What kind of people should startups hire? Countless people have written countless articles on this topic. Isn’t it a waste of time?

Let me start with my conclusion: Startups should hire psychological “adults,” or, more specifically, mature people.

Of course, it is impossible for all companies to employ child labor. The employees recruited are adults with basic working ability and knowledge. However, the difference between these people is that many of them are only physically adults, but mentally they are still minors, their minds are not mature, or even their mental growth has stopped. Some people grow faster and have better mental maturity. These people are better suited to the startup team.

Age has something to do with mental maturity, but age is not everything. Some people grow up quickly after getting married, having children, or going through more life experiences and setbacks. Psychological adults are qualified to manage a team.

It is easy to manage people who are mentally mature. This type of person is characterized by self-management, self-motivation, and resilience in the face of difficulties. But people who are not mature enough need managers to play the role of “adults”, pay extra management costs, to “please” them, constantly give them “candy” to make them satisfied, not satisfied with the work, but also produce all kinds of groundless complaints.

A lot of people say start-up teams should hire top-notch people, but where are the top-notch people when it comes to mass entrepreneurship? Ask yourself are you a top performer? If you’re not a-list, why would a-list talent come to you?

So my advice is to look for people who are mentally more mature, and their ability to expand would be amazing. When the time comes, they will grow into first-class talents through practice and training.

You and I should be.

2016.03.30 retransmission

© Ming H2 Wu/Blend/Gaopinimages

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