
ApkSign provides apK with fast signature, hands free and automated processes. Solve the application scenarios that require quick signature, such as “Tencent Legu” reinforcement without signature

How to use Gradle plug-ins

To configure the build. Gradle

Add the ApkSign plugin dependency to the build.gradle file located at the root of your project as follows:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com. Zf. Plugins: ApkSign: 1.0.2'}}Copy the code

Apply the plugin to the build.gradle file of the current App

apply plugin: 'apksign'
Copy the code

Configure plug-ins (simplest configuration)

apkSignConfig {
    items {
        ddebug {
      		// APK path to be signed
            inputApkFilePath file("build/outputs/apk/tap_unsign.apk").absolutePath
		/ /... You can add more options}}Copy the code

Plug-in configuration

apkSignConfig {

/ / unified configuration priority is lower than the custom configuration -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- start -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

    // Optional, default is false. After the signature is complete, determine whether to enter the directory where the signed APK resides. Only Windows is supported
     isOpenOutputDir true

    // Optional, customize signature JAR package location
	signJarFilePath new File("E: \ \ Android \ \ SDK \ \ build - tools \ \ 28.0.3 \ \ lib \ \ apksigner jar").absolutePath
	// Optional, customize the apK package alignment command position
	zipalignExeFilePath new File("E: \ \ Android \ \ SDK \ \ build - tools \ \ 28.0.3 \ \ zipalign exe").absolutePath
	// Optional, custom signature JAR package, apk alignment command used version,
	buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'

	// Optional, customize the signature file
	signingInfo {
        storeFilePath "sign.jks"
        storePassword "XXXXX"
        keyAlias "XXXXXX"
        keyPassword "XXXXXX"
	// Optional, use the signature configuration named 'debug' in android project
	signingName 'debug'

// Unified configuration -------------end----------------------
    items {
        release {
		/ / release the custom configuration priority unified configuration -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- start -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
			// Optional. The default value is the one in unified configuration. After the signature is complete, determine whether to enter the directory where the signed APK resides. Only Windows is supported
        	isOpenOutputDir true
			// Optional, custom signature JAR package, apk alignment command used version,
			buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
			// Optional, customize signature JAR package location
			signJarFilePath new File("E: \ \ Android \ \ SDK \ \ build - tools \ \ 28.0.3 \ \ lib \ \ apksigner jar").absolutePath

			// Optional, customize the apK package alignment command position
			zipalignExeFilePath new File("E: \ \ Android \ \ SDK \ \ build - tools \ \ 28.0.3 \ \ zipalign exe").absolutePath
				// Optional, customize the signature file
			signingInfo {
				storeFilePath "sign.jks"
				storePassword "XXXXX"
				keyAlias "XXXXXX"
				keyPassword "XXXXXX"
			// Optional, use the signature configuration named 'debug' in android project
			signingName 'debug'
	    / / release the custom configuration priority unified configuration -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
			// Mandatory. APK path to be signed
            inputApkFilePath file("build/outputs/apk/tap_unsign.apk").absolutePath
			// Optional: Specify the output directory of the signature APk file. The default directory is the directory where the input APk is located
			outputApkDirPath file("build/outputs/apk").absolutePath

		/ /... You can add more options}}Copy the code

Description of the configuration items:

  • When both signJarFilePath and buildToolsVersion are configured, the optimization level is signJarFilePath> buildToolsVersion. When neither configuration item is configured, the android project’s buildToolsVersion is used by default.

  • SignJarFilePath,buildToolsVersion when configured, optimization level is signJarFilePath > buildToolsVersion; When neither configuration item is configured, the android project’s buildToolsVersion is used by default.

  • SigningInfo,signingName When both are configured, the optimization level is signingInfo > signingName. When neither configuration item is configured, the default Debug signature in the Android project is used by default.

  • SigningName =’release’ The name of the signature configuration,

        android {
    		signingConfigs {
    			release {
    				storeFile signingInfo.storeFile
    				storePassword signingInfo.storePassword
    				keyAlias signingInfo.keyAlias
    				keyPassword signingInfo.keyPassword
    				v1SigningEnabled true
    				v2SigningEnabled true}}}Copy the code

Generate apK signature package:

/gradlew apkSign${your signature configuration name (home letter size)}

To generate a signature package, run the following command:

./gradlew apkSignRelease

Source: github.com/903600017/A…