“Hey, you know what? When I was coding words, I suddenly received a message from a friend on wechat. A face meng circle of me, immediately back to a meng circle of expression. Then the other side leisurely say: “the Internet circle of a big guy off the rails, the net all brush screen, you don’t know?” I was so nervous. I thought something big was going on. It was gossip. At that time, I was catching up on the manuscript, and there were a lot of important things to do, so I quickly took out my phone and searched which big guy was cheating on me.

This kind of scene is too common in work and life. In everyone’s impression, girls seem to prefer gossiping, and there is a derogatory term to describe those who spread gossip as “gossips”. It’s not just girls. Guys like to gossip, too, but about different things.

Science has proved that gossiping is a uniquely human behavior, with no distinction between the high and the low. Do you think that when the fortune 500 bosses sit together, all they talk about is stocks, markets and corporate strategy? No, more than 80 percent of what they talked about was gossip, such as which CEO hired a beautiful assistant, which company’s development was not dependent on the relationship between the two, and which big shot was invited to tea again, just like ordinary people having a long dinner party.

Why do humans love to gossip? Because humans need gossip to strengthen social bonds and strengthen their social circles. Does it feel like gossiping has risen to an unprecedented level all of a sudden, which scared me to find a friend to gossip to calm down the panic? Human gossiping works in much the same way that apes groom each other. Apes do not have language, they can only communicate with each other by behavior. Apes also have circles among themselves. How do they stabilize their circle relations?

Normally, grooming takes only a few minutes, but apes can spend most of the day grooming each other. It’s like people having dinner together. After half an hour, they can talk about gossip for four or five hours. Exchange information, express your ideas, find like-minded peers, and deepen social relationships. Take a closer look. Cats do something similar with each other, licking each other’s fur to bond.

So what does gossip have to do with marketing? This is actually the most interesting part. It is important to know that gossip is characterized by large spread, wide spread and deep memory of users. These three characteristics are what marketing practitioners are most eager to achieve. Every marketing idea we think of is hoping that users can take the initiative to spread, eager to spread all over the country. And gossip has exactly what we want.

The conclusion is self-evident. If you can make the marketing promotion plan into gossip, isn’t it wonderful to do it? Then I will explain to you how to make the promotion content into gossip, look carefully.

Positive or negative? Some students who do promotion probably have such ideas in their consciousness, but the scheme is hardly gossip. Why is that? So there’s a paradox here, if you think about it, is the gossip we hear on a daily basis dominated by negative news? The stories mentioned at the beginning are all negative, such as the cheating of a tycoon, the banning of inappropriate remarks of a certain star, the use of expired ingredients in a brand’s raw materials, and the crash of a car broadcast by an anchor.

And enterprises do marketing, almost without exception is about how good the enterprise, users for such information is not the transmission of power, why? It depends on the structure of the human brain. When people see information about someone else’s misfortune or a famous person’s misfortune, the reward center in the brain is activated and feels good. It’s like an addict smoking a cigarette, only not as bad, but the principle is the same.

Negative news is more likely to be gossip, positive news is less likely to be gossip. This is where marketing pitches are so hard to gossip about. Therefore, the positive news this road can not go, some companies will use negative news to push themselves out, commonly known as self-black. For example, some stars are particularly black, the network scold, but the more scold, these stars are more famous, which is actually under the control of the brokerage company.

How to control the degree of blackness, can not black too, also can not black too shallow, is a knowledge. Some Internet companies will play this set, APP out, first put a few negative news out to attract the eye, to wait for the number of users up and then slowly wash. There are also some examples of rollover, played was banned in a large number of people.

One of the lessons I learned when I was writing about journalism is exactly how to use negative news to gossip. The truth is, when we write the news, we can’t just praise it. It’s too fake. Occasionally write negative news, but writing negative news is sure to offend people. This requires great writing skills, and some news that seems negative is actually positive.

To give you an example, say a restaurant, 30 minutes after ordering fish soup still did not come, then went to the chef to ask, the chef said, fish soup stewed for an hour will be more delicious, even if waiting impatiently, give bad comments, but also to give users the most perfect taste experience. Wait a little longer, while waiting, you can send some snacks from the storefront owner’s hometown to taste. Such a negative news, but the subtext is to tell users that the store has ingenuity. This is to take the positive news, in the way of negative news, to get spread. Haidilao has many similar stories, we are estimated to have heard of one or two.

Take down every gossip your friend tells you. List twenty or thirty of them. One thing you’ll find in common is that all of them are events, specific, directed events. What does that mean? For example, when we promote the performance of the earphone, we say that the earphone 5D surround sound meets the standard of human mechanics, and the sound quality is comparable to the sound of nature, etc., which is very empty and not solid. Users can’t spread it. Imagine your friend telling you gossip and saying, look at this earpiece, the sound quality is heavenly. You might think that this friend’s brain is listening to music.

When promoting the performance of earphones, this is the posture of using events to promote them. Said a child has adhd, always quiet not down, tried all kinds of methods, dozen, scold, punishment are not good, the parents really have no way. When the parents are at a loss, suddenly one day, the child calmed down, very quiet sitting on a small stool, the parents are curious, into a look, it turned out that the child did not know where to turn out a certain earphone, after wearing, the whole person is quiet, listening to the beautiful voice of nature in the earphone. So-and-so headphones, let you away from the hustle and bustle, have their own piece of day. This is an event that can be broadcast.

If some friends spread this story, the gossip would describe it like this: Lao Li’s child has ADHD, wearing so-and-so headphones, just like a changed person. Do you know that earphone? It should be noted that in the spread of the event, it is possible to slowly go out of shape, people will be based on their own understanding of the exaggeration. At the end of the earphone story, it might even be that there’s a child with a hearing impairment who wears an earphone and his hearing returns to normal. That’s fine for gossip, but not for branding, which involves false propaganda. But either way, the brand got out.

As I’ve been saying, there must be a hook in marketing promotion content, a hook for users to remember, a hook for transformation, and a hook for dissemination, which is an event. We all remember the recent incident in which wool was pulled up and shut down an orange shop on Tmall. When it happened, I knew the end result would be a blessing in disguise. Because evil can never defeat justice, the store will definitely reopen, and the popularity of the store will increase exponentially due to the spread of the event. We all know what that means.

This event is not caused by human, which is of great reference significance from the perspective of marketing promotion and gossip dissemination. When I was chatting with my friends, I accidentally also talked about: you see those wool pulling too hateful, tmall on an orange shop was pulled shut down, too miserable. My friend replied to me immediately: know, know, in fact, my hometown is also a kind of orange, also afraid of pulling wool. I said: What a coincidence? I just want to buy some oranges. Please give me ten jin. He said: No problem. A business deal was sealed in gossip.

Finally, gossipy marketing can quickly improve the brand awareness of enterprises in a short time, but in the long run, product quality and continuous marketing promotion are still necessary. I remember the words of some APP developers. They said that it is better to disappear after a flash in the pan than to disappear without a splash. I couldn’t help thinking, perhaps, the start-up do gossip marketing, really is the first.

Author: Tiger, operation and promotion bull, a young man with ideas, dedicated to operation and promotion for one hundred years, proficient in each module of operation and promotion, data, users, activities, channels can play the turn, known as the operation and promotion of the old driver.

Public number: tiger speaks operation

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