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In realistic job, unavoidable encounter such circumstance. What? The boss has another idea? Any other ideas? A burst of curse niang XXXXXX. Or the product owner has a flash of light in his mind and an Idea appears. I can’t stop being excited. I am the one who changes the world. Or in real life, there are always people complaining, why do we have to do this, can’t do that, how easy, how cool… . Idea was created, but how to transform Idea into a product accepted by users and the market? On the other hand! To see how Idea advanced transformation!

Idea Derivation, planning scheme, and execution path

The three stages of Idea transformation: Idea derivation (why?) , planning scheme (method, how?) Carry out (carry out).

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How to validate or reverse derive a product Idea?

Product idea generation — market analysis (market capacity, market pattern, market prospect, market risk) — user analysis (user portrait, demand analysis) — team capability, resource allocation. User research runs through the whole process of the product, providing strong support for each stage, and preventing the product from deviating from users. Such as user demand analysis to locate target users, target behavior; User research Carries out product conceptual design and information architecture design according to the information reception degree of target users. Process, interaction and visual style design according to user preferences; Product iteration develops iteratively according to users’ feedback on usage problems and changes in users’ needs.

First, why do you want to do it? Can you do it?

1. Generation of Idea

Product Idea may come from one’s own whim, from the analysis of competing products, from the complaints of users, or from the needs of the boss, etc. Product Idea comes from a variety of sources and is highly subjective. Since it is a subjective Idea. Then we have to verify whether our idea is right or whether the product direction is feasible.

2. Why is Idea verified?

To test our ideas, we need memory product analysis.

  • User research. If you want to understand the target users and audiences of the product, understand the pain points and needs of the target users, it is necessary to conduct user research. Otherwise, Idea is not verified, which is YY in my mind. When the product goes online, I can only accept the phenomenon of being slapped in the face by users. Users are like, what are you giving me? It’s XX.
  • Market analysis. Understand what kind of market the product is in, what competitive products the product has now, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a product if you want to do it. Psychology has a general understanding.
  • Team skills. What are the advantages of the team now, and what are the product barriers that can be established through the team?
  • Resource allocation. Find out where the company is, what resources it has, and how those resources help the product.

3. How to verify product Idea?

3.1 User Research

User research: user portrait, needs analysis.

Five dimensions to build user portrait: static attribute, dynamic attribute, consumption attribute, psychological attribute.

  • A, static attribute: mainly from the user’s basic information to divide the user static attribute is the foundation of user portrait, the most basic user information record. Such as gender, age, education, role, income, region, marriage and so on. According to different products, memory of different information weight division. For social products, the static attributes are gender, gender, income, etc.
  • B. Dynamic property: refers to the online behavior of users in the Internet environment. Information age users travel, work, vacation, entertainment, etc., are inseparable from the Internet. So in the Internet environment, what kind of online behavior will occur? Dynamic attributes can better record users’ daily online preferences.
  • C. Consumption attribute: refers to the user’s consumption intention, consumption consciousness, consumption psychology, consumption habits, etc. It has a comprehensive data record of the user’s consumption and a good management of the user’s consumption ability, consumption intention and consumption level. This dynamic property varies with variables such as the user’s income. When designing products, we can better understand whether users prefer functional value or emotional value.
  • D. Psychological attribute: refers to the user’s psychological reaction or psychological activity in the environment, society, communication and emotional process. The psychological attributes of users should be divided into better product design and product operation according to the psychological behavior of users.

Accurate user portrait analysis can better serve and meet the real needs of users.

3.2 Requirement Analysis

The process of demand analysis: the purpose of demand analysis desktop research — qualitative research — quantitative research — conclusion sorting.

  • A. Research objectives: The product manager proposed to define the research objectives and roughly divide the user groups. Make clear the research target and design the research scheme.
  • B. Desktop research: data and data collection, and screening of collected data and data. Main screening dimension: How was this data generated? When did this information come into being? What is this information for? What market is this information aimed at? What is the purpose of this information? Who produced this information? , draw conclusions and generate documents.
  • C. Qualitative research: identify user groups, characteristics and needs, and conduct interviews or focus groups. (But I am a small company, can not afford to hurt the investment cost, also reluctant to pay, so I choose quantitative research, that is, questionnaire); Draw conclusions and document
  • D. Quantitative research: set up a questionnaire and put it into the population roughly divided by the questionnaire. The place of the questionnaire: Tencent questionnaire, questionnaire star, questionnaire network, etc. Draw conclusions and generate documents
  • F. Data cleaning: Clean the results of the questionnaire and filter the missing data. Output results, conclusion sorting, output documents.

3.2 Market Analysis

Market capacity, what is the ceiling of this market? What is the size of the capacity? Think through this so you can have a strategic understanding of what you’re doing. Market pattern, know whether you are in the blue sea or red sea market, whether it has formed an oligopoly economy. Market outlook and market risks. Understand the future development trend of the market and have an estimate of risk.

Analysis of competing products: positioning, differentiation and future trend of competing products understand the positioning of competing products, target groups of competing products and how to enter market segments. The advantages and differences of competing products, and the differentiation strategies and bright spot advantages of competing products compared with other competitors. That is, why do competitive products exist? What is the possible future development direction of competitive products? Only by knowing yourself and your opponent can you have an advantage. Understand direct and indirect competing products of Idea products.

3.3 Team Ability

To do one thing, first of all understand what their advantages are, how to use their advantages to meet the arrival of the opportunity, use the opportunity to improve their weaknesses and shortcomings. We should respond to threats with our own advantages, eliminate potential threats and reverse weaknesses. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your team: opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats. And take countermeasures.

Two, how to do, with what method to do?

Product positioning and development direction — stage objectives — planning scheme. Product positioning and set the big direction of development, the big direction is not moving, thinking about how to achieve the direction of the goal through the stage of the general direction, the direction of the generous goal.

Set stage goals, such as what I want to achieve in the early stage, what I want to achieve in the middle stage, what I want to achieve in the late stage. At the beginning, I thought about product setting and realizing basic market entry. In the mid-term, WE are thinking about how more people can know and use our products to further expand the functional needs and better meet the needs of users. Later thinking about how to activate users, to achieve the stability of user growth. Like the product we are doing now, the PGC in the early stage guides the user to form the tone of the product and the style of the product. In the middle stage, user generated UGC content is referenced, and the balance between PGC and UGC content is required in the later stage. This is just a rough phase goal.

With the goals, we think about how to achieve the goals and develop our own key play. Do the basic experience! This is the first step to anything. The product’s fulfillment stage should look like this: basic needs — desired needs — excited needs.

  • Basic functions: to meet the core demands of users, which is the basis, the most important, based on this.
  • Expanded functions: better meet user expectations, service users, provide better user experience.
  • Value-added functions: provide personalized demands for users, seek differentiation and form short-term word-of-mouth communication.

It is too early to talk about the play and execution, but the key play and execution process should be understood in mind. Micro innovation of user scenarios based on demand satisfaction. For the implementation process: stage goal — alternative plan — priority judgment — plan execution — effect summary — stage goal to do this cycle.

Idea metamorphosis into products is helpless and painful, all the way over the helpless and painful, the metamorphosis into products is awesome. What I said is useless, you feel for yourself.


Author: Split Xia (wechat account: Wanxiashuo)

This post was originally posted by @split Said Everyone is a product manager. Reprint without permission is prohibited.

Product positioning