In recent years, with the gradual increase of Internet penetration rate in overseas developing countries and the monopoly of Internet giants such as BAT on the domestic market, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to choose to “go abroad” to expand their business under the pressure of survival. At the same time, going abroad also brings many challenges to IT infrastructure management of enterprises.

SSH is stuck, causing o&M problems

Especially for IT operation and maintenance r&d personnel, in addition to the network delay caused by differences in DNS, time zone and other countries, the complexity of transnational network lines is also an inevitable problem to manage cloud servers located overseas. Slow SSH login response and command execution delay due to the fluctuation of transnational network lines are the most difficult problems. In this case, the average rate of file transfer can be slow to tens of KB/s, or even direct transfer failure.

Sample scenario

Due to business requirements, the server of a company is hosted abroad, while the o&M personnel work in China. Therefore, they often need to use SSH login to manage the server. However, due to network fluctuations, the SSH management server often encounters delays, connection failures, and low transmission speed. This causes o&M errors and low efficiency, which indirectly affects the normal development of enterprise services.

What is a GlobalSSH

To help users solve this problem, UCloud launched GlobalSSH acceleration (GlobalSSH) in June 2018. GlobalSSH is designed to solve the problems caused by SSH keydown, unstable transfer rate, file transfer failure, etc.

GlobalSSH currently supports SSH acceleration for cloud hosts in Hong Kong, Singapore, and North America, with additional support for Tokyo, Jakarta, Frankfurt, and Moscow to follow.

Why use GlobalSSH

Avoid stalling and obvious acceleration

GlobalSSH is an operation wizard that can avoid lag and dramatically increase the transfer rate. A simple experiment can verify the significant difference in file transfer speed with and without GlobalSSH.

The experiment is shown in the following video. First, a 10M file is transferred from the domestic cloud host to the cloud host in Los Angeles, USA using the GlobalSSH accelerated domain name, which takes about 13 seconds:

Without acceleration, it takes more than five minutes for the domestic cloud host to transfer the same file to the cloud host in Los Angeles through direct connection to the public network. See the video below:

It turns out that GlobalSSH speeds up file transfers in 1/25 of the time of direct connections, which is a significant acceleration.

In addition to greatly increasing the transfer rate, GlobalSSH can also greatly reduce packet loss and network jitter with the help of UCloud’s own PathX and intelligent scheduling technology, making terminal response faster and avoiding the problem of not being displayed for a long time when a character is input.

Sshping, an open source tool on GitHub, can be used to accurately test SSH connection performance. Test a los angeles-based GlobalSSH accelerator domain name using the following command:

Sshping - r es the code

The results are as follows:

SSH connections that are not accelerated are as follows:

As a result, GlobalSSH can reduce the connection latency from 177ms to 157ms by about 13% when the domestic cloud host initiates a connection to the Host in Los Angeles.

Simple access, no change required

Using GlobalSSH is as simple as creating an INSTANCE of SSH acceleration in the UCloud console and entering the IP of the server to be accelerated.

After instance is created, generate a similar domain name of, use this domain as the host of SSH access can obtain stable SSH access experience, such as

SSH [email protected]Copy the code

Flexible billing and low cost

A GlobalSSH instance costs only $60 / month and generates a traffic charge of $2 /GB (settled early the next morning depending on the day’s traffic usage, less than 1GB is free). In addition, users can also flexibly choose annual/monthly/hourly payment according to their actual needs.

Multi-technical support, simple but not simple

In order to make the product easy to use while providing strong product capabilities, GlobalSSH has cleverly designed its backend technology architecture to achieve the unity of ease of use, flexibility and stability.

Tunnel and NAT technology

The PathX underlying wiring provides the physical guarantee for GlobalSSH acceleration, with multiple tunneling technologies enabling user access requests to SSH to be forwarded from the source end to the destination end located around the globe. Through the multi-layer NAT mechanism, not only the cloud host located in UCloud can obtain acceleration, but even the non-UCloud cloud host can obtain the same acceleration effect by filling in the acceleration domain name and IP address normally.

Intelligent Domain name Scheduling

GlobalSSH’s accelerated domain name can be resolved to access clusters on different lines and regions by intelligent scheduling, avoiding the impact of backbone network failures and optimizing local access performance.

Highly available design

GlobalSSH’s access layer is a highly available and scalable cluster design with full disaster recovery considerations. The design also reduces costs, with users paying very little when traffic is low.

Global layout, help go to sea

As of June 2018, UCloud has deployed cloud data centers in 13 cities, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Jakarta, Bangkok, Dubai, Frankfurt, Moscow, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. to provide cloud computing services for domestic enterprises. Adhering to the concept of “user demand is our next product”, GlobalSSH starts from the details to solve users’ practical problems in operation and maintenance, helping more and more domestic enterprises to go abroad and better serve global users.

— the END —

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