Pr0mise · 2016/02/05 10:10

0 x00 profile

Distributed scanning has been written about by many people, for example:

Burp sqLI plugin

Matt predecessors…

Pigpigman predecessors…

Ver007 predecessors…

0 x_jin predecessors…

Fill up a pit fill of upset, thinking also build a wheel, busy for a few days, wrote a simple rudiment


Thanks to Bstaint, Sunshadow for their help

Sqlmapapi is originally for the realization of distributed injection write, add nodes on the basis of passive scan to achieve distributed

The original idea was to use the Chrome plugin for code injection

  1. Get it in js<a>Tags of the same domain URL, using JS is to prevent some anti-crawler measures, and for the case of a href pointing to relative links, using JS will automatically complete the domain name.
  2. The Chrome webRequest API OnBeforeRequest gets the URL to be requested

Imagine getting the URL and feeding it to sqlMAPAPI, write the url that can be injected into the text, FileSystemObject gg.. Originally was ready to use PHP file IO…

talk is cheap show me the code.

0x01 Chrome manifest.json

#! Js {"name": "sqlInjectionTest", "version": "0.1", "description": "you know..." , "manifest_version": 2, "content_scripts": [{ "matches":["*://*/*"], "js": ["inject.js"] }], "permissions": [ "*://*/*", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking" ], "browser_action": { "default_icon": "icon.png" , "default_title": "scan url inject" } }Copy the code

0x02 code

One: The Admin Id is fixed

Sqlmapapi starts like this:

#! bash[email protected]Py -s [22:02:17] [INFO] Running rest-json API server at ''.. [22:02:17] [INFO] Admin ID: 7c4be58c7aab5f38cb09eb534a41d86b [22:02:17] [DEBUG] IPC database: /tmp/sqlmapipc-5JVeNo [22:02:17] [DEBUG] REST-JSON API server connected to IPC databaseCopy the code

AdminID changes every time, which makes task management inconvenient. Let’s change the source code of SQLMap

Locate the server function at /sqlmap/lib/utils/

Look at Os. urandom on line 644 and just change it to a fixed string

For example, I changed it to datastore. admin_id = hexencode(‘wooyun’)

Admin ID: 776F6F79756E

There’s an easier way

return True

Two: Text is automatically written after the SQLMap scan task ends

Judge whether the current task the scan is complete to

#! python { "tasks": { "4db4e3bd4410efa9": "terminated" }, "tasks_num": 1, "success": true }Copy the code

Terminated indicates that the task is Terminated.

#! python { "data": [], "success": true, "error": [] }Copy the code

“Data” stores the payload used by the sqlmapapi. If the “data” is not empty, it indicates that the current task is injectable. Polling is a waste of overhead. Here I choose to modify the source code

Navigate to the scan_data function and see that, if injectable, it retrieves the data from the data table and writes it to jSON_data_message, named DATA, and scrolls up to the code that put the data into the library

In the StdDbOut class, line 230, before insert

#! python with open('/tmp/'+str(self.taskid)+'.txt','a+') as fileHandleTemp,\ Closing (requests. Get (' '+ STR (self. Taskid) +'/list, stream = True)) as reqTemp: fileHandleTemp.write( json.loads(reqTemp.text)['options']['url']+'\n'+ json.loads(reqTemp.text)['options']['data']+'\n'+  json.loads(reqTemp.text)['options']['Cookie']+'\n'+ json.loads(reqTemp.text)['options']['Referer']+'\n' )Copy the code

Remember to load three modules

#! python import json import requests from contextlib import closingCopy the code

I can’t find a place to inherit this class in the source code… I’m too lazy to look

Go to

#! python Response: { "options": { ...... "Url" : Smid = 02 & bgid = 01 & bj = 8... } "success":{ ... }Copy the code

0x03 inject.js code


Filter out javascript:: protocols and href with no SQL operations

I saw this:

#! js if re.match('^(javascript|:; |#)',_url) or _url is None or re.match('.(jpg|png|bmp|mp3|wma|wmv|gz|zip|rar|iso|pdf|txt|db)$',_url):Copy the code

Even this:

#! js filename=urlpath[i+1:len(urlpath)] print "Filename: ",filename res=filename.split('.') if(len(res)>1): extname=res[-1] ext=["css","js","jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp","html","htm","swf","ico","ttf","woff","svg","cur","woff2"] for blacklist in ext: if(extname==blacklist): return FalseCopy the code

Both methods can cause meaningless overhead if you encounter a URL like http://xxx/aaa/.

To determine if you can do get injection tests, you just need to

str.match(/[\?] /); Pages with no GET parameter return NULL

Let’s write: / HTTP (s)? :\/\/ ([\w\W-]+\/)+ ([\w\W]+\?) + /;

In addition to local filtering, js does not have PHP’s way of referring to the value of a variable in a string with {}. To concatenate variables in a re, use the RegExp object:

#! js var urlLegalExpr="http(s)? :\/\/"+document.domain+"([\\/\\w\\W]+\\?) + "; var objExpr=new RegExp(urlLegalExpr,"gi");Copy the code


Javascript is executed after HTTP response. To do post injection, you must get it before OnBeforeRequest. Chrome provides an API for this

inject.js code:

#! js main(); function main(){ var urlLegalExpr="http(s)? :\/\/"+document.domain+"([\\/\\w\\W]+\\?) + "; var objExpr=new RegExp(urlLegalExpr,"gi"); urlArray=document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0; i<urlArray.length; i++){ if(objExpr.test(urlArray[i].href)){ sqlScanTest(urlArray[i].href); }} function sqlScanTest(url,payload){sqlmapIpPort=""; var payload=arguments[1] ||'{"url": "'+url+'","User-Agent":"wooyun"}'; Connection('GET',sqlmapIpPort+'/task/new','',function(callback){ var response=JSON.parse(callback); if(response.success){ Connection('POST',sqlmapIpPort+'/scan/'+response.taskid+'/start',payload,function(callback){ var responseTemp=JSON.parse(callback); if(! responseTemp.success){ alert('url send to sqlmapapi error'); } } ) } else{ alert('sqlmapapi create task error'); } } ) } function Connection(Sendtype,url,content,callback){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else{ var xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xmlhttp.readyState==4&&xmlhttp.status==200) { callback(xmlhttp.responseText); } },url,true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json"); xmlhttp.send(content); } function judgeUrl(url){ var objExpr=new RegExp(/^http(s)? : \ \ / 127 \. 0 \. \ 0. 1 /); return objExpr.test(url); } var payload={}; chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( function(details){ if(details.method=="POST" && ! judgeUrl(details.url)){ var saveParamTemp=""; for(var i in details.requestBody.formData){ saveParamTemp+="&"+i+"="+details.requestBody.formData[i][0]; } saveParamTemp=saveParamTemp.replace(/^&/,''); //console.log(saveParamTemp); payload["url"]=details.url; payload["data"]=saveParamTemp; } //console.log(details); }, {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["requestBody"]); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( function(details) { if(details.method=="POST" && ! judgeUrl(details.url)){ //var cookieTemp="",uaTemp="",refererTemp=""; for(var ecx=0; ecx<details.requestHeaders.length; ecx++){ switch (details.requestHeaders[ecx].name){ case "Cookie": payload["Cookie"]=details.requestHeaders[ecx].value; break; case "User-Agent": payload["User-Agent"]=details.requestHeaders[ecx].value; break; case "Referer": payload["Referer"]=details.requestHeaders[ecx].value; break; default: break; } } sqlScanTest("test",JSON.stringify(payload)); return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders}; } }, {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["requestHeaders"]);Copy the code

Sqlmap can use options can check in http://ip:port/option/taskid/list, which use written content in the line, it is best to make it real time refresh agent, wrote the crawler written before a python version, If free, it will change to JS and add inject.js.

0x04 References

  • The mass scanning using sqlmapapi. Py practice
  • The chrome webRequest API “…

Soon 2016, hope to fill the last hole before the year

I wish you all the best