On August 25th Beijing time, the world Wide Developers Conference 2019 was successfully held at Fort Mason Cowell Theater in San Francisco. The conference attracted technical experts from the United States, Russia, India, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, Zambia, Venezuela and other countries. The projects involved stablecoin payment system, supply chain finance, contract development tools, educational technology and other fields. In the end, Paypaw, a payment platform based on Biyuanshou, won the first prize of the 2019 Biyuanshou Worldwide Developers Conference and the EQUIVALENT of $30,000 BTM award.

This conference is the second time that Biyuan Chain has held the Blockchain Global Developers Conference, The conference also invited Matrixport partner Daniel, ETC Labs director Darin, MATPool CTO Jin Lei, Celer co-founder Dong Mo, Multiplied founder Nancy, Algorand Engineering research director Naveed, Harmony co-founder Nick, Intime Capital Investment director Will and many other industry heavyweight guests.

The road show of 4 finalists projects, the wonderful speeches of 6 heavyweight guests, the golden sentences of 3 round table forums, and the continuous applause, the 20 degrees of San Francisco seems to be 34 degrees of Hangzhou hot. The successful holding of the 2019 Biyuan Chain Global Developers Conference not only shows the growing biyuan chain ecosystem and the continuous promotion of blockchain application implementation, but also lets us see the enthusiasm of blockchain developers around the world. Throughout the whole event, the spirit of open source is still the persistence of the original chain, and the application has become the core of the focus of industry participants.

Blockchain and the open source spirit will eventually change the world

Duan Xinxing, founder and CEO of Biyuan Chain, first talked about the initial intention of establishing Biyuan Chain in her opening speech. He sees digital assets as a huge future trend and is keen to build an Internet of data assets to support a multi-asset and programmable economy. Since the launch of the main network in April 2018, in order to solve the problem of capacity expansion, this year than the original chain to expand the blockchain into a “one main chain multi-side chain” architecture, the main chain uses PoW to ensure the security of assets, the introduction of DPoS in the side chain, the TPS from the main chain less than 100, increased to about 8000 side chain, to adapt to the practical application. The Vapor Side chain now has about 42 nodes, and the team is building more customized tools for enterprise applications.

“At present, we are facing a phase of deglobalization, but the original chain still embraces open source and still believes in the power of blockchain and open source movement. It’s the power that allows us to reach across borders, deliver more useful services to our users, create more jobs, and ultimately change the world.”

The picture is more than the original chain founder & CEO segment nova

A main multi-side architecture, faster than the original chain commercial application landing

The implementation of blockchain technology is the keynote of the WORLDWIDE Developers Conference. Bystack is a BaaS service based on Bystack, with the main chain for asset security and decentralization and the side chain for scalability and running applications, James, VP of Bystack technology, said in his presentation. However, according to the data of Wang Wei, inventor of BBFT consensus algorithm of Vapor side chain, under the BBFT algorithm, the number of transactions verified by side chain can reach 20,000 per second, the transaction confirmation time is only 0.6 seconds, and the possibility of bifurcation is only 0.27%. Making blockchain’s “impossible triangle” possible, Bystack is powering blockchain business applications at full speed.

According to Duan xinxing, bi Original chain has made great progress in commercial application. With the support of community members, biyuanchain-based applications and software have established cross-chain transactions, logistics, payment and other applications in China, Europe and the United States. For example, there are already shipping logistics companies using Biyuan chain as a cross-border settlement system. The competition also featured a high-speed payment system based on side chain. Decentralized exchanges, DeFi, and hardware wallet applications are also emerging.

At the meeting, James announced a roadmap for the next year than the original chain. Bystack will open up the BaaS platform with a developer center and a Bystack decentralized Identity (DID). At the same time, Bystack will continue to improve the core data layer and network protocols, with BBFT Consensus 2.0 and iteration and upgrades to Bytom 1.2.0. OFMF (Open Federal Management Framework), DApp Open Framework and decentralized personal credit (DPC) solutions based on a master and multi-side architecture will also be launched in succession.

Pictured is James, VP of original chain technology

According to the founder of the original chain,

“Blockchain technology is evolving at a speed never seen before and is having a huge impact on human society. I sincerely hope that all blockchain enthusiasts, including attendees, can join hands to build a safer, more efficient blockchain and a better world in the future.”

In addition, in the application tide of blockchain, XX namely service has gradually expanded from blockchain itself to mining business. Jin Lei, MATPool CTO, said in his speech that as the official mining pool of the original chain, MATPool is studying to launch MaaS (Mining as Service), which provides mining machine hosting service for users who provide computing power. It is simple to set up, convenient to access, and automatically finds the highest yield currency for users. Computing power demander users can also find the computing power they need at any time, flat rate, by the minute charge. MaaS will break the isolated and disconnected state of GPU computing power supply and demand, and organically connect computing power and computing.

Photo is Of MATPool CTO Lei Jin

It is worth mentioning that the application is not only more than the original chain, but also the power point of the major public chain. Dong Mo, co-founder of Celer Network, introduced in his speech that Celer Network has made efforts in the field of games, launching CelerX, a C-terminal mobile application, to accelerate the implementation of blockchain games. The CelerX Gaming SDK allows developers to quickly and easily create HTML5 games without requiring any blockchain development experience.

Paypaw won the first prize at the live roadshow for the finalists

In the roadshow of the participating projects, Bytomswap, the first prize of the 2018 Biyuan Chain Developers Conference, also came to the scene and introduced the latest progress of the project. Project on behalf of the Anil Kumar said, as a compared to the original chain based decentralized digital asset trading platform, Bytomswap already can support across the chain assets exchange, the subsequent will launch a assets than the original chain oriented standard card name registration system, and to join in the wallet than the original chain a plug-in for decentralized trading wallet. From a relatively basic Demo to a continuously improved product, Bytomswap is also on the way to landing step by step.

Pictured is Bytomswap project representative Anil Kumar

Among the finalists of the conference are ProofChain, an ARTIFICIAL intelligence copyright registration and protection platform based on Biyuanchian; Paypaw, a payment platform based on Biyuanchian; ODIN Swap, a distributed auction system; and BytomLit, a payment channel network based on Biyuanchian. In the end, Paypaw won the first prize at WWDC 2019, taking home $30,000 equivalent BTM. Dalin, the project representative, said that he chose to develop such an application based on the original chain because the DPoS side chain of the original chain provides nearly instant transaction confirmation with high TPS and good security.

Duan Xinxing, founder and CEO of Biyuan Chain, left, and Dalin, representative of Paypaw project, right

ProofChain was awarded second prize, while BytomLit, GoAskme, ODIN Swap Tools and BTMHDW won the Award of Excellence. Biyuan Chain team will keep in touch with the winning team and carry out project exchanges and inspections to help the project grow and land better.

Collision of thinking, round table discussion wonderful

There will be 3 round table forums in this conference. At the roundtable titled “Challenges and Trends of public chain”, Darin Kotalik, director of ETC Labs, pointed out that popular science education is a great challenge for public chain in the coming years. People must have a basic understanding of blockchain and clearly distinguish between public chain and private chain. Harmony co-founder Nick White said technology, regulation and apps are the three most important challenges.

(left to right) : Nancy Li, CEO; Darin Kotalik, head of ETC Labs; Naveed Ihsanullah, head of engineering research at Algorand; and Nick, co-founder of Harmony White and James, VP of chain engineering

When it comes to the pros and cons of PoW and PoS, Darin Kotalik, director of ETC Labs, believes that there is no superior or inferior consensus between PoW and PoS. It’s all about what kind of problem you want to solve. James, VP of Biyuan Chain Engineering, believes that PoW is the best consensus algorithm for the public chain, after all, it has been running on Bitcoin for 10 years and has been verified. DPoS is highly centralized and can be relatively dangerous.

Naveed Ihsanullah, head of Engineering research at Algorand, believes that to achieve large-scale adoption, a large number of developers, even around the world, need to be involved and develop applications tailored to user needs and actual use cases. The mass application of blockchain occurs when users are using it without feeling it, making it very convenient for users to use it without understanding the technology behind the application. Harmony co-founder Nick White said DeFi is a good use case for blockchain, but it has issues with maturity, security and regulation, and games are the best place to start. Games can help more users learn about blockchain, and there are no regulatory issues with financial applications.

Speaking at a roundtable titled “Value creation in the Digital Asset Industry,” AnChain Marketing manager Steven Yang said that many of the early players in cryptocurrencies are anti-regulatory; In fact, in order to meet regulatory requirements (KYC), projects have to become more centralized. In practical terms, users tend to be more comfortable with centralized services. Sili Zhao, Infstone’s commercial director, said that many people’s current understanding of blockchain is limited to banking and cryptocurrency, and practitioners should explore the application of blockchain in other fields.

From left to right are Denis Lam, founder of Vera Network & IoTBlock, Sili Zhao, Commercial Director of Infstone, Steven Yang, Marketing Manager of Anchain, and Zera, VP of Engineering of Reserve

At the final roundtable titled “Investing in the Future: How to Find Investment Opportunities”, Daniel Yan, founding partner of Matrixport, identified Hong Kong and Singapore as the best places to start crypto business in Asia. Will Wang, huobi consultant and investment director of Ausvic Capital, looks at location selection from a strategic perspective. He believes that the choice of location depends on the gathering of technical forces and talents. He also points out that in general, companies should be “user first, technology later,” and that many startups fall into the trap of indulging in technology instead of the user’s needs and experience.

“Everything can be tokenized,” Cecilia Li, OKcoin’s director of investment/partnerships, said in a speech. “The key is whether the asset itself has demand and value. TF Guo, founder of Taxa. Amino Capital EIR, offers a bit of personal advice for investors in the secondary market. It’s ok to invest in crypto assets, but it’s best not to trade them. “Just build and hold.”

From left to right, Yiannis Varelas, Founding partner of Monday Capital, Cecilia Li, Head of Investment/partnerships at OKcoin, Will Wang, Head of investment at Ausvic Capital, Huobi Advisors, Taxa. Amino TF Guo, founder of Capital EIR, and Daniel Yan, founding partner of Matrixport