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🌷🌷—— Try read Start —— port 🌷 port

It’s no secret that when we use Chrome, we all install plug-ins to make our work more efficient. So how are these plug-ins developed? The official tutorial is not long or difficult. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop Chrome Extension with React, vue, and MVVM.

The Demo depends on the following package versions:

The react 16.13.1

Antd 4.2.0

※ Note: “+” at the beginning of each line in the code area of this article means new, “-” means deleted, and “M” means modified; “… “in code Represents omission.

Table of Contents – Sneak peek

Let’s take a look at what’s included in this share:

1 Initialize the project

  • 1.1 Create a project using create-react-app

  • 1.2 Thin Projects

2 Chrome Extension Basics

  • 2.1 Components of Chrome Extension

  • 2.2 Planning the Directory structure generated by Build

  • 2.3 configure the manifest. Json

3. Development structure design and build configuration

  • 3.1 Development architecture design

  • 3.2 configuration webpack

  • 3.2.1 exposed webpack

  • 3.2.2 support stylus

  • 3.2.3 Setting a Path Alias

  • 3.2.4 Setting multiple entrances

  • 3.2.5 Fixed the file name generated by build

  • 3.2.6 Setting popup to import only its own index.js

4. Introduce Ant Design

  • 4.1 Installing Ant Design

  • 4.2 Load on demand

5 Popup development

  • 5.1 install the react – the router – the dom

  • 5.2 Page Construction

  • 5.3 Viewing the POPUp Effect

6 Build the project and load the plug-in

7 Background script development

8 Content Script development

  • 8.1 Inject floating balls into the target page

  • 8.2 Develop Content Script using Ant Design

  • 8.3 Viewing the Content Component Effect

Resolve Ant Design style contamination of target pages

  • 9.1 Remove antD global reset style

  • 9.2 Content introduces the pull away ANTD – DIY style

  • 9.3 Separate references to Ant Design component JS and CSS

10 Debug content Script in the development environment

11 API request

  • 11.1 Preparations

  • 11.2 Using mock.js to simulate requests

  • 11.3 packaging axios

  • 11.4 Delegate background script to complete the request

  • 11.5 Complete the PopUp Login Request

  • 11.6 Complete the CONTENT API Request

  • 11.7 Canceling mock.js to simulate requests

12 Other Instructions

  • 12.1 Permission Permission configuration

  • 12.2 Inserting the JS file of the Target Page

  • 12.3 Background Page Debugging

  • 12.4 Simplifying the Final Build File

13 conclusion

Below officially begins this super detailed hand – to – hand tutorial!

1 Initialize the project

1.1 Create a project using create-react-app

npx create-react-app react-crx
Copy the code

The react-crx at the end of the command is the name of the project, which can be changed.

Wait a moment to complete the installation. After the installation is complete, you can start the project using NPM or YARN.

Go to the project directory and start the project:

cdReact-crx yarn start (or NPM start)Copy the code

If yarn is not installed, you can go to the Yarn Chinese website to install yarn:


Once started, projects can be accessed at the following address:


1.2 Thin Projects

Next, simplify the project by removing files that are not used in the general project.

├ ─ / node_modules ├ ─ package. Json ├ ─ / public | ├ ─ the favicon. Ico | ├ ─ index. The HTML - | ├ ─ logo192. PNG - | ├ ─ logo512. PNG | ├ ─ Mainfest. Json - | └ ─ robots. TXT ├ ─ README. Md ├ ─ / SRC - | ├ ─ App. CSS | ├ ─ App. Js - | ├ ─ App. Test, js - | ├ ─ index. The CSS - | ├ ─ index. Js - | ├ ─ logo. The SVG - | ├ ─ serviceWorker. Js - | └ ─ setupTests. Js └ ─ yarn. The lockCopy the code

An error message will be displayed after the above files are deleted. This is because the corresponding file reference no longer exists. You need to keep modifying the code.

The directory structure is now much cleaner:

├ ─ / node_modules ├ ─ package. Json ├ ─ / public | ├ ─ the favicon. Ico | ├ ─ index. The HTML | └ ─ the manifest. Json ├ ─ README. Md ├ ─ / SRC | ├ ─ App. Js | └ ─ index. The js └ ─ yarn. The lockCopy the code

Modify the following files one by one:


import React from 'react'

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>This is React App.</h1>

export default App
Copy the code


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import App from './App'

    <App />
  document.getElementById('root'))Copy the code


<! DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>React App</title>
    <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
    <div id="root"></div>
Copy the code

The running effect is as follows:

2 Chrome Extension Basics

2.1 Components of Chrome Extension

In brief, developing Chrome Extension mainly involves the following four parts:

  1. Manifest.json (plug-in configuration file)
  2. Popup (click the plug-in icon to popup the page)
  3. Content script (JS inserted into the target page for execution)
  4. Background Script (a program that runs in the background of Chrome)

【 manifest. Json 】

Manifest.json must be placed in the plug-in project root directory, which contains various configuration information for the plug-in, including popup, Content Script, background Script, and so on.


As a separate pop-up page, with its own HTML, CSS, JS, can be developed as a regular project.

“The content script”

Content Script is a JAVASCRIPT script that is resident in the target page and executed. It can obtain the Dom of the target page and modify it. However, content Script’s JavaScript is isolated from the target page. That is, the Content script and the target page do not pollute each other and cannot call each other’s methods.

Note that the above is only the isolation of the JS scope. Adding DOM to the target page via Content Script will pollute the CSS that can use the target page.

The background script 】

Background script runs permanently in the background of the browser, with no actual page (you can also specify a page via manifest.json, if not set, Chrome will automatically generate one), and its life cycle begins when the browser opens and ends when the browser closes. This is where you put global code that needs to be run all the time. Importantly, Background Script has very high permissions and can make cross-domain requests in addition to calling almost any Chrome Extension API.

2.2 Planning the Directory structure generated by Build

After you understand the basics of Chrome Extension, you need to build the final directory as per the official Chrome Extension development document and manifest.json.

├─ favicon.ico <-- Popup ├─ insert.js <-- Insert javascript into target page (optional, Depending on the needs of the business) ├ ─ the manifest. Json < -- plug-in configuration file ├ ─ / static | ├ ─ / CSS | | ├ ─ content. CSS < -- the content page style (with the target page pollution each other) | | └ ─ main. CSS < - the popup page style (not pollution each other with the target page) | ├ ─ / js | | ├ ─ background. Js < - background script | | ├ ─ content. js < -- the content script | | └ ─ Main. Js < -- -- popup script | └ ─ / media < - the picture of the project resource storage directoryCopy the code

The next step is to build such a directory structure.

2.3 configure the manifest. Json

Before developing Chrome Extension, you need to configure manifest.json.


  "name": "Chrome plug-ins Demo"."version": "1.0"."description": React 插件 图 片// Use one image for all sizes to make it easier"icons": {
    "16": "images/icon.png"."48": "images/icon.png"."128": "images/icon.png"}, // manifest.json file version, must be 2"manifest_version": 2, // Popup page configuration"page_action": {// The icon of the browser plug-in button"default_icon": "images/icon.png", // browser plugin button hover display text"default_title": "React CRX", // Popup page path (root directory is the plugin package directory generated by the final build)"default_popup": "index.html"}, // Background script configuration"background"// Background script path (the root directory is the plugin package directory generated by the final build)"scripts": [
      "static/js/background.js"], // It is strongly recommended herefalseJust write"persistent": false}, // Content script configuration"content_scripts": [{// which page addresses to apply to (you can use the re, <all_urls> to match all addresses)"matches": [
        "<all_urls>"], // The injected CSS, be careful not to pollute the style"css": [
        "static/css/content.css"], // Injected js"js": [
        "static/js/content.js"Document_start, document_end, document_idle (default)"run_at": "document_end"}], // Permission request (background is required to make cross-domain requests)"permissions": [// tags"tabs"// Take appropriate actions according to customized web rules (e.g., start components only at Baidu.com)"declarativeContent"// Plug-in local storage"storage"/ / notice"notifications"], // If you want to insert js into the target page, you need to declare here to get the permission to execute"web_accessible_resources": ["insert.js"]}Copy the code

Manifest has many more configuration items, which can be found on the manifest website:



Background script:developer.chrome.com/extensions/…

The content script:developer.chrome.com/extensions/…


3. Development structure design and build configuration

In order to realize the directories and files generated by the final build, the next two things need to be done: one is to design the development directory structure of the project; The second is to modify the Webpack configuration for build requirements.

3.1 Development architecture design

This article is developed with the following directory structure, and the webPack configuration in subsequent sections is based on this directory structure.

├ ─ / config < - configuration directory (generated by eject) ├ ─ / public < - popup entry page | ├ ─ < / images, the images directory | | ├ ─ icon. The PNG < - plugin icon | ├ ─ the favicon. Ico < -- -- and this not line, with less than | ├ ─ index. The HTML < - the popup entry page | ├ ─ insert. Js < -- is inserted into the target page execution of js (not a must, Depending on the needs of the business) | ├ ─ the manifest. Json < -- plug-in configuration file ├ ─ / scripts < - project build script runs (generated by eject) ├ ─ / SRC < - development directory | ├ ─ / API < - API public directory | | ├ ─ Index. Js | ├ ─ / background < - background script development directory | | ├ ─ index. The js | ├ ─ / common < - public resource directory | | ├ ─ / js < - public js directory | | └ ─ / stylus < - public style directory (in this demo using stylus) | ├ ─ / content < -- the content script development directory | | ├ ─ / components < -- the content components directory | | ├ ─ / images < -- the content images directory | | ├ ─ content. styl < -- the content style | | └ ─ index. The js < -- the content script master file | ├ ─ / popup < - the popup development directory | | ├ ─ / pages < - popup page directory | | ├ ─ / components "- the popup components directory | | ├ ─ index. The js < - the popup master file | ├ ─ index. The js < - project master file, Also popup entry file ├─ Pakeage.jsonCopy the code

This directory structure design establishes independent directories for background Script, Content Script and POPUP, and sets public directories such as API and common to facilitate collaborative development and subsequent maintenance.

【 description 】

  1. Because the content is executed on top of the target page and is not a stand-alone page, the Router cannot be used and the Page directory is not required.

  2. Popup is a standalone page that can be configured with directories for regular React projects.

3.2 configuration webpack

Currently, projects generated by executing YARN Build cannot be loaded by Chrome. This is because popup, background script, and Content Script paths are set in manifest.json, and the current build does not meet the requirements of Chrome Extension, so we need to configure webPack.

🌷🌷—— 🌷🌷 end

React+Antd 插件 图 片

🎈 Follow-up wonderful chapters – End of trial reading

3.2.1 exposed webpack

3.2.2 support stylus

3.2.3 Setting a Path Alias

3.2.4 Setting multiple entrances

3.2.5 Fixed the file name generated by build

3.2.6 Setting popup to import only its own index.js

4. Introduce Ant Design

4.1 Installing Ant Design

4.2 Load on demand

5 Popup development

5.1 install the react – the router – the dom

5.2 Page Construction

5.2.1 SRC/index. Js

5.2.2 SRC/popup/index. Js

5.2.3 requires SRC/popup/popup. Styl

5.2.4 SRC/popup/pages/login/index, js

5.2.5 SRC/popup/pages/home/index, js

5.3 Viewing the POPUp Effect

6 Build the project and load the plug-in

7 Background script development

8 Content Script development

8.1 Inject floating balls into the target page

8.2 Develop Content Script using Ant Design

8.3 Viewing the Content Component Effect

Resolve Ant Design style contamination of target pages

9.1 Remove antD global reset style

9.2 Content introduces the pull away ANTD – DIY style

9.3 Separate references to Ant Design component JS and CSS

10 Debug content Script in the development environment

11 API request

11.1 Preparations

11.2 Using mock.js to simulate requests

11.3 packaging axios

11.4 Delegate background script to complete the request

11.5 Complete the PopUp Login Request

11.6 Complete the CONTENT API Request

11.7 Canceling mock.js to simulate requests

12 Other Instructions

12.1 Permission Permission configuration

12.2 Inserting the JS file of the Target Page

12.3 Background Page Debugging

12.4 Simplifying the Final Build File

13 conclusion

React+Antd 插件 图 片