. It is difficult to form complementary advantages and good partners with others, and it is difficult to exert energy beyond his own ability.

Yes, you learned C, Java, Python, Lisp,…. .

The list could go on. You want to know concurrent programming, software architecture, etc., but are you comfortable with a colleague who only knows C, Java, or Python and can type in commands?

Do you feel superior? Rest easy? Have you become a core member?

There is no end to learning technology, but one’s energy is limited. Even if one is very proficient in one area, it may mean that one is ignorant in other areas

“Science guru,” like it, can be just a nice halo, a chain programmers put around themselves. Don’t try to do it all, establish your expertise,

Good at complementary advantages with others, good collaboration is. Dare to abandon the “technical complex” to bring their sense of security, in order to walk out of a broader space.

A common problem for technicians

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Most technical people don’t know what they can do with computers.

We just learn and use certain programming languages and techniques day in and day out, year in and year out, thinking that’s the only legitimate way to use computers. Have you ever used MATLAB,

A powerful piece of scientific computing software? A single command there is worth months of work by a programmer. As a computer professional,

Did you learn so much specialized knowledge just to master a programming language or two and write programs to support your family?

If a programmer knows how to use specialized software, learn some information processing, statistical analysis methods, then,

The value he can provide is probably far greater than what an average developer can provide. Having the ability to program and the understanding of programming techniques is a special advantage that technicians have.

But that doesn’t mean all a technician can do is program. It’s just that most technical people, for a variety of reasons, define themselves as ordinary programmers,

Can’t jump out of the “developer” perspective.

Really good technical people

As a technician, can you make suggestions to the company’s business development? Do you have the ability to convince co-workers and supervisors to accept your proposal? Can we pool the best of the best?

A really good technical person, I think, has this versatility, in addition to technical expertise, he has the ability to persuade, he has the ability to brainstorm,

Can really push things forward. Organizations should also provide opportunities for technical people to participate in a wider range of tasks than just writing code and performing required functions.

I believe that from a hiring point of view, companies are more interested in the impact of a technical talent. It is only when a large number of technical personnel do not have anything to prove that they have done influential things that they have to seek the second, to hire those technical personnel with higher attainments in technical ability;

From the technician’s point of view, because he has nothing to prove that he has really done anything influential, he has to rely on his limited skill level to find a tolerable place for himself to live.

Learn and progress together

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