SQL vs. NoSQL vs. NewSQL Overview

In this blog post, we will show you the basic differences between SQL and NoSQL and NewSQL. These are all types of databases, and you’ll learn about each of them in the following paragraphs. SQL databases, also known as relational database management systems, also known as RDBMSS, are a classic way to store and manipulate historical data. In such a system, information follows a structured approach that utilizes tables or relationships. With the advent of the era of big data, structured methods can no longer meet the huge demand for information processing, which is often unstructured. SQL has gone through many iterations over time to support a wide range of data processing and plumbing. However, it is still inefficient for big data systems that expect fast response and maximum scalability.

NewSQL is a term used to describe products that support a relational data model while providing the same scalability as NoSQL database systems. From then on. NewSQL database for enterprises

A new approach, called NoSQL, has been introduced to address the limitations imposed by the former. NoSQL systems are designed to provide rapid scalability when working with unstructured data platforms or big data applications. NoSQL databases use key-value pairs, documents, graph databases, or wide column stores with no typical schema. It also scales horizontally, rather than vertically, as RDBMSS do. NoSQL shows great promise as the ideal database system for big data applications, but like everything else, it falls short due to some major shortcomings discussed below. This is where NewSQL lives. NewSQL is the latest development in the world of database systems. NewSQL is a relational database with the extensibility of NoSQL.

What is a SQL relational database?

The word SQL is both a language and a database type. SQL stands for structured Query Language and is a pioneer in database design. SQL has been the standard for managing and querying relational data sets since the mid-1980s; However, early prototypes of the relational model date back to the 1960s and 1970s, when there was an urgent need to distinguish between application data and application code, enabling developers to focus on other aspects of program development, such as accessing and manipulating the data at hand. IBM’s IMS was the first fully functional relational database, although designed for a different purpose, to organize data from the Apollo space exploration program. A relational database is a collection of normalized, time-varying relationships of varying degrees. The following intuitive correspondence can be made.

  • A relationship is a file.
  • Each file contains only one record type
  • Records are in no particular order
  • Each field is single-valued
  • A record has a unique identifying field or compound field, called a primary key field.

What is the concept of SQL relational database?


Atomicity, consistency, isolation, persistence to maintain the reliability of transactions.

  1. Atomicity – complete the transaction or not complete the transaction at all
  2. Consistency – Ensures the stable state of the database, regardless of changes
  3. Isolation – Multiple transactions do not interfere with each other
  4. Persistence – The permanent impact of changes on the database

The normalized

A process for designing an efficient database

  • 1NF- Split tables by separating repeated and non-repeated attributes. All the fields are simple, all the elements are atomic.
  • 2NF – Removes some dependencies between attributes. No attribute should be functionally dependent on one part of the aggregate primary key.
  • 3NF – Removes transitive dependencies between table attributes. No primary property is functionally dependent on a non-primary property.


The ability of a database to handle an ever-increasing amount of data. Vertical scaling helps to enhance the existing capabilities of the database server. Most SQL databases support vertical scaling. However, they can get bigger, not smaller.


A field is a set of named scalar values, all of the same type. They help to impose semantic constraints. Rely on traditional functionality and leverage defined data schemas. Supports JOIN functionality and is designed for data integrity

NoSQL (Non-unique SQL) is a database that allows developers to store/manage unstructured data and perform complex analysis operations on it. Resources. Overview of NoSQL database

What are the disadvantages of SQL relational databases?

Although RDBMSS offer unique capabilities, they suffer from some major disadvantages.

Rigid data modeling

One of the biggest limitations of relational databases is the rigidity of organizing data into specific structures of tables and relationships. Since none of the data can easily be loaded into a table, this approach cannot be applied to all natural data, nor can it be stored in the form of trees and graphs, but RDBMSS solve this limitation by modeling this data in a normalized parent-child relationship, which is still not sufficient.


The complexity of data also limits relational databases. These databases organize data by common characteristics. Complex digital, image and multimedia data is difficult to store, access and process.

Inefficient use of space

When we define the schema for the relationship, we define the size of all the properties. Not all records have data that uses all the space. Some have very short lengths. Each record does not necessarily fit a given data type, resulting in a waste of space.

Heavy change

Any changes required for one record need to be applied to all records. So that’s a heavyweight change. Depending on the size and number of records that existed at the time, these changes might have been expensive and not feasible. Therefore, changing the schema of an existing database is a challenge.

Inefficient for big data

SQL is not suitable for large, fast, and diverse data, making it inefficient in cloud-based applications.

What is NoSQL?

These issues were the genesis of the NoSQL movement in the mid to late 2000s. The key working strategy is to abandon the DBMS’s strong transactional guarantees and relational models in favor of ultimate consistency and alternative data models, such as key-value pairs and graphs. The reason for this is that these aspects of existing DBMSS are thought to inhibit their ability to scale and implement high availability to support network applications. Two of the most famous systems that follow this credo are Google’s BigTable and Amazon’s Dynamo, and are restricted to use within their own organizations, leading organizations to create their own open source clones, such as Facebook’s Cassandra and Powerset’s HBase. By the end of the 2000s, a diverse set of scalable and affordable DBMSS had emerged.

What is the concept of NoSQL?

Lack of model

Supports structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. There is no need to define a specific schema before entering data into a NoSQL database. New fields can be added, and implementation and retrieval of nested data are supported. Developers can speed up development by using the data types and query options required for a particular application. With no complex SQL queries or join statements, development time is greatly reduced.

Automatic balance

Automatically divide data between multiple servers without application assistance.

Integrated cache

The NoSQL database caches data in the system memory to increase data throughput and improve performance in advance. High scalability, reliability, simple data model and simple query language.

The BASE principle of the transaction

The benchmark is to NoSql what ACID is to SQL. It ensures that the NoSQL database remains reliable even if it loses consistency. The foundation represents the soft state that is basically available and ultimately consistent. Final consistency – The system can become final consistency and information can be updated as necessary.

Big data architecture helps design data pipelines with the various requirements of batch and stream processing systems. Resources. Big Data Architecture

What are the drawbacks of NoSQL?

Lack of consistency

Because these systems favor usability over consistency, they fail badly when consistency is the most important thing in financial transactions. Because the data nodes are not synchronized, there is a risk of system failure.

The lack of analysis

For analysis, you need a relational model to process the data, and the result is that the entire database needs to be transformed using some relational model. This leads to increased costs.

Lack of standardization

There is no specific language


Does not provide security at the basic level of data.

Nature of the trading

It is important to facilitate fraud detection before completing a transaction and to check balances on the phone. NoSQL will fail when databases need to compete with the daily volume of transactions, because they need a highly scalable, consistent database.

What is NewSQL?

An early response to the above approach was a powerful single-node machine that could handle all transactions, a custom middleware system that distributed queries over traditional DBMS nodes. But both methods are costly to implement. Therefore, an intermediate database system is needed that combines the distributed architecture of a NoSQL system with multi-node concurrency and an entirely new storage mechanism. Thus, Newsql can be defined as a modern relational DBMS that attempts to provide OLTP workloads with the same scalable performance as NoSQL, while ensuring that transactions comply with the RDBMS’s ACID standard. In other words, these systems want to achieve the extensibility of NoSQL without abandoning the relational model of a traditional DBMS with SQL and transaction support.

The concept of NewSQL

  • The main memory storage of the OLTP database implements the memory calculation of the database.
  • Scaling up the database by splitting it into discrete subsets, called partitions or sharding, results in queries being executed in multiple partitions and then merging them into a single result.
  • The NewSQL system retains the ACID properties of the database.
  • The enhanced concurrency control system is beneficial to the traditional concurrency control system.
  • The existence of secondary indexes allows NewSQL to support faster query processing times.
  • High availability and strong data durability can only be achieved using replication mechanisms.
  • Configure the NewSQL system to provide synchronous updates of data over the wide area network.
  • Minimizes downtime and provides fault tolerance with its crash recovery mechanism.

What’s the difference between SQL, NoSQL, and NewSQL?

The characteristics of SQL NoSQL New SQL
Relational attribute Yes, it largely follows the relational model. No, it doesn’t follow the relational model. It was designed to be nothing like that. Yes, because relational models are also critical for real-time analysis.
ACID Yes, ACID properties are the basis of their application No, but provide CAP support Yes, the acid properties are taken care of.
SQL Support for SQL Old SQL is not supported Yes, there is proper support for old SQL and even enhanced functionality.
OLTP Inefficient for OLTP databases. It supports such databases, but is not the best fit. Fully support OLTP database functions, high efficiency
The zoom Vertical scaling Only vertical scaling Vertical + horizontal zoom
Query processing Simple queries can be handled easily and fail when the nature of the query becomes complex Better than SQL when dealing with complex queries It is very efficient when dealing with complex queries and small queries.
Distributed database There is no There are Yes.

SQL, NoSQL, or NewSQL– Which is the best solution for big data?

SQL conforms to the ACID properties and does a good job of vertical scalability, whereas NoSQL provides its own horizontal scalability and provides the BASE attribute. However, NoSQL does not follow the ACID rules required to maintain a reliable and consistent database. Fast paced enterprises and organizations working in OLTP systems generate megabytes of transaction data every day. NewSQL is an ideal choice. NewSQL improves on SQL to provide horizontal extensibility while maintaining ACID properties. This facilitates the processing of big data by enabling concurrency. It also satisfies the ACID requirements well. So NewSQL seems to have found the sweet spot between speed, extensibility, consistency, and availability. Although it is still in its infancy, NewSQL already meets all the criteria to be the ideal database for big data and OLTP applications. You can also explore the differences between Virlet and Kubevirt in this blog post.

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