I’m sure you’re familiar with OceanBase.

OceanBase is an enterprise-level distributed relational database developed by Ant Group, which was founded in 2010. OceanBase features strong data consistency, high availability, high performance, online expansion, high compatibility with SQL standards and mainstream relational databases, and low cost.

As the most well-known distributed relational database in China, it is often the fist scientific and technological products taken by ant Group to show off. OceanBase has been widely recognized in the industry. Not only in the Internet field, but also in many traditional industries, such as banking, securities, telecommunications and other businesses, OceanBase has been successfully applied by well-known enterprises such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Merchants Securities. It can be said that OceanBase is the light of domestic database. In June 2021, OceanBase 3.0 was released, which was upgraded to an enterprise-class distributed database with HTAP mixed load with high performance capabilities for both transaction processing and data analysis tasks. At the same time, OceanBase announced the official open source and established the OceanBase open Source community. The official website of the community was launched simultaneously, and 3 million lines of core code were opened to the community. As of October 23, 2021, the project has earned 3.5K Star.

According to the standards of a few years ago, this Star data is actually very good. But right now, especially compared to other Ali open source projects, it does seem to be less than ideal (many are over 10,000). So, yesterday, this high-profile database product, was rumored to buy Star behavior.

Why are they buying Star? Check out this photo circulating on the Internet below:

Xiaobian scan the above + group QR code, join the group, see this group announcement:

Send gifts to Star, invite friends and relatives to join us, give better gifts! \

Isn’t this a naked act of buying Star?

Take a look at the group, the activity is also in full swing: ****

At 17:00, some netizens raised doubts in the group, saying that such a practice is illegal GitHub user agreement! \


Some netizens directly @ the P9 leaders in the group, asking: such behavior operation students do not know, don’t technology P9 also know?

In the face of the netizen’s question, P9 big guy reply: more than 2 o ‘clock stopped \

However, the feedback from friends in the group doesn’t seem to end there, from the following information provided by netizens: \

At 16:17, some friends are asking: “Is the activity only for today?” “The operator replied:” More than that! \

So does P9 really not know the seriousness of this matter? Just a simple operation? The P9 bosses have no idea?

See from group member information, related P9 big guy actually early in the group, surely this thing itself is big guy recognition?

As for the Star water of domestic open source projects, it has always been criticized by everyone. \

Originally used as an important indicator to measure the quality of an open source project, it has now become an indicator to evaluate the operation of major manufacturers. As a result, the emergence of all kinds of “thumbs-ups” and the emergence of “thumbs-ups” makes the Star data of open source projects lose its original significance.

Do you think it is common for domestic open source projects to brush Star?

What do you think of an operation like OceanBase?

Comment in the comments section.