
The current headlines

AlphaGo won, but some said it was “stupid”

This “stupid”, in fact, human beings can solve such problems, with the most intelligent “stupid” method to teach the machine. For now, at least, AlphaGo, before the invention of the wonderful mathematical formula E = MC2 by Einstein, was also the smartest. This article through the technical interpretation, tell you why AlphaGo is “stupid”, click to see

  • [For future Developers] The first Online Summit for Internet Recruits, May 25, 14:00 be there or be square
  • 【 Continuous update 】 Did not go to the live, live inconvenient to watch? That’s all right, we’ve got you covered for the Chengdu Cloud Conference
  • Important notice | ali cloud security team released WannaCry “a key decryption and repair” tool

  • Dry goods | bean technology chief architect bell: Java the age of innocence
  • The path to performance — the past and present of MaxCompute2.0 (ODPS)

  • How can product iterations be released faster? Full analysis of ali continuous integration and continuous delivery practices

  • Alibaba’s NASA project: Setting a new world record for visual computing

  • [Cloud weather vane] VOL. 2:1 Minutes with you to understand ali Cloud 2017 financial results

Technology of dry

How to quickly build your own machine learning application on Aliyun

In the open Source special session of the 2017 Cloud Computing Conference Shenzhen Summit, Che Yang, a technical expert of Alibaba Cloud container service, made a wonderful sharing. Che Yang first talked about the two most popular applications of deep learning in 2016, AlphaGo and Prisma, shared the things done by machine learning and deep learning from the macro level, and talked about the development story of Prisma. It introduces how to learn to think and solve problems with engineering ideas, and focuses on the architecture design of Ali Cloud machine learning solutions based on container services and how to quickly build their own machine learning applications with ali Cloud. It is wonderful to see, click to view

  • Can neural networks solve all problems?

  • Quickly choose the right machine learning algorithm

  • Artificial “carbon” is still unknown, intelligent “silicon” is unknown (Introduction to Deep Learning series 2)

  • HBase Phoenix helps analyze massive data in real time

  • Ali cloud big data tool Maxcompute learning – partition table use

  • What’s it like to fly from an aircraft carrier —-EDAS takes you through distributed applications quickly
  • A comprehensive understanding of Ali Cloud object storage OSS – features, tools, applications and FAQs

Community activities

[Coordinates] June 10, 2017 Cloud Computing Conference Shanghai Summit, heavy release witness intelligent road

Ali Cloud ai’s new “brain” was released, cloud technology and IoT solutions were reinstalled, important partners in the financial industry, automobile industry and international telecommunication industry came on stage, and the new version of YunOS was officially released. In the age of intelligence, data connection produces value, paving extraordinary paths for the transformation of all industries.
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  • June 2nd, the 2nd Aliware Ecological Cooperation Conference
  • June 5th, the first phase of cloud market business class

  • Volunteer: Apache Flink document translation volunteer

  • [Long-term recruitment] Volunteer recruitment of technical translation in the cloud community

Wonderful live

June 3, 2017 China Database and Operation Conference

Since 2009, more than 4000 technical directors, technical leaders, architects, project managers, operation and maintenance directors, operation and maintenance managers, DBA managers, DBA, operation and maintenance engineers, R&D engineers and other fields have attended the conference, covering traditional Internet, finance, transportation, logistics and express, manufacturing and other fields. The conference has been widely concerned and praised by the industry. After a year, 2017 China Database and Operation Conference will be back in Shanghai Baofeng United Hotel on June 3rd, when IT professionals from all walks of life will gather in Shanghai to discuss and exchange database and operation experience. Click to view

  • [Live online] Practice of large-scale code construction technology

  • 【 Series 】 Classic cases and best Practices of cloud database

Gather to chat

Given the choice, which corner of the city would you prefer to code in?

As a programmer, when confronted with the question “Where’s a good place to work?” Such problems tend to be more consideration than others, for their own professional reasons, we would prefer to work in a meet our need of settling down in city, the height of the development of the Internet is the first factor to consider, and second, the beautiful urban scenery and a good work environment will be plus for the city, on the other hand, Traffic conditions, housing prices, eating habits and pace of life also need to be considered. So where do you live as a programmer? Where do you want to work in the future? What would make your ideal livable city? Would you move to another city for a job?

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  • Ditching plaid shirts and blazers, how do programmers wear them?
  • Why did Eclipse, once the king of the industry, fall?
  • Play big data, successfully through the crisis of 34 years old cut!

  • Is Siri really leaving us?

BBS selection

Keywords: Eternal Blue Ransomware, security

WanaCrypt0r puts a chill on the hot summer season with the breakout of Eternal Blue. Well, it’s not cold water, it’s combustible ice. Since Ali Cloud withdrew from the free cloud plan, the cloud service of the basic questions to consult one after another. Look at the forum whose website is 1 core 1G1M server, want to see how fast the site open? How can the security group be set up to allow FTP access? God’s answer. Click to view

  • Building comments exclusive cloud virtual machine to send value voucher!

  • Do you dare to show off your desktop?

  • CentOS 7 uses port 465 to send emails
  • How does ali cloud ECS deploy and run a JavaWeb project

Product preferential

  • Ali Cloud 35+ products for 6 months free, 0 threshold use
  • Overseas database MySQL practice, limited time special 25% off
  • Will be exactly | pratt &whitney cloud server horrifying price 30 yuan/month