
Packaged utility class: timeUtils.java

package com.xiao7.pump.Utils;

import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public class TimeUtils {
    /* Countdown time unit: second */
    public static int COUNT = 20*60;
    /* Currently do */
    private static int CURR_COUNT = 0;
    /* Expected end time */
    private static long TIME_END = 0;
    /* Timer */
    private static Timer countdownTimer;
    /* Displays the countdown textView*/
    private static TextView txtCountdown;

    /** * start countdown *@paramIsFirst Indicates whether it is the first time to enter *@paramSecond Indicates the countdown duration. The unit is second@paramTextView Displays the countdown textView */
    public static void startCountdown(boolean isFirst,int second,TextView textView) {
        COUNT = second;
        long data = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long time = TIME_END;
        // The first time you enter, reassign
            CURR_COUNT = COUNT;
            time = data + COUNT * 1000;
            TIME_END = time;
        }else {
            int the_difference = ((int) (time - data)) / 1000;
            CURR_COUNT = the_difference;
        // Start the countdown
        txtCountdown = textView;
        if (countdownTimer == null) {
            countdownTimer = new Timer();
            countdownTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                public void run(a) {
                    Message msg = newMessage(); msg.what = CURR_COUNT--; handler.sendMessage(msg); }},0.1000);
            // The second parameter delay:"0" means: no delay
            // The third parameter period:"1000" means how often (in milliseconds) is called.}}/** * end countdown */
    public static void stopCountdown(a) {
        // Send a message to end the countdown
        Message message = new Message();
        message.what = 0;
    private static Handler handler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            if (msg.what <= 0) {
                if(countdownTimer ! =null) {
                    countdownTimer = null;
                txtCountdown.setText("Remaining: 00:00:00");
            } else {
                // Display the countdown effect
                String txtTime = formatSecondTime(msg.what);
            super.handleMessage(msg); }};/** * Time format method *@paramThe second number of seconds *@return* /
    private static String formatSecondTime(int second) {
        int hour = 0;
        int minute = 0;
        if (second > 60) {
            minute = second / 60;   / / integer
            second = second % 60;   / / to take over
        if (minute > 60) {
            hour = minute / 60;
            minute = minute % 60;
        String strtime = "Surplus:"+hour+"Hour"+minute+"Points"+second+"Seconds";
        returnstrtime; }}Copy the code

TimeUtils call:

// Start the countdown button
buttonStart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        // Suppose you count backwards for 20 minutes
        int secondTime=20*60;
        / / the countdown
        // The first argument is true, indicating the start of the countdown (first time)}});Copy the code

Activity lifecycle onRestart() is re-called as follows:

protected void onRestart(a) {
    // The first argument is false, indicating that the countdown is not enabled for the first time and is running
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