Recently I saw a notice from Jane’s official

Probably means, Jane book junk marketing text is much, Jane book official is to know, but the official later to collect advertising fees, users as long as willing to pay money, can send advertising every day, do not pay money on the seal, but have the same, I Jane book is not Baidu, medical type of advertising can not be sent.

Jane operating very black humor of the book, a SAO operation, get rid of a favorite blog group of programmers, contribute close the home page, get out of the history’s most didn’t pretend bility of information flow, push users look at a push, you want to uninstall the APP, release drill cut chives, Jane books back pit need 13 weeks (13 in western culture is extremely ominous Numbers), finally also to play off, In order to encourage users to express their support to members, CEO Jianshu gave praise to those who were members every day. However, due to too much platform marketing text, he began to seal a large number of articles. Due to the bad rules of sealing procedures, a large number of false seals were caused.

In a long time ago, Jane’s book is a good community, the earliest native support for markdown, interface simple, unlimited bed outside chain, mobile phone code word experience is good also, and realized completely cross-platform, article SEO effect very good, very easy to Google included, attracted a lot of programmers into Jane books, articles contribute home page can see all kinds of literature and art and pure and fresh.

However, other platforms are moving forward, and Jianshu is going backwards. Zhihu, CSDN and Gold mining platforms all support Markdown. Jianshu adds a lot of low-quality ads, and the interface is not beautiful at all. Jane changed the original free export graphic template into a fee template, and after the article is published, can export pictures…… Finally Jane book before the accumulation of SEO optimization weight, also sold to the marketing number advertising, search engine algorithm is not a fool, has been advertising, search results page click rate is low, SEO ranking will be lower; Jane book cancelled the home page contribution, but the recommendation algorithm is in a mess, recommend information flow this kind of thing, if not good, do not do! Simple book core programmer estimate single digit, just a few guns, also want to engage thousands of people, really how bold, how much production, as for the output is what, look at the APP score decline how fast you know.

There’s no shame in making money, but since money is so scarce, why not dig into the product itself? Jane book SEO is very good, can sell space, like Github Pages, domestic CDN acceleration, support custom domain name, free users only give 50MB. The CEO stepped in to undo the negative influence and attract programmers back. Jane book marketing number to do some thorough, constantly raise prices, cleaning up marketing articles, purification platform. Distribute the low-priced simple book drill to the reviewers of each topic, review one manuscript and reward one drill to enhance the activity of the topic. Let programmers rewrite lock text judge procedure, reduce the rate of false seal, lock text judge procedure, self check before release, for false seal content, with simple book drill compensation. The conversion time of drilling coins should not be defined as 13 weeks, which is unlucky. It is suggested to find a knowledgeable person and redesign the rules of drilling and converting shellfish.