Simple Responsibility Pinciple (SRP) means that there should be no more than one reason for a class change. Suppose we have a class that is responsible for two responsibilities, and if requirements change, modifying the logical code of one responsibility could cause the functionality of the other responsibility to fail. Thus, there are two reasons for class changes in this class. How to solve this problem? Decouple the two responsibilities with two classes. Later requirement changes do not affect each other. Such a design can reduce the complexity of the class, improve the readability of the class, improve the maintainability of the system, reduce the risk caused by changes. In general, a class, interface, or method has only one responsibility.

Next, let’s look at code examples, again using lessons, which we have both live and recorded. Live classes can not be fast forward and fast back, recorded courses can be viewed repeatedly at will, different functions and responsibilities. Let’s create a Course class:

public class Course {

    public void study(String courseName){

        if("Live class".equals(courseName)){

            System.out.println(courseName + "Can't fast forward.");


            System.out.println(courseName + "You can go back and forth."); }}}Copy the code

Look at the calling code:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Course course = new Course();"Live class");"Recording class");

Copy the code

From the code above, the Course class assumes two kinds of processing logic. If you want to encrypt the course now, the encryption logic of the live and recorded course is different and you have to change the code. Changing the logic of the code is bound to affect each other, and it is easy to bring uncontrollable risks. We decoupled our responsibilities and looked at the code to create two classes: LiveCourse and ReplayCourse.

The code for the LiveCourse class is as follows:

public class LiveCourse {

    public void study(String courseName){

        System.out.println(courseName + "Can't fast-forward."); }} The ReplayCourse class looks like this:public class ReplayCourse {

    public void study(String courseName){

        System.out.println(courseName + "Can go back and forth."); }}Copy the code

The call code is as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    LiveCourse liveCourse = new LiveCourse();"Live class");

    ReplayCourse replayCourse = new ReplayCourse();"Recording class");

Copy the code

Business continues to grow, courses to do permissions. Students who do not pay can get basic information about the course, and those who have paid can get video stream, namely learning access. So there are at least two responsibilities at the level of controlling the curriculum. We can separate presentation and management responsibilities, both implementing the same abstract dependency. To design a top-level interface, create an ICourse interface:

public interface ICourse {

    // Get basic information

    String getCourseName(a);

    // Get the video stream

    byte[] getCourseVideo();

    // Learn lessons

    void studyCourse(a);

    / / refund

    void refundCourse(a);

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We can split this interface into two interfaces: ICourseInfo and ICourseManager.

The code for the ICourseInfo interface is as follows:

public interface ICourseInfo {

    String getCourseName(a);

    byte[] getCourseVideo();

Copy the code

The code for the ICourseManager interface is as follows:

public interface ICourseManager {

    void studyCourse(a);

    void refundCourse(a);

Copy the code

Take a look at the class diagram, as shown below.

Let’s look at single responsibility design at the method level. Sometimes we get lazy and write a method like this:

private void modifyUserInfo(String userName,String address){

    userName = "Tom";

    address = "Changsha";

Copy the code

It might also be written like this:

private void modifyUserInfo(String userName,String... fileds){

        userName = "Tom";

// address = "Changsha";


private void modifyUserInfo(String userName,String address,boolean bool){




    userName = "Tom";

    address = "Changsha";

Copy the code

Obviously, the modifyUserInfo() method above takes on multiple responsibilities and can change both userName and address, or more, which clearly does not fit into a single responsibility. We make the following changes to split this method into two methods:

private void modifyUserName(String userName){

    userName = "Tom";


private void modifyAddress(String address){

    address = "Changsha";

Copy the code

After modification, it is simple to develop and easy to maintain. In actual development, we will have dependencies, combinations and aggregations of these relationships, as well as project size, cycle, level of technical staff, and control of schedule. Many categories do not conform to a single responsibility. However, as we went through the process of writing code, keeping interfaces and methods as single as possible helped us maintain them later in the project.

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Other Design Principles

Open-closed Principle (OCP)

Dependence Inversion Principle (DIP)

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

Law of Demeter LoD

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

Composite/Aggregate Reuse Principle, CARP