Yesterday: The service and market demand are not symmetrical, and the brand communication of Medical beauty is difficult

Consumers who go to unlicensed institutions that violate the rules of operation have medical accidents, or have adverse reactions, which is often a negative news of medical beauty. The number of unlicensed institutions and “barefoot doctors” in the profession is to blame.

According to the “White Paper on Medical beauty Industry in 2017” released by New Oxygen, the transaction scale of formal medical beauty institutions in China is 60 billion yuan, but the black market transaction scale reaches 110 billion yuan. The number of illegal workers also exceeds that of compliance workers. The reason why there are so many unlicensed institutions and black doctors is that there is a strong demand for medical beauty. However, under the traditional marketing model, the information of medical beauty industry is not transparent, and there is also a lack of authoritative institutions as the reference for decision-making, which increases the difficulty for consumers to identify.

Extremely asymmetry between service and market demand is the stubborn disease of medical beauty industry. Traditional medical beauty institutions rely on online search engine guidance, offline intermediary with customers, outdoor advertising and other marketing forms, all of which belong to one-way marketing mode. In the case of concentrated users, the one-way marketing mode is more accurate, but the users of medical beauty are scattered. The one-way marketing mode is inefficient and has disadvantages such as high customer acquisition cost, low buyback rate and difficulty in collecting market feedback. Data show that the repurchase rate of traditional hospitals is less than 20%.

The asymmetry of service and market demand is also reflected in the uneven distribution of medical resources. Excellent physician resources in the medical beauty industry are concentrated in first-tier cities, but most of the regular private institutions are little-known. Therefore, private hospitals also fall into the dilemma of lack of excellent physician resources, lack of innovation ability, and lack of further study and learning opportunities for physicians.

However, this screening standard is not applicable to medical beauty consumption. 80% of medical beauty consumption is concentrated in private institutions. Public medical institutions cannot meet the strong demand of the market, and private medical beauty institutions are not recognized by the society, so they need to establish word of mouth and spread brands. But one-way marketing, such as search engine diversion, is exactly the worst way to build word of mouth.

However, due to information asymmetry between supply and demand, hospitals do not know what the market needs, and consumers do not know what qualifications regular plastic surgery institutions or doctors should have. When consumers have no authoritative basis to refer to, they can only choose guided marketing advertising as the selection standard, or choose to trust “acquaintances”, it is difficult to distinguish medical beauty institutions, giving opportunities to unlicensed institutions, which are used by many beauty salons and other channels that act as intermediaries for quick profits, resulting in a sharp increase in plastic surgery risks.

Therefore, the information in the medical beauty industry is not symmetrical and transparent, and authoritative channels are needed to intervene to help traditional medical beauty institutions connect with consumers in a new way of operation and get rid of the high-cost one-way marketing mode. The medical beauty platform represented by New Oxygen is exactly the provider of this turning point.

Today: The medical beauty platform is controlled by three layers to build a reputation system

After several years of accumulation, New Oxygen has established a mature mechanism to help traditional medical beauty institutions reduce marketing costs and focus on technology improvement. It has been recognized by more than 7,000 formal medical beauty institutions and capital, and is the first medical beauty platform to pass the D round. Starting from new Oxygen, we can understand how the medical beauty platform can solve the two problems of industry information asymmetry and opacity through the three stages of screening period, decision period and recovery period.

First, the screening period.

Traditional one-way marketing mode increases the difficulty of direct communication between medical beauty institutions and users, and traditional medical beauty institutions cannot achieve accurate customer acquisition. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the communication cost between traditional medical beauty institutions and users. However, traditional medical beauty institutions have low profits and lack of online operation capacity. Only the parallel operation of online and offline can effectively help traditional medical beauty institutions to cultivate online operation capacity. For example, New Oxygen sends business personnel to the product end of hospitals to assist medical beauty institutions in online operation. Online, a new Oxygen business School is set up to help medical beauty institutions train operators.

By directly connecting with users through consultation and services, traditional medical beauty institutions not only improve the efficiency of accurate user acquisition, but also reduce marketing costs. Provide a set of data comparison. In the past, offline intermediary with customers and other marketing costs were as high as 50-70%, which severely squeezed the experience of service links and led to unhealthy development of the industry. Now, Xinoxygen has achieved de-intermediation, and the marketing cost of well-run institutions on the platform is only 10%, far below the industry average.

There is long-term asymmetry between service and market demand, and users’ plastic surgery consumption behavior is also very blind. Medical beauty market education is also an important part of the screening period. In order to help consumers with “positive and negative views”, the public account of New Oxygen transmits rational plastic surgery concepts through systematic content and combining with celebrity plastic surgery and other contents, so as to cultivate users’ aesthetic appreciation, establish correct values and popularize medical beauty knowledge to users.

Second, the decision period.

Consumers are concerned about which projects are suitable for them and which hospitals are good at these projects, but the information is not transparent and other problems make the service oriented medical beauty industry in a marketing oriented state for a long time. The most effective way to change the information asymmetry and opacity is to establish the evaluation system of medical beauty industry.

New oxygen the underlying logic is different from baidu’s competitive ranking, spring rain, the doctor’s activity, as well as the good doctor the doctor the doctor the title logic, but in consumer evaluation for logic, only good service agencies, to get consumers certainly plastic diary writing, institutions to build brand on new oxygen, achieved rapid development. Based on “consumer evaluation”, New Oxygen has set up a medical beauty service evaluation system similar to “Public Comment” to select regular medical beauty institutions to enter.

In addition, the word-of-mouth system also helps traditional medical beauty institutions to solve the problem of brand communication, while the cloud clinic model of new oxygen is expected to establish a standard medical beauty service system and improve the resource utilization efficiency of the limited formal medical beauty market. The participation in operation and management of medical beauty platform can control the quality of offline medical beauty service, so as to promote the service improvement of the whole industry. Medical beauty consumption in third and fourth tier cities, especially the consumption of surgical items, will be concentrated in central cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Quality control is the most important link of medical beauty. In fact, both the word-of-mouth system and cloud clinic are engaged in quality control, which can largely solve the problems of uneven resource allocation of physicians and opaque industry information in the domestic medical beauty industry.

Third, the recovery period.

Consumers have to go through a relatively difficult period after plastic surgery, when the uncertainty of the future makes them doubt service or feel less confident. At this stage, Xinoxygen encourages users to actively upload the recovery process after plastic surgery through the “beautiful diary”. New Oxygen will gather scattered medical beauty consumers, doctors can understand the recovery of patients through graphic and text records, give timely recovery guidance, can also be compared with other cases to further improve the surgical plan, improve plastic surgery technology, to the direction of specialized development; A plastic diary can also help consumers build confidence during recovery or as a reference during decision-making.

The marketing assistance and quality control of the medical beauty platform in the screening stage, decision-making stage and recovery stage not only help traditional medical beauty institutions reduce their marketing costs, but also help the industry to solve the problem of information asymmetry and opacity as an authoritative channel, and help formal medical beauty institutions to establish a good reputation and brand.

Tomorrow: Medical beauty ushered in a turning point, new oxygen to the direction of health

The ancients said, “cultivate one’s morality, raise one’s family, govern the country and bring peace to the world.” New Oxygen solves the problems of high cost of acquiring customers, difficult brand communication and low profit of traditional medical beauty institutions, which is equivalent to solving the problems of self-cultivation, family unity and governance. At the same time, the Matthew effect in the medical beauty industry is intensified. According to the data of QM and Yiguan, the new oxygen head effect is obvious, accounting for more than 70% of the use time and startup times of the Medical beauty app. Having established themselves in one area, many companies will expand their business, and the sense of responsibility to provide consumers with a better experience will lead them to “world peace”. So does New Oxygen, which has begun to try to link up with the industry.

Manufacturers, medical beauty institutions, doctors and consumers are four important links in the medical beauty industry, but most medical beauty platforms only connect the three links of medical beauty institutions, doctors and consumers at present. In fact, if the upstream manufacturers do not spend a lot of money on marketing, the brand awareness is low, the consumer application opportunities are few problems, also have to reduce marketing costs, establish brand demand. By connecting upstream and downstream, New Oxygen can help upstream and downstream manufacturers reduce costs, and increase business opportunities for doctors and users, medical beauty institutions and medical device manufacturers and other markets. Only when the cost of the whole industry chain is reduced, the overall service cost of the medical beauty market can be reduced.

High frequency of scenario-based consumption and high repurchase rate are common goals of all commercial enterprises. It is a recognized trend that the future consumption scenes will be concentrated offline. At present, the penetration rate of medical beauty users is only 1%, and a large number of consumption scenes are still concentrated offline. After accumulating multiple streams such as PC, client and public account, xinoxygen and other medical beauty platforms are bound to move towards multi-scene and full-scene marketing ecology, and try their best to make use of stock advantages and provide precise marketing programs for traditional medical beauty institutions from multiple directions and angles.

Medical treatment is a huge commercial territory, each medical field is different but interrelated. When a platform is mature, it has great imagination space to expand categories and extend to other fields with its own advantages. Xing Xing, founder of Xinoxygen, mentioned that medical beauty belongs to improved medical treatment, and there are also improved medical treatment categories such as dentistry and physical examination. Users have demands for better services and treatment by spending money, but the current services cannot be met.

The exploration of market segment opportunities will bring trillions of market and increment for xinoxygen and other enterprises aiming to become a big health platform. Xinoxygen will also focus on expanding categories in 2018, including dentistry, pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, physical examination and other big health field extension categories. The breaking down of medaesthetic boundaries means that consumers in other medical fields will also have a better medical experience in the future.

To sum up, the emergence of medical beauty platforms such as Xinyang has brought about a turning point for the asymmetric and opaque information of traditional medical beauty industry. With the help of these platforms, traditional medical beauty institutions have achieved low-cost and accurate customer acquisition. The application of quality control system in the medical beauty industry in other improved medical fields has rich imagination space. With the continuous expansion of new categories on Xinoxygen and other platforms, services in dentistry, pediatrics, gynecology, physical examination and other fields will be upgraded, and users will also have better service experience.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110