iOS Deep Memory

Why Reduce Memory?

Memory is a finite, system-shared resource; the more a program consumes, the less the system and other programs can use it. Programs need to be loaded into memory before starting, and data operations in the process of running the program also need to occupy a certain amount of memory resources. Reducing the memory footprint also reduces the AMOUNT of CPU time it consumes, leading to better performance not only for your App, but for other apps as well as for the entire system.

Memory Footprint

What part of memory consumption do we need to reduce?

Let’s classify them here

Dirty Dirty memory

Memory that cannot be reclaimed by the system, including classes for Runtime operations. The __DATA and __DATA_DIRTY sections of the Decoded Image Buffers Frameworks

Clean Clean memory

Data that can be cleaned out of memory by the system and reloaded when needed, including: UIKit, Framwork, for example
