
For the Pad project, when I set the min-width of a DOM element, most browsers and tablets would normally recognize the width and height (tablets can be landscape or portrait). At this time, you have a pad with the built-in browser of Hongmun System (HuaweiBrower/ Safari/537.36). It identifies min-width as min-height in the code and sets the corresponding minimum height.


Due to the lack of understanding of The Harmony system, at the beginning, we thought that the compatibility problem was caused by the Harmony system. Subsequent attempts to use other browsers on the tablet were normal, so we ruled out the problem of non-Harmony system. Follow-up checks show that the problem persists in other versions of the browser. Therefore, for this special treatment, the problem can be solved by obtaining device information through navigator.userAgent, identifying the corresponding device and modifying the corresponding width and height.

Note: more equipment, to try!!