Finally found you, the PHOTOSHOP cutout plugin I’ve always wanted. There was a time when it was a designer’s nightmare to output cut drawings efficiently after finishing a design draft. Why do you say that? How on earth should I cut the map for so many sizes? There are so many iPhone versions out there, not to mention android sizes, that it’s hard to cry!

Until some time ago, I used the copyer-IDOC. I was so happy in my heart that I finally found the KIND of PS cutout plug-in I wanted. IDoc skillfully integrates the two most difficult tasks after the completion of the design, namely annotation and graph cutting. It is simple, fast and efficient, and supports both Windows and Mac platforms. I’m a person who loves to share. Here, I’ll give you a full reveal of this PS cutout plug-in from the design draft to the easy and efficient output of cutout. I hope that all designers can free their hands and get rid of the pain of working overtime.

1. Install the PHOTOSHOP cutout plug-in

First in the us the guest officer network ( to download the PS iDoc cut figure – copy plugin guest, after the download is complete, click on the install.

2. Open the cutout plug-in in Photoshop

After the plug-in is installed, open PS, choose “Window > Extension Functions” to find the copy iDoc plug-in, select and open it.

3. Register and log in to the cutmap plug-in

You can log in using your Mockplus platform account (common on Mockplus, MockIDOC). If you don’t have an account, register first.

4. Select the team and project in the Cutmap plugin

Select the team and project from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner (you can also create a new project) and upload the design to the project.

5. Mark cut images in Photoshop

Select the layer or group that you want to slice and click mark Slice.

Click, “-e-” will be added before the name, “Mark cutting map” will become “cancel cutting map mark”, at this time the cutting map operation will be completed.

6. Select the design draft ratio

Click the magnification drop-down box to select the corresponding magnification of the design draft, or directly default, and you can modify the magnification of the design draft on the Web side.

7. Upload the design draft

After marking the completion of the map cutting, upload the design draft to the cloud project with one key. After the prompt is completed, you can view the uploaded design draft in the cloud.

8. View the design draft and download the cut diagram on the Web

After the design draft is uploaded, you can click “My Application” in the interface of cutting drawing plug-in to enter the corresponding project. Enter the cutting section, click the blank, all the cutting images in the page will be displayed on the cutting panel on the right. Press Ctrl to make multiple selection, click “Download selected cutting image” to download the currently selected cutting image; Click “Download all cut diagrams” to download all cut diagrams. In addition, you can switch platforms (iOS, Android, Web) and choose different rates.

How’s that? Feel saved by this photoshop cutout plugin? Of course, slice is just the tip of the iceberg. In iDoc, smart tagging, one-click cutting, multiple annotations, interactive prototyping, full picture drawing, team management, from product to development, just one document. Enchanted small partners to download to try it!