Download and Install


Start the

Start the registry first. 2. Start the server. 3

Start the registry

1. Switch to the installation directory. 2

CD/Users/gongzhihao/Downloads/rocketmq - all - 4.5.0 - bin - release / / switch to the installation directory Gongzhihaodemacbook-pro: Rocketmq-all-4.5.0-bin -release gongzhihao$nohup sh bin/mqnamesrv & //1 [4] 1138 gongzhiHAOdemacbook-pro: Rocketmq-all-4.5.0-bin -release gongZHIhao $appending Output to nohup.out GongzhihaodeMacBook - Pro: rocketmq - all - 4.5.0 - bin - release gongzhihao $Copy the code

Restart the server

Start the broker

Gongzhihaodemacbook-pro: Rocketmq-all-4.5.0-bin -release gongzhihao$nohup sh bin/mqbroker -n localhost:9876 autoCreateTopicEnable=true & //2. [5] 1146 gongZHIHaodemacbook-pro: Rocketmq-all-4.5.0-bin -release gongZHIhao $appending Output to nohup.outCopy the code

Start the console management system

Start console

Gongzhihaodemacbook-pro: Rocketmq-all-4.5.0-bin - Release gongzhihao$sh bin/mqadmin clusterList -n localhost:9876 //3 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-bit Server VM Warning: Ignoring Option PermSize= 128M; Support was removed in 8.0 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; Support was removed in 8.0 #Cluster Name #Broker Name #BID #Addr #Version #InTPS(LOAD) #OutTPS(LOAD) #PCWait(MS) #Hour #SPACE DefaultCluster gongzhihaodemacbook-pro. local 0 V4_5_0 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 0 432623.50 1.0000 gongzhihaodeMacBook - Pro: rocketmq - all - 4.5.0 - bin - release gongzhihao $Copy the code


Download the readme that comes with the software

The official documentation