I built a mobile terminal React project framework from scratch: you can download it to see if you are interested. [react-webpack-demo](https://github.com/xiaotuni/react-webpack-demo)

He has been using the framework of [the React Redux Universal Hot Example] (https://github.com/erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example), The React Router Webpack is old. Since the project became large, it has been running slowly. I always want to change it, but I have been looking for another framework for a long time, but I am not used to it.

Recently read [from zero to build the React buckets of framework tutorial] (https://github.com/brickspert/blog/issues/1). Then according to the style of their own new build. React Redux Universal Hot Example What call interface is no use [superagent] (https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent) axios.

Due to their own mobile terminal development is more, so build a mobile terminal, add page switching filter animation effect.