Scenario Description: Uav manufacturer Verity Stdios has come up with a low-cost, convenient and easily integrated algorithm that can keep the uav running in the event of a power failure and avoid an explosion.

Keywords: UAV, visual enhancement, calibration

Safety of drones

It’s been 9,012 years, and we’ve all seen the various functions of drones in aerial photography, land reclamation and logistics.

But if there is a mistake in operation, or technical failure, often occur “explosion” events, not only will occur a large loss of property, but also harm personal safety.

A team of academics in Australia reviewed 152 drone accident reports from 2010 to 2015 and found that accidents in the sample were more likely to be attributed to technical problems than human causes.

In the past, technical failures have mostly been caused by propulsion systems, such as the loss of motor controllers, motors or propellers. Many large companies, including DJI and Amazon, have tried to solve this problem without success.

A report on the causes of drone “bombing”

Includes: battery/propulsion systems, flight control, communications failures, human factors, others

Verity Studios AG has introduced a new technology that successfully addresses the risks associated with propulsion. For more common quadrotor aircraft, after the accidental loss of one or two thrusters, through their algorithm can achieve a safe landing.

New algorithms and new opportunities

Verity Studios AG, a Swiss drone manufacturer, was founded in 2014 and has extensive experience in drone shows.

Founder Raffaello D’Andrea gave an amazing TED presentation

Their drone shows, which have been featured in various shows, are favored by well-known institutions such as Cirque du Soleil and Madison Square Garden. Even on a spring evening in 2019, the Verity drone was visible.

As a rough estimate, Verity has safely performed more than 100,000 autonomous flight performances in more than 20 countries and regions around the world without incident.

Verity drone light show

In January, the FAA proposed lifting restrictions on drone flights in crowds and at night. This further confirms that uAvs can be used in more scenarios and better serve humans in multiple ways.

However, in order to realize this vision, there are still many challenges in the current UAV technology, and many enterprises are looking for some solutions and opportunities. However, for the public, the most concerned aspect is the safety issue.

Technological innovation is urgently needed to ensure the safety of uav flight, whether it is safe and autonomous implementation or applied in large-scale scenarios.

Verity’s new algorithm is a logical outgrowth of this opportunity. Verity’s algorithm, called Failsafe, was developed by robotics and artificial intelligence expert Raffaello D’Andrea.

Raffaello D’Andrea simulates the environment in which drones operate

When the uav has a propulsion system failure, relying on this algorithm, the UAV will not crash to the ground as usual, but can stay in the air and gradually stabilize, and finally rely on navigation to land in the correct position.

They have proven the reliability of their technology on more than 7,000 flights and will use it in many more scenarios.

The revolutionary significance of new technology

Verity’s algorithm can be applied to existing devices with a simple firmware update, and because it is code based, no additional hardware is required, saving the cost of retrofitting or upgrading. This simple method has good results and is currently the most advantageous risk control method.

Raffaello D ‘Andrea, CEO and founder of Verity Studios (and co-founder of Amazon Robotics), said, “With more and more drones in our skies every day, we have a responsibility to extend the safety measures we’ve developed to the entire industry.”


In addition, Verity offers custom integration, which is available to all drone manufacturers.

Colin Guinn, founder of Guinn Partners and former CEO of DJI North America, said, “I have seen a number of major brands of uAVs suffer from propulsion failures, and I had no idea that a simple firmware update could fix this problem! Verity’s fail-safe algorithms are amazing and producers should seize the opportunity!” .

Verity technology provides the most efficient solution for safe and reliable flight without impacting flight and payload. It can be predicted that this will be a driving force to realize autonomous inspection, delivery and air transportation of UAV, and perhaps it will be a key step in the development of uav industry.