The common concern of hundreds of thousands of Internet practitioners!

Author: Wang Jing Lao Ma

Source: Wangjing Lao Ma

Editor: Juvae

In the past two years, the two companies, almost from scratch to form two strategic and operational analysis team, had seen enough of the newbies, oneself also in the process of two professional switch have different running-in process, there are two ways of performance is particularly important, even can decide a person in a new battlefield in speed, this is the attitude and ability, A few simple tips:

Solve the problem of attitude before you solve the problem of competence

The threshold of attitude is not high, the threshold of ability is high. Once a bad impression of attitude is formed, it is extremely difficult to reverse, and there is always room for improvement in competence, either with experience, or with increasing knowledge of the situation, or with increasing familiarity with the company.

Prove your attitude with small progress and your ability with big breakthroughs

Before finding out the situation, it is not necessarily too hard to make a great achievement, each small bright spot and breakthrough, one is easier to achieve, but also a little bit to build the foundation of trust, at the beginning of the plan to hold out a big move, and the leadership of the risk is too big, but easy to destroy trust. My suggestion is, small bright spot unceasingly, occasionally give a big move, tu ba rabbit Lao Guo commonly known as nine shallow one deep, relatively safe.

Use a good attitude to buy time and space to prove your ability

A good attitude will provide buffer time for real ability building, and will significantly reduce unreasonable internal friction and difficulties. Ability itself is not completely isolated, but based on time and experience. A good attitude is to build a buffer zone for ability at this level.

“Self-improvement and social commitment” is one of the best attitudes

Most people don’t expect to end up at an Internet company. What matters is what you learn and what your reputation is, and in most cases, your efforts at that company will be more directly recognized at your next job. Have this level of cognition, will know peacetime turf consciousness, quarrel consciousness is how boring, have a thing to do first, have the responsibility to take the initiative, have the credit to take the initiative, stand in the cooperative Angle to think about the problem, this is self-improvement, social virtue, this is not big fool, but great wisdom.

At the end of the day, it’s about capacity

All this is to create a buffer zone for the cultivation of capacity. In the final analysis, we need to make progress in capacity. Therefore, with the right people, do the right thing, to establish a closed loop of analyzing and solving problems, more than the temporary gain and loss of salary.

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