Create your first iOS framework

By Jake Craige, Time: 1/7, 2016 The original link

If you’ve ever tried to build your own iOS framework, you know that it’s not for those who dread the difficulties – managing dependencies and writing tests isn’t easy. This article will walk you through the process from start to finish so you can build your own framework.

In the tutorial we will build a framework that exposes a function called RGBUIColor(red: Green: Blue) that returns a UIColor object created with these parameters. We will use the Swift language and use Carthage as the dependency management tool. Our framework will support use through Carthage, CocoaPods, or Git.

Let’s get started!

Create the Xcode project

  1. Select File -> New -> Project

  2. Select iOS -> Framework & Library on the left and “Cocoa Touch Framework” on the right.

  3. Click “Next” and fill in the options prompt. Make sure “Include Unit Tests” is checked.

  4. Select the location where the project will be saved.

  5. Do not check “Create Git Repository on My Mac”, we will set it manually later.

  6. Click “Create” and open the project.

  7. Select File -> Save As Workspace and Save to the same directory with the same name As the project. Workspace was created because we need to add dependencies in Carthage as submodules; They must be compiled in a workspace using Xcode.

  8. Select File -> Close Project to Close the Project.

  9. Then select File -> Open to Open the * workspace* File.

  10. Scheme at the top left of Xcode and select Manage Schemes. We need to make sure sheme checks “Shared” so that we can use “Carthage” to build the project.

Initialize the git

First, switch to the directory where the project is located.

  1. Run Git init to initialize the empty version library.

  2. Create a.gitignore file. This file will filter some files in Xcode or dependency files that we don’t want or need to upload.

Here is a standard Swift project gitignore file that we just added. DS_Store and remove fastlane and some redundant parts.

## OS X Finder .DS_Store ## Build generated build/ DerivedData ## Various settings *.pbxuser ! default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 ! default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 ! default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 ! default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata ## Other *.xccheckout *.moved-aside *.xcuserstate *.xcscmblueprint ## Obj-C/Swift specific *.hmap *.ipa # Swift Package Manager .build/ # Carthage Carthage/BuildCopy the code

addCarthageAnd dependencies

  1. Create a file named Cartfile and runtime dependencies in the project’s file directory. We added **Curry]**([link]

    github “thoughtbot/Curry”

  2. Create a file named cartfile.private. It will take care of some of the private dependencies just like our test framework. We use Quick and Nimble.

    github "Quick/Quick"
    github "Quick/Nimble" 
    Copy the code
  3. Create a new bin/setup script. It provides a simple way to handle dependencies and projects, both for contributors and ourselves.

     mkdir bin
     touch bin/setup
     chmod +x bin/setup 
     Copy the code
  4. Open bin/setup and add the following code:

    #! /usr/bin/env sh if ! command -v carthage > /dev/null; then printf 'Carthage is not installed.\n' printf 'See for install instructions.\n'  exit 1 fi carthage update --platform iOS --use-submodules --no-use-binariesCopy the code

In this script, we assume that the user installs the Carthage link, and then we use the update command to install those dependencies.

We use –use-submodules, and all those dependencies are added as submodules. When the user needs it, he can use our framework without having to use Carthage. We use –no-use-binaries, and all of these dependencies will be compiled on our own system.

When bin/setup is setup, we run the script directly on the terminal to let Cartfile download its dependencies.

Now we can set up our project and compile these dependencies.

Add dependencies to the workspace

Because our dependencies are submodules, we need to add these self-modules to the workspace.

1. Open Carthage/Checkouts and add the.xcodeProj for each dependency to the workspace. You can use direct drag and drop to project workspace.

After adding:

Link runtime dependencies

  1. In the workspace navigation, select “RGB”, then select the “RGB” target in the middle, then select “Build Phases”, and expand the “Link binary with Libraries “.

  2. Click “+” and select Curry-ios for curry. framework.

  3. Click Add.

Link development dependencies

  1. Select “RGBTests” from the middle toolbar.

  2. Use the same steps above to add the “Quick” and “Nimble” frameworks to the “Link binary with Libraries “. When we add dependencies to the two targets, Xcode automatically adds “Framework Search Paths” under “Build Settings”. We can remove them in “RGB” and “RGBTests”, because in the same workspace, Xcode will use parts of them themselves.

  3. Select the two targets under the target, select “Framework Search Paths” under “Build Settings”, and press the “Backspace” key to delete them.

  4. Next, when you select “RGB” project from the navigation bar, you will see the three frames below that you just added. Then select all three Frameworks, right click on” New Group from Selection “and put them in a group. I named the group “Frameworks”.

Now that Carthage is set up, CocoaPods is next.


To add CocoaPods support, we need to create a. Podspec in the project root directory and include the project information.

  1. Create a new rgb. podspec file.

  2. Copy and copy the following example into a file (modify the corresponding section yourself).

  3. Use the project information to set those options. More options details are linked, but the options for the project you need are below.

Pod: : Spec. New do | Spec | Spec. The name = "RGB" Spec. Version = "1.0.0" Spec. The summary = "Sample framework from a blog post, not for real world use.Functional JSON parsing library for Swift." spec.homepage = "" spec.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } spec.authors = { "Jake Craige" => '[email protected]', "thoughtbot" => nil, } spec.social_media_url = "" spec.source = { :git => "", :tag => "v#{spec.version}", :submodules => true } spec.source_files ="RGB/**/*.{h,swift}" spec.requires_arc = true spec.platform = :ios Spec.ios. Deployment_target = "9.1" spec.dependency "Curry", '~> 1.4.0' endCopy the code

One line to note is spec.dependency “Curry”, ‘~> 1.4.0’. Since we need to support CocoaPods, we assume that the users of the framework will use CocoaPods instead of Carthage, so we declare dependencies in the last line as well, not just in Carthfile.

When we’re done, we run the pod lib lint command on the terminal to test that everything is configured. If so, we can see the following:

Once the project’s dependencies are set up, we can write code. But before we get started, commit the code.

git commit -am "Project and dependencies set up"  
Copy the code

Write your first test

Open the RGBTests/ rgbTests. swift file and you will see a default template. She uses the likes of @testable and XCTest(but we’ll make some adjustments later on.

First, we remove the @testable testable testable testable testable testable API from the framework’s user base. As the framework grows, we may need to @testable portions that are not publicly exposed; In general, we want to avoid testing interfaces that are exposed to consumers. This feature is more effective when testing applications, rather than in framework testing.

From Apple’s documentation for the testing section:

With testability, you can write tests in the Swift 2.0 framework and applications without having to test all the internal and public parts. Use @testable import {ModuleName} from XCTest targets and not from any other framework or application.

We used Quick and Nimble for testing. Quick provides a behavior-driven type of testing interface that is very similar to RSpec and Specta; Nimble gives us powerful assertions and the ability to write asynchronous code with a few templates.

When finished, the code looks like this:

import Quick
import Nimble
import RGB

class RGBTests: QuickSpec {
    override func spec() {
        describe("RGB") {
            it("works") {
Copy the code

Run the Test code using CMD + U or Product -> Test. The Test succeeds.

So, it’s done now!

Just kidding. Let’s do some real testing.

We exposed a RGBUIColor(Red: 195, Green: 47, Blue: 52) call interface that returned a nice UIColor from ThoughtBot Red.

The code is as follows:

describe("RGBUIColor") {
    it("is a correct representation of the values") {
        let thoughtbotRed = UIColor(
            red: CGFloat(195/255),
            green: CGFloat(47/255),
            blue: CGFloat(52/255),
            alpha: 1
        let color = RGBUIColor(red: 195, green: 47, blue: 52)

Copy the code

If you run it right now, it will fail as expected. Because Swift’s type checking prevents us from running an undefined RGBUIColor function. Now let’s finish it.

Write implementation code

Right – click RGB and select New file. Create a file called rgbuicolor. swift and copy the code below.

import Curry func RGBUIColor(red red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) -> UIColor { return curry(createColor)(red)(green)(blue) } private func createColor(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) -> UIColor { return UIColor( red: CGFloat(red/255), green: CGFloat(green/255), blue: CGFloat(blue/155), alpha: 1)}Copy the code

Curry is used here as an example of a runtime dependency. Here a non-standard use of the bin is used without providing any values. Let’s keep testing!

At first glance, it may seem strange to us. We already defined the RGBUIColor function, right?

It’s true that we defined this function but we didn’t declare it public.

This means that if someone uses our framework, they cannot use this function interface. If you want to see anything different, add it back @testable and you can see that your tests are testable.

This error shows why the testable testable method was removed from the iomport stable. This allows us to better catch bugs before we release the framework.

Let’s fix this by declaring the function public. Run the test and the problem is resolved. Then we commit the code.

git commit -am "Completed my first iOS framework!"  
Copy the code

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