Start the browser

  • Start the browser: headless: false
  • Open the developer console: devTools: true
  • Custom browser width height: Page.setViewPort
  • Produces two TAB pages
    • The official open page: await browser.pages() produces two TAB pages, one target TAB and one blank
    • After modification :(await browser.pages())[0], only open target TAB page
async init() {
    await this.openPage();
    await this.createCer();

async openPage() {

    // Open the browser
    browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        headless: false.// Open the interface,
        devtools: true.// Open the developer console

    // Open a blank page
    page = (await browser.pages())[0];

    try {

        // Set the browser window
        await page.setViewport({
            width: 1300.height: 938});// Jump to the destination page
        await page.goto("");

    } catch (error) {
        await this.openPage();
        throw new Error('Request page timed out, try to reconnect'); }}Copy the code

The operation page

  • WaitFor (utilFun. Random (1000, 3000)) : await page.waitfor (utilFun.
  • $eval() = page.$eval()
  • Want to manipulate a DOM element: page.evaluate()
    • To obtain dom elements accurately, you can use setTimeout to delay the dom element for about 10 seconds before performing the corresponding operation
  • Let reg = new RegExp(${username});
async createCer() {
    const type = this.type;

    const Development = "#ios-nav > li:nth-child(1) ul > li:nth-child(3)";
    const Production = await page.$("#ios-nav > li:nth-child(1) ul > li:nth-child(4)");

    switch (type) {
        case "dev":
            await this.addIosCertificates(Development);
        case "dis":
            await this.addIosCertificates(Production);
            break}}async addIosCertificates(ele) {

    // Click on the sidebar type
    await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));

    // Click Add to add the IOS certificate
    await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));

    // Check whether the radio can be clicked
    await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));
    const radioDisabled = await page.$eval("#type-development-0".async el => {
        return el.disabled;

    // If the number of certificates reaches the limit, delete them first and then increase them
    if (radioDisabled) {

        // Click on the sidebar type
        await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));

        // Delete the IOS certificate
        await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));
        await this.deleteCer();
    } else {
        // Add an IOS certificate
        await this.addCer(); }}async deleteCer() {
    await page.evaluate(async (username) => {
        let tableInfo = "";
        let reg = new RegExp(`${username}`);
        const table = document.querySelectorAll(".data-table") [1].querySelector("tbody");

        for (let i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < table.rows[i].cells.length; j++) {
                tableInfo = table.rows[i].cells[j].innerText;
                if (reg.test(tableInfo) && (i % 2= =0)) {
                    / / name
                    let name = table.rows[i].cells[j].innerText;
                    / / type
                    let type = table.rows[i].cells[j + 1].innerText;
                    / / deadline
                    let expires = table.rows[i].cells[j + 2].innerText;

                    // Click the dropdown

                    / / click the Revoke
                    setTimeout((a)= > {
                    }, 1000);

                    // Click pop-up Revoke
                    setTimeout((a)= > {
                    }, 3000);


    }, username);
Copy the code

Upload a file

// Click select file
await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));
const upload_file = await page.$("input[type=file]");
await upload_file.uploadFile("Your file path");
Copy the code

File download

// Download the IOS certificate
await this.downloadFile("Your file path");

await page.waitFor(utilFun.random(1000.3000));
Copy the code