On September 27, 2017, People live called me and told me that there was a company information conference in our school and invited me to attend the information conference. I didn’t know anything about the company, but I said yes at that time.

The information meeting was arranged at 6:30 p.m. I went with my friends. It was still drizzling at that time. This company is last year just set up a new company, probably is to do publicity, the company is very square, to send gifts! Each person has a white canvas bag and a morning marker pen. It’s just like any other corporate information session, but with some interaction. The technical post supervisor asked us a few questions, and whoever answered well would be given an umbrella or backpack, or an interview card, free of written examination. The lecture is still very lively, there are a few students like to participate in the group face, you fight for me. Student A thinks what student B said is wrong, and student B thinks what student A said is wrong. All right, fight it out. I’m just here to get some soy sauce.

The most surprising thing is at the back. After the lecture, HR sister received the resume on the spot. HR sister said that everyone would go back and apply online. In order to promote the company, nationwide broadcast even gave each student a red pillow. Ha ha, my little friend and I took the throw pillow and artistic canvas bag to leave contenfully. (I guess the main purpose of the broadcast was to promote the company, not to hire people.) Here, I want to tell you that there are students, some students who want gifts to listen to a few more information sessions, some companies will give gifts to you.

On September 28, 2017, I spent the whole morning waiting for the written test. At 11:30, I received a call from HR’s sister, who asked me to go to the Y hotel near the school for an interview at 2:00 this afternoon. When I hung up the phone, I was surprised. Why was there no written test? Just send me to the interview? What happened to the written test? (Later I heard that operation does not require written test, technical post only requires written test)

Me!!!!!!! A person who has never played video games (only played Tetris and Snake in his life) and doesn’t watch live broadcast is interviewing for a game anchor operation? Before, my senior said that even if I was not admitted, I would go to the interview, because the interview quality of some companies is very high. I should accumulate experience, and reflect and summarize what I did badly after the interview, which will be helpful for the future interview. My senior said, “What are you afraid of? One of my classmates never played games and finally got hired by the game operation.” All right, I’m gonna go get some experience, get some insight, and I can share it with you guys later. I admire my courage! Before I left home, I told my sister that I had a job interview. Why didn’t you wish me success? My younger sister actually say, wish you success stem what, you again interview not top, I can’t open an eye lie! Ah! Wondering if this is my own sister?

At two o ‘clock I met the interviewer, the head of operations. The supervisor arrived wearing a T-shirt, underpants and flip-flops. There is no group interview for the national broadcast. The first round of interview is the executive interview. The second interview is with HR sister. First let me introduce myself. Then he asked me about the game. I have to say, I really don’t know anything about games. I’ve never played a game before. Well, the interviewer turned to me and asked me what I knew about the anchor. Oh, my God, I didn’t know. I have to tell you the truth, I don’t even know game hosts. I thought (embarrassed ah, can’t go on talking, the supervisor should leave, quick, let me go, let me go) unexpectedly, the interviewer said, well, since you don’t understand the game anchor, you come to talk about the operation. What is operation? What does operation involve? After I’d sputtered out some of my ideas, the interviewer said, Is that it? There is no? If you were asked to write a plan, how would you do it? I continued to stumble and stumble, AND I felt that what I said was nonsense and hopeless. Fortunately, the interviewer was a nice guy who analyzed what I was doing wrong, what I should do, and what I needed to do. The supervisor asked me whether the views I spoke before are blind baidu on the Internet (of course, it is baidu on the Internet, I have no internship business, I do not baidu I can also get some information from what channels?). “He said it is possible that the operators will also help the host pick up take-out food. Pick up the delivery? Really? (I don’t want to help the host pick up takeout food.) The operation staff of Nationwide Broadcast started as operation assistant and then rose to operation specialist. (In fact, the interviewer mainly tests your logic and learning ability and potential, after all, he also knows that fresh graduates do not have work experience, students are like a blank sheet of paper, mainly depends on your potential)

The interviewer said it’s not that they can’t find people, it’s not that they need people, it’s just to promote the company. (This time verified my previous idea, sure enough, the national broadcast is to promote their own company.) Then, the supervisor talked with me about the product, operation, his own views, experience, work and so on. As I was a rookie, I listened to him all the time. In my heart (the interviewer was obviously so shy at the presentation yesterday, how could he speak so well today? Does he think I am a rookie and confident in front of me?) He felt very thirsty in the middle of the lecture, so he got up and gave me two bottles of water. Thank you very much! One bottle is enough for me. The supervisor said one of the bottles was mine. This is awkward. The interview lasted about half an hour. Although it was a very awkward interview, I learned a lot from the communication with the supervisor (who mainly talked by himself).

After the supervisor interview, I thought the supervisor would let me go, after all, I was a rookie who didn’t know anything and was illogical. However, in order to show respect to you, the company still let HR sister interview me. HR is very warm and kind. She likes her little sister very much. It’s totally different from Pinduoduo HR. Pinduoduo HR full black face. First of all, I introduced myself, and then asked me to talk about my views on game anchors. I can only tell the truth. I don’t know much about the operation of game anchors. HR sister asked me some basic information about my family, salary, expected working place, etc. When I said THAT I like reading, HR asked me what books I like to read and asked me to introduce the books I read recently. I introduced The Emergence of Suspect X and White Night written by Higashino Keigo. HR asked me if I like to read some suspenseful and bloody books. I repeatedly explained that Keigo Higashino’s books are not bloody at all, but belong to suspense and reasoning, and the results are always unexpected. During the conversation, I realized that the HR might think I was not suitable for the position, and the interview lasted about half an hour. Finally, my sister asked me if I had any questions for her, and I asked three questions.

This interview is not very promising, it can be said that there is no hope. The most important thing is to gain some experience.