I don’t know if you have this feeling in the interview: the interviewer usually has a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge structure of the interviewer in only two hours. If the interviewer fails to get to the essence of the question when answering the questions, it will be difficult for the interviewer to fully express himself, and ultimately affect the interview result.

In view of this situation, the Java core knowledge notes written by Ali architects came into being! The notes are streamlined and unclutter-free, detailing some of the core points that Java programmers are often asked about in job interviews.

This is a nine-part tutorial that covers everything from the first year of Java development to the Java architect level. The author promises to get 100% of this tutorial for free! Because there are too many knowledge points in this note, xiaobian can not show you all the complete. Free access to this note is at the end of the article!

Java development 1-2 years foundation: JVM chapter

This article mainly describes the PRINCIPLES of the JVM, including the RUNNING mechanism of the JVM, the MEMORY model of the JVM, the common garbage collection algorithm and the JVM class loading mechanism.

1-2 years Java engineer must be: Java basics

This article covers Java basics, including collections, exception classification and handling, reflection, annotations, inner classes, generics, and serialization.

Java development 2-3 years senior Engineer: Java concurrent programming

This article explains the Java concurrent programming knowledge, involving the working principle and application of Java multithreading, the working principle and application of Java thread pool, as well as lock, process scheduling algorithm and other content.

Data structures to ask in a Java interview: Data Structures

This section explains data structures, including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, binary trees, red-black trees, graphs, and bitmaps.

3-4 years Java architect must ask: Common algorithms

This article explains the common algorithms in Java, involving binary search, bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, Hill sort, merge sort, bucket sort, radix sort and other algorithms.

Networking Underlayer: Networking and Load Balancing

This article explains the principles of network and load balancing, including TCP/IP, HTTP, common load balancing algorithms and LVS principles.

Java Architect Advanced: Databases and Distributed Transactions

This article explains the principle of database and distributed transaction, including database storage engine, database concurrent operation and lock, database distributed transaction and so on.

Java Senior Architect required: Principles and Applications of distributed caching

This paper explains the principle and application of distributed cache, including the introduction of distributed cache, Ehcache principle and application, Redis principle and application, core issues of distributed cache design and so on.

Design Patterns

This article covers 23 common classic design patterns.


This note is a summary of the interview essentials for Java programmers. It covers the principles of the JVM, multithreading, data structures and algorithms, distributed caching, and design patterns in detail.

This note can be used as a treasure book for your interview, and it will certainly have a magical effect!