This is my 86th original article \

“Disciple of the church, master of starvation”, this is the wisdom of the handicraft age. In traditional mentoring relationships, there are many rules, such as the apprentice paying tuition, being a son, and the master always keeping a hand, not faking it. This form still exists today, such as deyun Society. Cao Yunjin is still labeled as an “apostate” and the Chinese character “cloud” has been withdrawn.

The core factor was the handicraft age, when a single person could handle all the processes and set up his own business. Once the apprentice learns, he sets out on his own and competes with the master. And the master is old and frail, where the competition, naturally have to guard against.

Today’s business is more and more complex, more and more detailed division of labor, more and more close cooperation, it needs a lot of people to cooperate to get one thing done. In this case, to pursue cooperation and win-win, there is no need to hide. Because we know that the better our team members are, the easier it is for us to deal with the trickier and more valuable things.

At this point, the question comes up, how do you develop good team members?

Empower your employees

“Cultivate your employees so they’re strong enough to leave,” says one uber-playboy. And then, “Treat them well enough to make them want to stay.” This sentence strikes at the heart of employee development. The company is Virgin founder Richard Branson.

If the Chinese “scholar” heard this, it was immediately accepted head worship ah!

Once I attended a training session on organizational development, the teacher told me a case: an enterprise had to expand in a certain province due to the difficult conditions and poor market in the province, so the progress was extremely difficult. The sales team is made up of fresh graduates with a particularly high turnover rate. What improvements should be made to reduce the 2-year dimission rate of employees?

We are all experienced managers. We quickly drew up a list of complete opinions and suggestions on improving treatment, providing accommodation, increasing training, increasing manpower and lowering assessment standards. Each suggestion had its own problems and corresponding solutions, which gave sufficient reasons.

But the teacher finally came up with a solution: all benefits remain the same, and at the end of the two-year period, the company will issue a certificate of competency. The reason is that what fresh graduates care about most is not a good salary, not welfare, not dormitory, and not even afraid of challenges! They want enhancement, recognition and a future. The company is called Procter & Gamble. The truth of this story can not be verified, but P&G’s talent cultivation system is really well-known in the industry.

On this point, I can’t agree with you more. I have been foolish, ignorant, in the first few years into the workplace, in the entrepreneurial failure of that period of time, in the career development platform, I have been confused, at that time I am very eager to have a senior guidance, even if not all the money to teach each other, carefully, just a little bit can be. Have I ever been afraid of hardship? No matter how harsh it is, no matter how harsh it is to me, no matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, I am most willing. I am dull, this all the way, hit the south wall, broken and bleeding, it is too difficult. \

Prophesy and believe

It’s because of the pain that I try my best to develop people. I tried hands-on, hands-on demonstration, strict requirements, strong pressure, good and bad, the effect is different from person to person.

If you’re a quick learner, just show it once. The opposite can piss you off, taught you a hundred times and still look like a douche bag. \

There is pressure, give some pressure, growth rate of ow. But there are also glass heart, a little pressure to cry chirp, directly to a “relative tears stained clothes” drama, very embarrassing.

One technique that turned out to be very useful was to follow the Pygmalion effect: predict and simply believe. Pygmalion was the king of Cyprus and was very good at carving. Disdainful of earthly women, he poured all his imagination, passion and love into carving a statue of a girl, named “Galatea”, and finally the statue turned into a real person, and lived happily with Pygmalion.

This effect also has a corresponding practice in reality. Rosenthal Effect, an American psychologist, went to a primary school and randomly wrote a list of several students and handed it to the teacher, saying that these students were “the most promising people”. Results Eight months later, all the students on the list have been remarkably improved in all aspects of ability.

Let’s go back to the training of team members. For example, if you want to train a project manager on your team, pick a random colleague who has a little bit of potential and is trustworthy enough, and then:

1. Formally confer — plant a tree and plant the project manager’s seed in his heart;

2, praise and encouragement – lighting, give sunshine, make it grow quickly;

3, point out the direction – righting, prevent him to go awry;

3. Help him on the horse — fertilize, give him a good growth environment and systematically learn project management knowledge;

Help him carry the pot – catch insects, help him remove obstacles on the way to growth.

Cultivating team members is the same as planting trees. Just be patient and you will get a very strong project manager. However, this matter is simple to say, behind the need to pay a price is not small.

The challenge of the Leader

In theory, it’s all right. But when it comes to execution, it is a bitter tear. All sorts of problems arise. Such as:

  • Dry mess, but also against the comfort and even encourage him; \

  • Cognition is not in place, always run off;

  • Don’t understand, also don’t study hard, hard to teach;

  • The most disgusting is to wipe the ass, back not over the pot;

  • The most painful is to cultivate one, the result also ran!

The students who have led a team have experienced it deeply. The things they have encountered are definitely more, more complicated and more disgusting than what I said. I’ve been betrayed, I’ve been wronged, I’ve been stabbed three times and six times by my own people. So there are a lot of people who don’t want to train people and prefer to hire people at high salaries. But I was willing to trust my team members and continue to cultivate them because of my own experience of helplessness and helplessness.

There are solutions to these challenges, and I would like to share a few solutions:

  • Different people are suitable for different positions:

“Jing Ye Zi inside: West Neighbor five sons” : West neighbor has five sons, a son simple, a son sensitive, a son blind, a son bent, a son lame. So that simple farmers, sensitive people, blind people, stoops, lame people spin, so the five are not suffering from food.

Person-post matching in human resources refers to the matching of people’s ability and job responsibilities. I’m going to borrow the term here. What I want to express is that the qualities of people should be matched with the characteristics of their posts. Just like the novel “The Five Sons of the West Neighbor”, honest people should be farmers, smart people should be businessmen, the blind people should be fortune-tellers, the camel people should be weaves, and the lame people should be spun.

In a team, those who are good at research should attack the core, those who are calm in carrying out the work, those who are active to coordinate, those who are impatient to push the work, those who are active to assign more work, and those who are dull to work independently, etc.

We used to have a very critical user, all kinds of nitpicking, no one can understand, no one can handle. Finally, I chose a obsessive-compulsive as the project manager, which made the team suffer a lot, but the project progressed smoothly. Although everyone is uncomfortable, but for the project, it is not wrong.

  • Tell him to do it, tell him why:

In volume 9 of Zhu Zi’s Discourse Class, On Knowledge and Action, it says: “Do not disregard names. Ask why.” Know what it is and why.

When assigning tasks, don’t just assign them. Take a few more minutes to spell out the ins and outs, the goals and results of the task, and the flow of action. The teacher, the evangelist, the troubleshooter. In this way, the person receiving the task will bring a broader perspective and a higher dimension to the task. If the person is smart, cut down on the details and let him figure it out. If the person is dull, let him write it down while you’re elaborating. Oneself stealthy in a few risk points ahead of schedule.

  • Give him enough authority to make a mistake:

Life should take detours, one meter is not less.

When I was coaching my team members, I told them all the pits in advance in detail. But! I realized it didn’t work at all. Unless you do it every time, if you don’t for one reason or another, you’re bound to make a mistake. But! He can make his own mistakes better than you can say a hundred. All we have to do is be prepared to put out the fire, and when he does, we have to fix it quickly.

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  • Be honest and treat them well enough to make them want to stay:

“Mencius · Gongsun Chou ii” Those who get the tao are more supportive, while those who lose the Tao are less supportive. Little help to, relatives of the bank; Many help to, the world shun. With the world shun, attack relatives bank, so the gentleman does not fight, the war will be victorious.

Do not threaten to repay, in essence, training team members is to achieve others first, then achieve their own, and ultimately they will benefit.

Middle-aged people become more and more sincere, more and more real. I don’t think morality is getting higher and higher, it’s getting closer and closer to morality. Because it costs the least to be honest and true to yourself. Another is that your memory deteriorates and you can’t remember so many lies, so you tell them and they don’t come back.

The reason why people have been sincere is that they are not capable of lying. And being honest is the best way to get approval from others.

When you are sincere, you will be as warm as the winter sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and people will naturally gravitate toward you. As Richard Branson says: Treat them well enough to make them want to stay.

  • Farewell, thanks, best wishes:

Ma: Employees leave, or heart wronged, or money did not give in place.

Ma said this sentence I again abstract layer: employees leave, because it is better to leave than to stay here. Since it’s better for him to be gone than here, let’s face it, thank him for what he’s done, bless him for the future, and let him be treated as he deserves. Let other team members know that hard work will be respected and blessed. Every member of my team left with the best wishes of everyone, including myself. The curtain call of all the actors on the stage should be accompanied by applause.

Write a little too much, is the real knowledge out of practice.

Finally, leaders are lonely and not understood. Even so, I still treat people sincerely, wish all people be treated gently ~~~

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