
The day before yesterday, ant wealth jointly launched 16 fund companies “no one will forgive your poor” poster was swept the screen.

Feel part of the copywriting style

“Your so-called ‘stable’ job is just working all the time, it doesn’t set you free.” (Life is only work) “Not escaping from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou doesn’t mean you have enough money for a down payment. “There are 26 holidays you won’t be able to visit each year, but you won’t miss a penny of them.”

Basically, it’s my fault that I’m poor, and I beg forgiveness from the rich. But how did those who watched it feel?

“Vista view the World” review, it copywriting full marks, feelings zero points, moral negative points.

Just as Alipay responded, “Life is not a copy, and everyone who takes life seriously should be taken seriously.”

So instead of spending time looking for a bad idea, learn how to effectively manage your time and become a better person. Especially during the 8-day National Day holiday, many programmers are ready to take advantage of this leisure time to recharge their batteries.

Cainiao strongly recommends taking a page from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s time management tips.

This is prioritized management.

People’s energy is limited, and those who spend their whole day working and studying are either workaholics or cramming for projects at the last minute. I want you to focus on your work during a certain time of day or spread out over multiple times (4 to 5 hours) without distractions. A few hours is more useful than fussing all day.

For example, when you are typing code, you may encounter a Bug that cannot be solved by repeated tests. Instead of staring at it in front of the computer, it is better to take a breath of air, let your brain rest, and come back to face the problem again when your state is adjusted. Give yourself some breathing room if you want to be in good shape.

Programming is about ability, which means you can’t just think about a feature, you have to do it by hand. Practice can identify problems, have the opportunity to solve problems, but also can test your learning effect and technical mastery.

The completion of some tasks requires a high concentration of the performer, at this time, but also always let a variety of trivial things to interrupt the train of thought, not only the efficiency will be reduced, the quality of the completion is not good. Study work as far as possible to avoid the situation of multiple tasks interspersed.

A habit, good or bad, takes only 30 days to form. So if you make a plan to learn one section of an Android class at 8 o ‘clock every day after work, stick with it for a month and it will become a habit.

People have inertia and toughness, how to turn inertia into toughness, you need to take the initiative to force yourself, time is the weapon, it can give you pressure, pressure will have power. So make a study task at the same time to make a good study period.

It’s been planned and delayed, and the task has been put on hold forever. But if you break it down into smaller, multiple tasks and do them one by one, you’re closer to achieving your goal. Stop procrastinating and you will have a lot less to worry about in your life and work.

Work is like this, study is also, it is impossible to go all the way is perfect and smooth. The right start is to do it first, find out the general system of things to learn, and then lay a good foundation, build a good overall situation, and then go back to detailed in-depth understanding of each point.

If a task takes a long time to complete, or even if you stay up late, and it doesn’t work as well as expected, you may need to rethink your approach.

Using the Pomodoro technique, select a task to be completed, set the pomodoro time for 25 minutes, and focus on the task without doing anything unrelated to the task until the pomodoro clock goes off. Then draw an X on a piece of paper and take short breaks (5 minutes will do), taking extra breaks every 4 pomodoro periods.

Take advantage of the connections and resources around you. If someone else can do something for you, delegate it to them. This gives them opportunities and improves productivity.

Bad writing is better than a good memory, especially for the bugs encountered in the development project. When you solve them, take notes for the convenience of reviewing and summarizing later.

The combination of work and rest is very important, just as I emphasized earlier, longer work does not mean higher efficiency, health is the capital of revolution, must not overwork.

Try using the time you spend watching chicken soup to optimize your time management