As a self-study front just hired a small white, in the first article about his life experiences and the first half from the beginning to understand the front and through self-study to step into this industry experience, is also received many comments and encouragement, and also actively respond to some preparation and front-end is self-study friend’s question, hope can help you little detours quick into the pit.

And as I said in an article, write their own blog reason just to make a summary to the knowledge of the self-study and record the problems in the development process, help them deepen memory of knowledge, and develop a good habit, now there are a lot of the technology of blog on the depth of relevant knowledge to do the summary, I just sum up the knowledge points I have learned with the identity of a scholar, if there is a wrong place to write, welcome the big guy criticism and correction, thank you!

Without further ado, let’s go

(1) Common instructions of VUE

  • v-html / v-text: Renders the label in the value
  • v-model: placed on form elements to implement two-way data binding
  • v-bind(abbreviated:) : used to bind inline properties
  • v-if / v-showThe value can be displayed if the value is true or false
  • v-onceThe corresponding label is rendered only once
  • v-for: Loops to display elements
  • v-onevent

(2) VUE template syntax

Vue template syntax has two main categories: interpolation syntax and instruction syntax

  1. Interpolation syntax:
  • Function: Used to parse label body content.
  • {{XXX}}, XXX is a JS expression, and can read all attributes in data directly.
  1. Instruction syntax:
  • Function: Used to parse tags (including tag attributes, tag body contents, and binding events…..) .
  • For example, v-bind:href=” XXX “or abbreviation :href=” XXX”, XXX also needs to write js expressions and can read all attributes in data directly.
  • Note: There are many instructions in Vue, and they are all in the form of: V-???? V-bind is just an example here.
<template> <div> <h1> Interpolation syntax </h1> <h3> Hello, {{name}} < / h3 > < h1 > command syntax < / h1 > < v - bind: a href = "school. Url" > point I to study 1 {{school. The name}} < / a > < a 2</a> </div> </template> <script> export default {** **data(){return{ Name: 'Joe' school: {name: "wu3 da4, url: ''}}}} < / script >Copy the code

(3) Data binding

There are two ways to bind data in Vue:

  1. V-bind: Data can only flow from data to pages.
  2. Two-way binding (V-Model) : Data flows not only from data to pages, but also from pages to data.


  • 1. Bidirectional binding is usually applied to form elements (input, SELECT, etc.)
  • 2. V-model: Value can be shortened to V-model because v-model collects value values by default.
<! <input type="text" V-bind :value="name"><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <input type="text" :value="name"><br/> Two-Way data binding: <input type="text" V-model ="name"><br/> <! The following code is incorrect because the V-model can only be applied to form elements (input elements) --> <! -- <h2 v-model:x="name">Copy the code

(4) Data agent


The object.defineProperty () method is at the heart of vue2, including data hijacking, data proxying, and calculating attributes. Data proxying is the operation (read/write) of a property in another object through one object proxying. Today we will review the use of this method.

<script type="text/javascript" > let number = 18 let person = {name:' zhang3 ', sex:' male ', } // Add an age attribute to person object.defineProperty (person,'age',{// value:18, // set it to 18 // Enumerable :true, // Control whether the attribute can be enumerable, // The control property can be deleted without any additional information, and the default value is false and works without any additional control system. Get (){console.log(' someone read the age property ') return number}, // When someone changes the age property of the person, Set (value){console.log(' someone modified the age property and the value is ',value) number = value}}) </script>Copy the code

Data broker in Vue

  1. Data proxy in Vue: Proxy operations (read/write) of properties in data objects through VM objects
  2. Data broker benefits in Vue: Easier manipulation of data in data
  3. Basic Principles:
  • Add all attributes from the data Object to the VM via Object.defineProperty().
  • Specify a getter/setter for each property added to the VM.
  • To manipulate (read/write) the corresponding property in data inside the getter/setter.
<! DOCTYPE HTML > < HTML > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title> </title> <! <script type="text/javascript" SRC =".. / js/vue. Js "> < / script > < / head > < body > < div id =" root "> < h2 > name: {{name}} < / h2 > < h2 > address: {{address}}</h2> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> vue.config. productionTip = false // Prevents Vue from generating production prompts at startup. Const vm = new Vue ({el: '# root, data: {name:' Joe ', address: 'hubei - wuhan'}}) < / script > < / HTML >Copy the code

(5) Event processing

1. Basic use of events

  1. Bind events with V-on: XXX or @xxx, where XXX is the event name;
  2. Callbacks to events need to be configured in the Methods object, which will eventually be on the VM;
  3. Functions configured in methods, do not use arrow functions! Otherwise this would not be vm;
  4. All functions configured in Methods are functions managed by Vue. This refers to vm or component instance objects.
  5. @click=”demo” and @click=”demo($event)” have the same effect, but the latter can pass arguments;
<! DOCTYPE HTML > < HTML > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title> Basic use of events </title> <! <script type="text/javascript" SRC =".. /js/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="root"> V-on :click=@click <button @click="showInfo1" </button> </div> </body> < type="text/javascript"> Vue.config.productionTip = false // Prevents Vue from generating production prompts at startup. Const vm = new Vue({el:'#root', data:{name:' zhang SAN ',}, Methods :{showInfo1(event){console.log( console.log(this) // this is vm}, showInfo2(event,number){ console.log(event,number) // console.log( // console.log(this) }}}) </script> </ HTML >Copy the code

2. Event modifiers

  1. Prevent: prevent default events.
  2. Stop: Stops events from bubbling.
  3. Once: The event is triggered only once (common).
  4. Capture: Capture mode using events;
  5. Self: Fires an event only if is an element of the current operation;
<div id="root"> <! Prevents the default event (common) - * * * * -- > < a href = "" @ click. Prevent = "showInfo" > I < / a > <! <div class="demo1" @click="showInfo"> <button @click.stop="showInfo"> </button> <! - modifier can continuous write * * * * -- > < a href = "" @ click. Prevent. Stop = "showInfo" > me < / a > < / div > <! < [email protected] ="showInfo"> </ [email protected] ="showInfo"> </button> <! <div class="box1" @click.capture="showMsg(1)"> div1 <div class="box2" @click="showMsg(2)"> div2 </div> </div> <! -- ** Events are triggered only if is an element of the current operation; <div class="demo1" @click.self="showInfo"> </div>Copy the code