Carrying out the digital transformation of civil aviation

In recent years, the airline has fully implemented digital transformation. In the field of civil aviation in China early involvement in e-commerce, around 2000 was the first to establish an official website. In 2016, mobile terminal platform has become the grip of intelligent enterprises. Nowadays, the mobile terminal platform can basically meet all the needs of passenger travel services, provide the whole process of electronic services for passengers and partners, and carry the Internet + strategy of enterprises.

With the rapid growth of e-commerce business, the company’s mobile system and electronic direct sales system architecture is under significant pressure. In many marketing activities, the system showed insufficient real-time dynamic resource expansibility, and the resource expansion of development and test environment could not keep up with the demand due to the increasing number of R&D tasks, which affected the r&d efficiency.

Enterprises need to introduce the micro-service architecture model to realize agile deployment and implementation of complex enterprise applications. However, IT departments find that the existing infrastructure platform based on virtualization technology cannot meet the requirements of micro-service architecture for flexible computing capacity supply. The current application system is faced with a series of challenges: low efficiency in the construction of development and testing environment, high personnel costs, poor environmental isolation, wechat promotion or member day activities have high requirements on the instantaneous expansion capacity and stability of the system, the transformation of business system requires advanced development framework and low overall utilization rate of computing resources in the operation of the underlying technology

Assist the aviation company to build a complete, credible and implementable unified PaaS management platform

Spirit finches cloud in full research and understanding of aviation customers on the basis of the demand for container cloud platform, combined with their own container PaaS platform product technology advantage, as well as a large number of complex project implementation experience, landing help airlines set up container deliverables centered PaaS unified management platform, to meet the requirements of the customers in terms of application management.

The UNIFIED PaaS management platform provides an efficient and highly available operating environment for enterprises. Supports every step of application creation, compilation, integration, deployment, and operation. Supports one-click deployment of any containerized application, and provides automatic repair and expansion functions. At the network level, cross-host container association, four-layer and seven-layer load balancing and application security Intranet are realized. Users can easily build applications through any combination of container micro-services.

The platform focuses on the full life cycle management of container services and realizes container cloud landing. The underlying cluster management and resource scheduling are platform abstracted. Based on the management of container services, the platform also realizes the unified management of various surrounding basic components, creating a complete, credible and implementable PaaS platform solution.

The PaaS cloud platform supports container-based micro-service applications and DevOps process implementation, meeting flexible and convenient application O&M scenarios, improving O&M efficiency and reducing o&M costs. Build capacity service platforms in multi-tenant management, cluster management, application and container management, and CI/CD to achieve a highly available, scalable, and high-performance PaaS platform.

Airline PaaS unified management platform significantly enhances business competitiveness

Lingqiyun helped customers to container transform the e-commerce department’s mobile background, seat selection and check-in, value-added background and wechat background respectively. With the help of PaaS unified management platform, the expected results have been achieved.

Improve the efficiency of development and test process and environment setup

From research and development test environment, using continuous integration and continuous deployment assembly line to completed application CI/CD to asset management of mirror, a mirror image of the warehouse set up grading, cluster, standardized delivery process, realize the business of rapid testing, deployment, and online, improve the efficiency of the development and testing, reduce environmental maintenance costs.

Capacity expansion automatically shrinks based on service pressure to ensure stable running of the service cluster

In the production environment, the system can be rapidly expanded to divert peak access traffic. Provide instant capacity expansion for member day, activity promotion, wechat red envelope and other activities, solve the problem of timeliness and accuracy of system elastic expansion, avoid losing users and emergency resource coordination after the event, maximize the utilization rate of IT infrastructure resources and reduce TCO.

Relying on advanced micro-service framework, fast response to business needs

By using containers, applications are divided into micro-services and managed by small business units. In this way, more flexible application systems are developed and the time for application development, testing, and launching is shortened. In this way, applications can be easily constructed and iterated quickly to achieve fast service delivery.

Intelligent operation and maintenance platform, automatic deployment and update business system

Provide all-round service capability of platform and application development, testing, deployment, operation and maintenance for enterprise users, support enterprise micro-service application and DevOps process landing based on Docker technology, meet the flexible, convenient and easy to expand application operation and maintenance scenarios of airlines, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, and reduce operation and maintenance costs.

Finally, PaaS unified management platform helps airlines to optimize the process system of r&d team and complete the evolution to the new DevOps system. The underlying O&M support capability evolves to cloud support. PaaS platform is used to realize the innovation of business system with more advanced architecture, fast response and flexibility. At the same time, the airline has also taken this opportunity to create a fine management system, to achieve a full range of resources control.