Base component versions
- centos7
- Nodejs (7.6+, v12.12.0 is recommended and v14 is problematic)
- Mongodb (2.6+ V5.0 used in this article)
Two, installation environment
2.1 nodejs
- Download the node package
Wget HTTP: / / the code
- Unpack the
Tar -xvf node-v12.12.0-linux-x64.tar.xz -c /opt/Copy the code
- Go to the bin directory and run the ls command
CD node - v12.12.0 - Linux - x64 / bin && lsCopy the code
Check the version
./node -v
Copy the code
- Soft Link Node (equivalent to Windows shortcut)
Node and NPM cannot be used globally, so they need to be associated.
Ln -s -f /opt/node-v12.12.0-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node ln -s -f /opt/node-v12.12.0-linux-x64/bin/ NPM /usr/local/bin/npm ln -s -f /opt/node-v12.12.0-linux-x64/bin/npx /usr/local/bin/npxCopy the code
2.2 installation mongo
- Write yum source
Vim/etc/yum. Repos. D/mongo - org - 5.0. RepoCopy the code
Write the following
#Note that it may be missing when pasting[mongo - org - 5.0] name = mongo Repository baseurl= gpgkey= gpgcheck = 1 enabled = 1Copy the code
- Update the YUM source cache
yum makecache
Copy the code
- Install the mongo
yum -y install mongodb-org
Copy the code
- Common commands
#Start the mongo:
systemctl start mongod.service
#Stop the mongo:
systemctl stop mongod.service
#Check mongodb status:
systemctl status mongod.service
Copy the code
- Set MongoDB to allow external access
5.1 Modifying the Configuration File Comment out bindIp
vim /etc/mongod.conf
Copy the code
5.2 Disabling the Firewall
#Stop the firewall
systemctl stop firewalld.service
#Disable the firewall startup upon startup
systemctl disable firewalld.service
Copy the code
5.3 Restarting the mongoDB Service
systemctl restart mongod.service
Copy the code
3. Install YAPI – CLI and configure yAPI
1. Install yapi – cli
npm install -g yapi-cli --registry
Copy the code
2. Go to the yapi-CLI installation directory (as shown in the red box in the figure above).
cd/ opt/node - v12.12.0 - Linux - x64 / bin /Run the config YApi interface
./yapi server
Copy the code
Enter the deployment path in the address bar of your browser, and then fill it in according to your requirements. The deployment path is the installation directory of YAPI. If you need to use it later, click Start Deployment.
Copy the code
= =Change the IP address to your own centos IP address, and turn off the centos firewall= =Initialization is complete until the page appears on the console. Remember the account and password shown in the red box below for later login.
Switch to the deployment path
cd /opt/my-yapi/
Copy the code
3. Run the yAPI service
node vendors/server/app.js
Copy the code
If the following page is displayed, the startup is complete.To use yAPI, type in your browser and enter your account and password.
Copy the code
4. PM2 daemon service process
npm install pm2@latest -g
Copy the code
// Go to the installed my-yAPI folder, then go to my-yapi/vendors/ Server, and then execute
pm2 start app.js
Copy the code
4. Reference links
- Official document of YAPI
- Git repository address of yapi
- Set up the YAPI interface management platform on the Intranet
- Yapi construction process
- Yapi introduction