One, two, three…

Ang, it’s the annual job-hopping season of gold, silver and four. My little friends, one, two, three… Slowly left the office.

My company partners, Acyface, Peggy, Guy, and my big brother, have also recently left.

Paige went to the place where my hangzhou dream began, binjiang district.

Tonight, I went to dinner with Paige, and we talked a lot with her. I was filled with emotion. An interesting person, a pleasant person, promised to work overtime together, but she secretly “left work” early.

I haven’t been to the city for a long time, excited to see the things around, but also told her that the lights here really good flash, she was laughing, very good.

On the way home looking out of the window speeding scenery, thoughts myriad, as if everything is still yesterday, those people, those things, so far, and so close.

From the old club to now, I did not expect the past so long, thinking that I was 24, I realized that I had been in Hangzhou for 3 years.

To be honest, when I first entered the workforce, I thought I would work for this company for the rest of my life, and the people AROUND me would be with me for the rest of my life.

But not long after I joined the company, many of my friends left. At the beginning, I was puzzled until I wanted to quit for some reason.

It may be due to the characteristics of the industry, the pressure of work, the temptation of salary increase, the ceiling of the workplace, etc. In short, it seems that job-hopping is frequent in our industry.

Then I will talk to you today, job-hopping this topic, I hope to solve you already in the workplace, and will enter the workplace some of your doubts.


Yes, I think before you quit, you should think about a motive for leaving this time, can not say I don’t care, I will jump, we still don’t be too capricious, we are adults, to pay for their own behavior.

Then I thought, summed up, is nothing more than the following motives:

  • The salary is too low and I want to get a raise
  • Looking for a better career (in a big company)
  • It’s not working well
  • Passive resignation (violations, layoffs, etc.)
  • Welcome to add… .

I think you jumped trough partners, should not escape from one of the above, this time there may be a partner to say, my salary is low, not good, but also want to go to the factory, good guy hit three.

Don’t tell me, it’s a real possibility.

I left my job for the first time because I wanted to work in an Internet-related industry. The technology stack of my old employer was a little old, but my salary was reduced, which may be my desire for better development.

The second time was due to the pressure of economy, I couldn’t make ends meet due to various things in my family, and the sudden mortgage loan. Another thing was that I was too tired. When I was young and young, I felt like I didn’t have a holiday, I had no space for myself, just like an emotionless working machine.

You also know me SAO, like to do some video, do some other fancy, deprived of my weekend time, not, if it is my ability to lack of overtime I recognize, but the forced not, so I came to the double rest and more balanced treatment of the new employer.

Let’s talk about it point by point.

The salary is too low to leave

I’d like to give you some advice on this, because I don’t think you should change jobs just for money. If it’s just money, you can ask yourself whether you can survive in the current environment, whether you can grow, and whether you are happy here.

Still have oneself go out, after all can be worth that money, just graduated my friend went to fight a lot with respect to 28K, I envy, AT that time I know, I be worth 5K, so I wretched development.

In the past few years, there is no need to pay too much attention to money. When you have learned enough and your business skills and abilities have all gone up, money will come naturally. At that time, your leader has not given you a salary increase, and has not given you a price that the outside market can give you your current abilities.

How do you figure out what you’re worth in the market?

Go out every year and see if you can easily cope with 15K posts, 20K posts and 30K posts. If you can, you are almost worth the money.

You don’t have to go to the meeting, can be used as a test and verify their ability of a reference.

Remember don’t trust your boss too much, capitalists like to sell feelings with you, give you 5K friends, let you work hard to reward.

True brother, you are worth 15K, I give you 18,20 K to keep you, feelings can not help you buy a house, marry a wife.

Looking for a better career (in a big company)

Your current company may not be big enough, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting a better one. Who doesn’t love a big company?

Tencent to me, I may be directly naked resignation in the past, this has what, the working environment is good, wages really sweet, right?

However, your current environment can learn something, you are also very happy, there is no need to go to a big company to go to a big company, Ali what is very tired, that money is not free, give you 25K a month, you don’t produce more than 50K value capitalists can promise?

The same intensity that I would have accepted at 24, I would have said no at 30.

What we pursue at each stage of life is different. For example, when I came to Mogujie last year, I got several offers from companies that were much larger than Mogujie, but finally I chose mogujie. The biggest salary difference was 6K per month.

Again, the company can certainly give you a vision, platform resources, are not the same, but there are all kinds of problems that people criticize, how to choose, you have to consider clearly.

It’s hard, it’s hard to do it all.

It’s not working well

In fact, there is a wide range of work here, I understand the work is not happy, such as very tired ah, low salary may also be unhappy ha ha, and the work atmosphere is strange, I here you understand the strange.

Anyway, I don’t like a position that is all flattery and intrigue, and I don’t like the same position every day.

Seeing my age at 20 is too much for my personality.

Everyone pursues different things, just my humble opinion, after all, my family, to change anything, can only rely on my own to fight.

My heart tends to be mediocre, then I think the good life of the family will not come.

With colleague leader appeared contradiction, if can’t solve that kind, that leave office, stay you all afflictive, you see me not agreeable to the eye, I see you not agreeable to the eye.

But normally it’s ok, we Internet people don’t seem to have this kind of thing, but I do see fights that are going to get real haha, that’s why I made this list.

Passive resignation (violations, layoffs, etc.)

This column, to tell you the truth, is embarrassing, like natural disasters, man-made disasters, can not escape the kind.

Violation of what this is no way, they should pay attention to the company of those high pressure red line, what discuss salary ah, code leakage ah, delete library run away what, endure well.

There is no way to lay off employees. Recently, many companies have laid off employees of different sizes due to the impact of the epidemic. I think it is ok to have an N+1 just like gold, silver and four.

Just kidding, layoffs must also have a lot of small partners is very helpless, because it may be very suddenly, not ready for the interview what, that is why I often say, belly poetry gas from China, usually learn some, this time may casually review can directly go to the interview.


No matter what the reason is for leaving, I hope everyone can go in a better direction. It is also very happy to see my former friends go to a better place to develop themselves. I can also say that one of my friends has gone to a better place.

There is no need to struggle with money. Moreover, if you can’t find a job for a period of time, you will be very upset. If you are very upset, you will easily be desperate.

We are all working, for their own consideration, the boss with you about loyalty, you see his money loyalty, don’t believe his polite words, my friend in Guiyang internship 3.8K, turn the boss gave him 4K, every day with them to eat delicious drink spicy brothers, true brothers will not pit you.

If it is a special reason to leave, do not make things stiff, the circle is very small, to leave some room for everyone, of course, the other party is really inappropriate, you write a long ten thousand words, I help you hair well.

OK, this is all the content of this issue, I hope you can find your favorite job, don’t worry about the trifles of life.

I am Aobing, a tool to survive on the Internet.

The best relationship is mutual achievement, everyone’s “three lian” is the biggest motive force of Bing Bing’s creation, we will see you next time!

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