How big is the market for enterprise services in China? Wuzhao, CEO of Dingding, used the expression “super blue ocean” to describe this unlimited market, and Xiong Fei, managing director of Matrix & Latitude China, also summed up China’s enterprise service field as a trillion market.

Under the super blue ocean, naturally, there are not a lot of entrepreneurs and investors. According to the 2017 Venture Capital Data Annual Report compiled by VC SaaS and StarUp, 1,441 investment and financing events occurred in the enterprise services sector in 2017, far more than in other industries. One thing is for sure, enterprise services will continue to be a hot spot for investors and entrepreneurs for a long time to come, even as hot as mobile Internet in the long run. According to the 2017 Chinese Internet Market Research Report by China Business Industry Research Institute, the size of China’s mobile Internet market in 2016 was 5,281.71 billion yuan, which is also a trillion market.

Behind the Blue Ocean: Ambition and Pain points coexist

That is, in recent years, we have seen that BAT began to take the 2B route frequently, especially to help other enterprises to upgrade by virtue of the channel of technology empowerment. Last year, Ma Huateng also emphasized that Tencent should have stronger 2B ability. The reason is that the Internet, for a long time, has made the individual user the protagonist, but as technology continues to evolve, they are beginning to realize that the enterprise is the most effective target for integration.

There are two obvious reasons why both BAT and investors are bullish on enterprise services.

** First, there is room for the blue ocean effect of enterprise services. ** IResearch has predicted that by the end of 2017, the number of Chinese enterprise email users will be expected to reach 135 million. Under the influence of China’s policy environment, enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship is in a stage of gradually releasing energy. At the same time, the number of enterprises to maintain a certain rate of growth naturally.

And the small and medium-sized enterprises are the key target of enterprise service. According to relevant data, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in China has reached 40 million. In terms of the distribution of roles served and served, compared with the giants, these smes are equivalent to the whole enterprise service market, that is to say, they are the objects served in the enterprise market.

Dingding CEO previously mentioned a statistic that 99.9% of China’s 43 million enterprises are in the paper-based office era, and only 0.1% of the top enterprises are informationized. Compared with the United States, the number of digital office enterprises in China is only 0.5 percent of that in the United States.

This is just the data of digital office, which is a segment of enterprise-level services. As enterprise services can cover all aspects, it can be imagined that Chinese enterprises are still in the “farming age” of being served. It is such virgin land, just have great development value.

On the one hand, large enterprises like BAT can not only serve themselves, but also make use of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to empower small and medium-sized enterprises based on their previous service experience at the enterprise level. For example, in the financial field, BATJ helps the banking industry to step into the era of financial technology with its technological advantages. On the other hand, the vertical entrance of enterprise services makes it easier to enter the market, hence the endless emergence of entrepreneurial enterprise service companies.

** Second, the enterprise service and the service are complementary, so the enterprise from 0 to 1, is a continuous process of pain points. ** Office software such as enterprise wechat and Dingding serve the management needs of enterprise users, while products such as JINGdong Enterprise Shopping and Alibaba procurement platform for large enterprises mainly serve the procurement needs of enterprise office supplies.

They are there because companies need them. In fact, there is nothing wrong with comparing corporate growth to personal growth. When an enterprise is just established, it is like a baby. For example, when an enterprise needs to get its brand through quickly, it needs new media channels to help it promote, and the baby also needs relevant supplies to better adapt to the surrounding environment.

Taking the value of new media to enterprises as an example, At this innovation and entrepreneurship Service Forum, Liu Kuang, as the founder of Sanche Network technology in Hainan, angel investor, and columnist of Forbes, Financial Times and other well-known media, believes that the value of new media to enterprises is mainly reflected in three aspects.

First, in terms of corporate image, new media acts as a bridge between enterprises and customers, enabling enterprises to express what they want to say in a way that customers like to hear, making corporate image more down-to-earth. Second, corporate brand. One of the responsibilities of new media operation is to help enterprises to promote their brand image. Third, the publicity and promotion of enterprise products and activities. In the past, advertising was characterized by being too far away from users. Now, the openness of the Network urges enterprises to take the initiative to contact customers.

In fact, it also shows that the key point of enterprise information service is to achieve good communication with users, and help enterprises build long-term user trust environment through in-depth communication with users.

When an enterprise grows to a certain extent, for example, when it faces a growth bottleneck, it needs relevant consulting services to help it improve its strategic goals. If the enterprise needs to go public, it needs more comprehensive financial securities services. Therefore, the life of enterprise development is also accompanied by service, and it is in the process of continuous service that the enterprise can continue to move forward.

And this indelible demand is constantly giving rise to a variety of markets, so entrepreneurs and investors are pouring into these fields.

Unusual road, ecological service three sharp tools

Although the enterprise services sector is known as the super blue ocean, and is a trillion market, but we know of enterprise services sector does not seem to have a dominant company. On the one hand, there are too many enterprise-level service fields, and most enterprise platforms are deeply engaged in vertical segmentation fields. On the other hand, the blue ocean effect of enterprise services is gradually being released, and the battle between platforms has just begun.

It can be seen that even dingding, enterprise wechat from the enterprise social services cut into the product is still in development. Moreover, they enter the enterprise service market from the segmented field. The advantage lies in that they can use the existing experience and technology to focus on the familiar field, while the disadvantage lies in that they cannot meet the diversified service needs of enterprises.

Common market at present, the heaven group with ecological thinking into the enterprise service market, it is understood that heaven innovation innovation service platform to integrate the information provided, community portal, space occupancy, brand service, public relations activities and business enterprise housekeeper six big plates, and covers the investment and financing, project application, and so on dozens of niche brand communication.

So what are the advantages of ecologizing your business and services? ** First of all, the synergistic effect of chain service, ** according to the enterprise service strategy of Tiandao, it is actually related to the service content of the front and back end of the enterprise, such as information and community is actually to serve the information needs of the enterprise, and brand service, project declaration is to serve the product.

In other words, the smallest ecological unit of Tiandao is the chain. The advantage of this is that there is a similar relationship between the upstream and downstream of the chain service. For example, when an enterprise lands a new product in a certain place, it needs to declare related projects first, and then launch the brand at the same time.

Obviously, compared with the mode of one-way or single point of service, the advantage of chain service is to help enterprises do two or more things at a time, which can not only save resources, but also improve the docking efficiency, which is conducive to help enterprises quickly transition to the next stage of more mature.

** Second, the enterprise progressive upgrade. An important criterion for the ecologicalization of the system is that the system operates smoothly and orderly with the help of various actors who assume different responsibilities for each other. Tiandao Group’s understanding of enterprise-level ecological services is also reflected in space, media, IP and other aspects, and its intention is to become a catalyst to promote enterprise development.

Or, more like a tailored set of enterprise service content. When companies access to a set of system, are “enterprise service algorithm”, enterprises have different development path, although next the ecosystem, however, can be based on the input values, such as established direction and enterprise property to ensure that realizing maximization of profits, so as to realize the progressive type development lays the foundation for the enterprise. Simply put, ecosystems have a cumulative effect on businesses.

** Finally, seismic effects of ecosystems. ** For enterprises, many services are actually a long-term process, such as brand promotion, financial services, etc. Enterprise services are blue seas, but the people they serve are red seas. Therefore, when some problems occur in the industry, enterprises may be impacted to a certain extent, especially start-ups, which may endanger their survival in serious cases.

Therefore, ecological services are a multi-faceted guarantee for enterprises. For example, when an industry suffers from word-of-mouth problems, a single brand promotion may not be able to reverse the decline of word-of-mouth. Instead, new brand promotion or public welfare actions can be taken to stop losses for enterprises. This is one of the obvious advantages of ecologicalization of enterprise services, which is critical for companies or industries that are not earthquake-resistant.

Why be the next unicorn?

Since it takes the route of ecological service, how does Tiandao Group define the future potential of its enterprise service? Chen Shanming, chairman of Tiandao Creative Group, said that Tiandao will achieve three goals in the future. Second, be an ecological linker for the industry to help core enterprises build innovation platforms; Third, become the first platform for innovation and entrepreneurship services to help enterprises thrive.

In other words, in the blue ocean market of enterprise-level services, Tiandao wants to win with its service range. Although the scope of such services is not comprehensive, many service items within its ecological system have formed certain barriers, such as new media, community and so on.

To be sure, the future of the enterprise services market is bound to see unicorns due to accelerated investment and entrepreneurship. For Tiandao, there may be several significant barriers to becoming a unicorn. First, diversified services, especially in enabling start-ups, the one-stop service of Tiandao is more suitable for start-ups to solve some of their core troubles. As start-ups mature, their business development experience will feed the enterprise service ecosystem of Tiandao. Second, the support of special regional resources. Take Hainan as an example. Currently, Hainan is vigorously promoting Internet + innovation and entrepreneurship, and the atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship bases such as industrial towns and industrial parks is very strong. In this case, Tiandao is actually a large training ground.

So, tiandao has two important criteria for unicorn potential. One is the Matthew effect on resources; The second is the high efficiency of ecological empowerment. This means that Tiandao is also growing towards the top of the enterprise service market while providing services to other enterprises.

With the growth of the enterprise service market, Tiandao’s enterprise services are likely to achieve maximum returns in various segments in the future. With the support of super Portal, tiandao will continue to accumulate experience and lay a good foundation for its own unicorn road.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110