This article is part of the Diggin Project.
This time take everybody to imitate write before have a period of time more popular angry birds small game bai.
Without further ado, let’s begin happily
The development tools
**Python version: **3.6.4
Related modules:
Pygame module;
And some modules that come with Python.
Environment set up
Install Python and add it to the environment variables. PIP installs the required related modules.
Introduction of the principle
Here is a brief introduction to the implementation of the game. First, the game’s opening screen, which looks something like this, is simple:
It mainly consists of two parts, namely the title of the game and the start and exit buttons of the game. The code of these two parts is implemented as follows:
"Button class"
class Button(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height, action=None, color_not_active=(189.195.199), color_active=(189.195.199)) :
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.action = action
self.screen = screen
self.color_active = color_active
self.color_not_active = color_not_active
Add text
def addtext(self, text, size=20, font='Times New Roman', color=(0.0.0)) :
self.font = pygame.font.Font(font, size)
self.text = self.font.render(text, True, color)
self.text_pos = self.text.get_rect() = (self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2)
Is the mouse selected?
def selected(self) :
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if (self.x < pos[0] < self.x + self.width) and (self.y < pos[1] < self.y + self.height):
return True
return False
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
if self.selected():
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_active, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_not_active, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))
if hasattr(self, 'text'):
self.screen.blit(self.text, self.text_pos)
Text label class
class Label(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height) :
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.screen = screen
Add text
def addtext(self, text, size=20, font='Times New Roman', color=(0.0.0)) :
self.font = pygame.font.Font(font, size)
self.text = self.font.render(text, True, color)
self.text_pos = self.text.get_rect() = (self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2)
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
if hasattr(self, 'text'):
self.screen.blit(self.text, self.text_pos)
Copy the code
In fact, the implementation is relatively simple, button class is more than a selected by the mouse (that is, the mouse position falls within the area of the button) change color to tell the player intuitively that the button has been selected.
If the player hits QUIT, the game will QUIT:
Def quitGame (): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def startGame (): game_levels = GameLevels(cfg, screen) game_levels.start()Copy the code
The game interface looks something like this:
The player wins by killing all intruding pigs with a limited number of birds — in other words, shooting birds with a slingshot that hits all the pigs in the field. If all birds are fired and pigs are still missing, the player loses. The code to determine the outcome of the game is actually quite simple to implement, and it looks like this:
"Game State"
def status(self, pigs, birds) :
status_codes = {
'gaming': 0.'failure': 1.'victory': 2,}if len(pigs) == 0: return status_codes['victory']
elif len(birds) == 0: return status_codes['failure']
else: return status_codes['gaming']
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Next, to implement the game, we define all the sprites we need. First up, our hero, Angry Birds:
"' the birds' ' '
class Bird(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, color=(255.255.255), **kwargs) :
assert len(loc_info) == 3
assert len(imagepaths) == 1
Set the necessary attribute constants
self.color = color
self.screen = screen
self.loc_info = list(loc_info)
self.imagepaths = imagepaths
self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity
self.type = 'bird'
self.fly_path = []
self.is_dead = False
self.elasticity = 0.8
self.is_loaded = False
self.is_selected = False
self.inverse_friction = 0.99
self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi)
# Screen size
self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size
self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50)
# import image
self.image = pygame.image.load(imagepaths[0])
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
if not self.is_loaded:
for point in self.fly_path:
pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, self.color, (point[0], point[1].3.3), 1)
position = self.loc_info[0] - self.loc_info[2], self.loc_info[1] - self.loc_info[2]
self.screen.blit(self.image, position)
Check if the mouse is selected.
def selected(self) :
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
dx, dy = pos[0] - self.loc_info[0], pos[1] - self.loc_info[1]
dist = math.hypot(dy, dx)
if dist < self.loc_info[2] :return True
return False
"Load to slingshot."
def load(self, slingshot) :
self.loc_info[0], self.loc_info[1] = slingshot.x, slingshot.y
self.is_loaded = True
"Reset position"
def reposition(self, slingshot) :
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if self.selected:
self.loc_info[0], self.loc_info[1] = pos[0], pos[1]
dx, dy = slingshot.x - self.loc_info[0], slingshot.y - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.magnitude = min(int(math.hypot(dx, dy) / 2), 80)
self.velocity.angle = math.pi / 2 + math.atan2(dy, dx)
"Shows the path to launch the bird."
def projectpath(self) :
if self.is_loaded:
path = []
bird = Bird(self.screen, self.imagepaths, self.loc_info, velocity=self.velocity)
for i in range(30):
if i % 5= =0: path.append((bird.loc_info[0], bird.loc_info[1]))
for point in path:
pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, self.color, (point[0], point[1].2.2))
"Moving bird"
def move(self) :
Change the bird's velocity vector according to gravity
self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity)
self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle)
self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle)
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction
Width out of screen
if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[0] < self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
# Height off screen
if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[1] < self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
Copy the code
The main thing to consider for this is that there are actually five states:
Queuing state, that is, waiting to enter the slingshot at the lower left corner of the state, stationary;
Ready state, that is to enter the slingshot ready to be launched, it needs to follow the mouse constantly move, so that players know their current adjustment of the bird to the position is launched after what kind of Angle and path;
The state of flight, after being launched by a slingshot, requires the bird to calculate its flight path and constantly move based on gravity and its initial velocity;
Collision state, that is, the motion state changes during flight when it hits other objects such as pigs and wooden stakes;
The resting state, the final resting state after the bird has completed its flight.
Let’s implement piglet:
"' pig ' ' '
class Pig(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, **kwargs) :
assert len(loc_info) == 3
assert len(imagepaths) == 3
Set the necessary attribute constants
self.screen = screen
self.loc_info = list(loc_info)
self.imagepaths = imagepaths
self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity
self.type = 'pig'
self.is_dead = False
self.elasticity = 0.8
self.switch_freq = 20
self.animate_count = 0
self.inverse_friction = 0.99
self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi)
# Screen size
self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size
self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50)
# import image
self.pig_images = []
for imagepath in imagepaths: self.pig_images.append(pygame.image.load(imagepath))
Set the current image
self.image = random.choice(self.pig_images[:2])
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
self.animate_count += 1
if (self.animate_count % self.switch_freq == 0) and (not self.is_dead):
self.animate_count = 0
self.image = random.choice(self.pig_images[:2])
position = self.loc_info[0] - self.loc_info[2], self.loc_info[1] - self.loc_info[2]
self.screen.blit(self.image, position)
"Moving pig"
def move(self) :
Change the pig's velocity vector according to gravity
self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity)
self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle)
self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle)
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction
Width out of screen
if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[0] < self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
# Height off screen
if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[1] < self.loc_info[2]:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
The pig died.
def setdead(self) :
self.is_dead = True
self.image = self.pig_images[-1]
Copy the code
Pigs can play in three main states:
The state of being at rest, that is, standing still in one place without being hit;
The state of motion after being hit, that is, after being hit by something else and moving along with it according to the principle of momentum conservation;
The state of rest after being hit, that is, the state of rest after being hit,
The wooden blocks in the game are implemented in a similar way to pigwidgeon:
A block of wood in a map.
class Block(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, **kwargs) :
assert len(loc_info) == 3
assert len(imagepaths) == 2
Set the necessary attribute constants
self.type = 'block'
self.screen = screen
self.loc_info = list(loc_info)
self.imagepaths = imagepaths
self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity
self.elasticity = 0.7
self.is_destroyed = False
self.inverse_friction = 0.99
self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi)
# import image
self.block_images = []
for imagepath in imagepaths: self.block_images.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(imagepath), (100.100)))
# Screen size
self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size
self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50)
Set the current image
self.image = self.block_images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rotate_angle = math.radians(0)
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, self.rotate_angle)
self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.loc_info[0] - self.rect.width // 2, self.loc_info[1]))
"Set to broken state"
def setdestroy(self) :
self.is_destroyed = True
self.image = self.block_images[1]
"Move the block"
def move(self) :
Change the velocity vector of the block according to gravity
self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity)
self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle)
self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle)
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction
Width out of screen
if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.rect.width:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.rect.width) - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.rotate_angle = -self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[0] < self.rect.width:
self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.rect.width - self.loc_info[0]
self.velocity.angle *= -1
self.rotate_angle = -self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
# Height off screen
if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.rect.height:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.rect.height) - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.rotate_angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
elif self.loc_info[1] < self.rect.height:
self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.rect.height - self.loc_info[1]
self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.rotate_angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle
self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity
Copy the code
Finally, let’s implement the wall and slingshot:
"' slingshot" '
class Slingshot(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height, color=(66.73.73), line_color=(100.30.22), **kwargs) :
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.color = color
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.screen = screen
self.line_color = line_color
self.type = 'slingshot'
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self, bird=None) :
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x, self.y + self.height * 1 / 3, self.width, self.height * 2 / 3))
if bird is not None and bird.is_loaded:
pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.line_color, (self.x, self.y + self.height / 6), (bird.loc_info[0], bird.loc_info[1] + bird.loc_info[2] / 2), 10)
pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.line_color, (self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height / 6), (bird.loc_info[0] + bird.loc_info[2], bird.loc_info[1] + bird.loc_info[2] / 2), 10)
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x - self.width / 4, self.y, self.width / 2, self.height / 3), 5)
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x + self.width * 3 / 4, self.y, self.width / 2, self.height / 3), 5)
"' wall '
class Slab(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, x, y, width, height, color=(255.255.255)) :
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.color = color
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.screen = screen
self.imagepaths = imagepaths
if self.width > self.height:
self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[0])
self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[1])
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.width, self.height))
self.type = 'wall'
Draw it to the screen.
def draw(self) :
self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))
Copy the code
Now that we have all the sprites defined, we can start to implement the main loop of the game. The code is as follows:
"Start the game."
def start(self) :
# Import all game sprites
game_sprites = self.loadlevelmap()
birds, pigs, blocks, walls = game_sprites['birds'], game_sprites['pigs'], game_sprites['blocks'], game_sprites['walls']
slingshot = Slingshot(self.screen, 200, self.screen_size[1] - 200.30.200)
score_label = Label(self.screen,
score_label.addtext(f'SCORE: {self.score}'.25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
birds_remaining_label = Label(self.screen,
birds_remaining_label.addtext(f"BIRDS REMAINING: {len(birds)}".25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
pigs_remaining_label = Label(self.screen,
pigs_remaining_label.addtext(f"PIGS REMAINING: {len(pigs)}".25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
carles_label = Label(self.screen, self.screen_size[0] - 270, self.screen_size[1] - 20.300.100)
carles_label.addtext('CARLES'.60, self.cfg.FONTPATH['arfmoochikncheez'], (113.125.126))
# Game main loop
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
blocks_to_remove, pigs_to_remove = [], []
while True:
# -- Key detection
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
elif event.key == pygame.K_r:
elif event.key == pygame.K_p or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if birds[0].selected():
birds[0].is_selected = True
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if birds[0].is_selected:
birds[0].is_selected = False
birds[0].start_flying = True
# -- Fill the background color
color = self.cfg.BACKGROUND_COLOR
for i in range(3):
color = (color[0] + 5, color[1] + 5, color[2] + 5)
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, (0, i * 300, self.screen_size[0].300))
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (77.86.86), (0, self.screen_size[1], self.screen_size[0].50))
# -- Determine if the game is over, if not, import a new bird
if (not birds[0].is_loaded) and self.still(pigs + birds + blocks):
if self.status(pigs, birds) == 2:
self.score += len(birds) * 100
elif self.status(pigs, birds) == 1:
birds[0].start_flying = False
# -- Resets the position of the bird
if birds[0].is_selected:
if hasattr(birds[0].'start_flying') and birds[0].start_flying:
birds[0].is_loaded = False
# - a slingshot
# -- Determine if the pig hit the stake
for i in range(len(pigs)):
for j in range(len(blocks)):
pig_magnitude_1, block_magnitude_1 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
pigs[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(pigs[i], blocks[j])
pig_magnitude_2, block_magnitude_2 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
if is_collision:
if abs(pig_magnitude_2 - pig_magnitude_2) > 2:
if abs(block_magnitude_2 - block_magnitude_1) > 2:
# -- Determine if the bird hits the stake
for i in range(len(birds)):
if not (birds[i].is_loaded or birds[i].velocity.magnitude == 0) :for j in range(len(blocks)):
bird_magnitude_1, block_magnitude_1 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
birds[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(birds[i], blocks[j])
bird_magnitude_2, block_magnitude_2 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
if is_collision:
if abs(bird_magnitude_1 - bird_magnitude_2) > 2:
if blocks[j] not in blocks_to_remove:
# -- Determine whether a pig hits a pig or a pig hits a wall
for i in range(len(pigs)):
for j in range(i+1.len(pigs)):
pig1_magnitude_1, pig2_magnitude_1 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude
pigs[i], pigs[j], is_collision = self.collision(pigs[i], pigs[j])
pig1_magnitude_2, pig2_magnitude_2 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude
if abs(pig1_magnitude_1 - pig1_magnitude_2) > 2:
if pigs[j] not in pigs_to_remove:
if abs(pig2_magnitude_1 - pig2_magnitude_2) > 2:
if pigs[i] not in pigs_to_remove:
for wall in walls: pigs[i] = self.collision(pigs[i], wall)[0]
# -- Determine if the bird hit the pig or if the bird hit the wall
for i in range(len(birds)):
if (not birds[i].is_loaded) and (birds[i].velocity.magnitude):
for j in range(len(pigs)):
bird_magnitude_1, pig_magnitude_1 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude
birds[i], pigs[j], is_collision = self.collision(birds[i], pigs[j])
bird_magnitude_2, pig_magnitude_2 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude
if is_collision:
if abs(bird_magnitude_2 - bird_magnitude_1) > 2:
if pigs[j] not in pigs_to_remove:
if birds[i].is_loaded: birds[i].projectpath()
for wall in walls: birds[i] = self.collision(birds[i], wall)[0]
# -- Determine if the stake hits the stake or the stake hits the wall
for i in range(len(blocks)):
for j in range(i+1.len(blocks)):
block1_magnitude_1, block2_magnitude_1 = blocks[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
blocks[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(blocks[i], blocks[j])
block1_magnitude_2, block2_magnitude_2 = blocks[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude
if is_collision:
if abs(block1_magnitude_2 - block1_magnitude_1) > 2:
if blocks[j] not in blocks_to_remove:
if abs(block2_magnitude_2 - block2_magnitude_1) > 2:
if blocks[i] not in blocks_to_remove:
for wall in walls: blocks[i] = self.collision(blocks[i], wall)[0]
# - wall
for wall in walls: wall.draw()
# -- Display text
score_label.addtext(f'SCORE: {self.score}'.25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
birds_remaining_label.addtext(f"BIRDS REMAINING: {len(birds)}".25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
pigs_remaining_label.addtext(f"PIGS REMAINING: {len(pigs)}".25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236.240.241))
# -- Screen refresh
# -- Remove invalid elements
if self.still(birds + pigs + blocks):
for pig in pigs_to_remove:
if pig in pigs:
self.score += 100
for block in blocks_to_remove:
if block in blocks:
self.score += 50
pigs_to_remove = []
blocks_to_remove = []
Copy the code
Button detection and collision detection as well as some game state updates like scores
That’s the end of this article. Thank you for watching. Python27 Mini-games
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