
Recently, I helped a senior architecture boss to make an internal recommendation, only to be told by hr that he was rejected because he was over 35.

In the past, I often talk about the Internet programmers can only work to 35 years old are indifferent attitude, although the mouth often take this and friends ridicule, but the heart has been determined, as long as the technology is excellent, don’t worry about finding a job, quite a “technology in hand, the world I have” confidence.

However, this happened in the side of the real event, was directly hit in the face, also quite a “rabbit dead fox sad” feeling, after all, he is closer and closer to the threshold of 35 years old.

So what can we do as techies to ease our 35-year-old workplace crisis?

1. Technology

First, technical strength is always the most powerful weapon a programmer can use to stay competitive in his career. Whether you are just starting out in the industry, or you are a senior developer, architecture guru, or even technical team leader, don’t leave technology behind completely. The difference is to focus on the technical requirements at each stage.

Junior high school senior programmer, is a process of technical strengthening. Experts and architecture gurus, the former is to choose a technical direction of deep work, become an expert in the corresponding technical field, such as Spark leader Lang Jian, Elasticsearch leader Ming Yi Tian Tian I know from the public account. Architects prefer to design and control the overall architecture of the project. As for the team leader to CTO, the management function is more than the technical function, and more is to control the macro direction of technology.

Technical aspects mainly have the following suggestions: 1. First wide, then deep, to create their own core competitiveness. You can be an expert in microservices, an ES boss, or an expert in Flink. 2. Refuse to borrow money. Don’t work for the same company for 3 years and then go out and apply for a job and find your resume can’t be sent, Spring Cloud doesn’t know what it is, microservices, distributed has no contact at all, or just SSH-based CURD. The second and third tier cities are easy to say. Those working in the first tier cities have faster technology iteration and update, so they must follow the mainstream technology closely. 3. To form their own technical system. What is the technical system? For example, you said that you know mysql database, but in addition to daily WRITING SQL for CURD business development, do you also know the operating architecture of mysql, the difference between mainstream storage engines, the principle of master-slave synchronization, group replication, locking mechanism, table and library division, transaction control and so on? Around the center of the technology name, it can spread out like a spider’s web, forming an organized network, forming its own technology system.

4. Do as much summary output as possible. At present, I simply record my daily study notes, life thoughts and bug solving process on Youdao notes, and then gradually organize and output them. It can also be used as the content output of some blogs.

Youdao notes on the search function, super convenient. Compared with the complexity and undifferentiated quality of online materials, the search results in the notes sorted by themselves are more fragrant.

As a programmer, you need to have some faith in technology. But don’t get too attached to technology. It’s not enough to just code a few business functions if you want to get ahead of others in the workplace. In fact, in many development companies, the status of developers are relatively ordinary, come and go in a hurry, is always the bottom of the brick workers. So don’t be silly and dive into technology. Everyone’s energy is limited. In addition to technical strength, you also need to consciously cultivate your communication and presentation skills, document output skills, such as project description documents, project architecture drawings, PPT presentations, team management, project management, project specifications, abstract thinking, product thinking and other comprehensive skills.

2. Deep cultivation business

Years of work experience tells me that business is better than technology. The main reason is that there are too many domestic technical personnel and substitutability is too strong. Do Java business development, nothing more than Spring Boot + Mybatis + mysql, need to use spring Cloud family bucket micro services, generic too strong. If you are familiar with both technology and core business processes, such as e-commerce platforms, payment systems, risk control systems, etc., then you will have a solid position in the team.

3. Career transition

Realizing that being a programmer at 35 can be dangerous, can we make a career change ahead of time? For example, you can take a PMP certificate, become a project manager, lead a small team, do some project management related work. If you are familiar with the business, you can apply for transferring to be the product manager. You can also try to get a civil service certificate, or a teaching certificate. Being a teacher is also good. You don’t have to go all the way down the technology road.

4. Develop a side business

Recently often hear a word: “the main profession seeks survival, sideline seeks development”, think or have some truth.

Although programmers are highly paid, it is still difficult to save money in first-tier cities as well as in second – and third-tier cities.

A fixed wage can always be used only for subsistence, as the primary means of accumulating wealth.

In spare time, try to develop side business appropriately, explore more possibilities in life.

For example, do shop, play from media, short video and so on. In fact, IT people should be more sensitive to these new things, contact more quickly, you can think about some other opportunities and possibilities in life.

Of course, the premise of developing sideline is always based on stable main business. Consider turning your side business into a full-time job when your side business is well paid and stable. Don’t waste your main business for a side business and end up in a mess on both sides.

In addition, the side business is to seek greater possibilities in life. So don’t feel like you took on a small project online that cost you 2 to 3 months of your off work time and finally earned thousands of yuan. This is not called a side business, but a little brick moving fee that you earned by spending a lot of your time.

5. Expand your circle

The more successful people, his circle is wider, the more resources, the road of life is naturally wider. In recent years, some of the bigwigs of the public, are in the newspaper group heating, pushing each other, to achieve resource sharing. So reach out to people who are positive, thoughtful, and like-minded.

Maybe the next time you change jobs, your network will push you directly into finding a satisfying one. It’s also possible that a few friends in the circle will go straight to entrepreneurship because of a good idea.

PS: Your wechat king of Glory team, outdoor interest group, this is not called circles.

6. Learn how to manage money

If you don’t manage money, money will ignore you.

As a matter of fact, the troubles of 35 years old are mostly due to the pressure of middle age, with elderly people to take care of and children to raise. In the final analysis, it is a word of money.

If rich, why fear unemployment, if rich, why leave home to work.

In addition to a steady paycheck, you can also develop some financial skills to grow your money and increase your passive income.

In the simplest financial example, if you deposit your money in a bank account for a fixed period of time, it only earns 2 points of interest a year. However, if you buy a financial product with a one-year term on Alipay, the annual interest will be at least 4 points. That’s what managing your money is all about. Let your money grow automatically and generate more returns.

A few years ago, the best way to finance is to invest in buying a house, but those are higher threshold, the risk is larger.

If you want to learn financial management, but do not want to take too much brain, you can learn to finance through funds. Choose the fund of a few popular plates, the setting is cast and hold for a long time, can have pretty good income every year commonly.

If you invest 1 million yuan in financial management and the annual return can reach 10%, then it will be 100,000 yuan a year, which will be a very considerable income. If you have $5 million and you’re earning 10% on your money, you’re earning $500,000 a year, and you’re basically free.

Of course, there are certain risks in investment and financial management. We should control costs reasonably according to our risk tolerance and never gamble.

PS: do a good job of risk control, timely stop profit and loss, do not be cut every day small leek.

7. Keep reading

Reading, in my opinion, is the best way to relax after work.

Can not only learn knowledge, but also help sleep. (Reading technical books is so easy to get sleepy.)

About what to watch? Read classic technical books, learn ideas, and sort out technical architecture. You can also read history, literature, biography, etc. As long as you find meaningful and helpful books can be read.

PS: Reading network novels every day does not count as keeping reading.

8. Keep fit

Many people say that nowadays people are young to take the body for money, when the old, money for health.

And most programmers because of high intensity of work, irregular work and rest, house life, generally poor physical quality, hair loss, white hair, insomnia, body deficiency, poor resistance and other problems are more common.

Therefore, the company’s badminton activities, weekend outdoor, mountain climbing, hiking and other activities, as much as possible to participate in, not always at home.

Life lies in movement, the body is the capital of revolution, but also the foundation of your money.

So be sure to exercise more, keep healthy, so that you can carry the burden of life.

9. Sleep regularly

Last year there was the controversial 996, and this year there was the sudden death of a PDD programmer. Nowadays, the topic of sudden death of programmers every year is not rare, and programmers seem to have become a high-risk industry. All I can suggest is that you try to keep a regular sleep schedule, and in particular make sure you get at least six to eight hours of sleep a day. Only ensure enough sleep, you can have better energy for work and study.

Ps: Don’t talk about staying late and having trouble getting enough sleep. Even if you go to bed at 1 a.m. and wake up at 8 a.m., you still have seven hours of sleep. So don’t use staying up late on your phone in bed as an excuse for not having time to relax.


I mainly talked about my suggestions for programmers how to deal with career crisis at the age of 35, hoping to be helpful to everyone. If you have any better ideas, welcome to leave a message.

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