With the development of the Internet industry, cloud computing has been more and more known to the public. If you’ve never touched cloud computing and are looking to buy it now, here are a few things to look out for:

According to demand, suitable is the best. One of the biggest features of cloud computing is that cloud servers are flexible to use and can be bought as much as they want. There is no need to worry about the expansion of subsequent services, because cloud computing is flexible and server configuration can be upgraded at any time, avoiding the waste of resources caused by high configuration at the early stage of purchase. There were people who rented hundreds of servers an hour to process data. Of course, he only needs to pay for an hour, and that’s it. There is a luxury recommendation website in the United States. It rents a large number of cloud servers every night, analyzes and makes statistics on a large number of web page information and users’ browsing information, and then provides personalized recommendation information to its customers in the morning. So the cloud server, enough is good.

2. When choosing the location of the cloud server, many users will give priority to places close to themselves, so as to achieve the wrong feeling of fast access. However, this is not the best choice. It depends on the region where users are concentrated. If your network products are targeted at southern audiences, it is also recommended to choose southern nodes such as Shenzhen even though you are in North China. Secondly, there are obvious differences in routing. Considering the data exchange between cross-network operators and AS, choosing national Internet exchange centers such AS Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou can avoid a lot of trouble.

You never know which will come first. Of course, this analogy may seem a bit hyperbolic, but when you really think about it, the value of some personal or corporate data is impossible to estimate. So we should have the good habit of backing up regularly. A good programmer manually backs up server data every day. A good programmer sets up the program for automatic backup. Most cloud providers offer snapshot services, which are a safe and fast backup method and a big advantage of cloud hosting. You can save a copy of the disk data at one or more points in time. Similar to mirroring, you can roll back the snapshot to restore the data at the point in time when the snapshot was created if a file is deleted by mistake, data errors occur, or other special situations occur. Just like we use the undo function in Office software. So, what’s the first thing you do when you get the cloud server? Set an automatic snapshot policy! Set an automatic snapshot policy! Set an automatic snapshot policy! (Important things say three times)

No money ≠ no choice. For tuhao enterprises, the way of purchase is never a problem, and most cloud service providers will give certain discounts because of the large volume. For small and medium-sized companies, although capital is not abundant, but still can choose their own billing methods. Generally speaking, there are two billing methods for cloud servers, namely, pre-payment (a one-time payment, such as the annual and monthly payment of the server) and post-payment (a payment generated during the use of the server, such as the bandwidth charged by traffic, EIP, and independent cloud disks). If the business is stable and rising, it is recommended to choose the pre-paid model, cost-effective, lower unit price per hour. If your business is chasing the market or taking a gamble, try paying by the volume, and if you find your business doesn’t fit the market, you can always release instances and stop billing. In this fast-paced era, or walking thin ice, or bold, to see who can be one step faster to smell business opportunities, take the lead.

Risk-averse and not putting all your eggs in one basket cloud computing vendors will tell you what the boundaries and limits of your service capabilities are, and use them to plan your business design according to their capabilities to achieve your business sustainability. There is no way to ensure that the server is 100% unaffected, except for the reliability of their own application layer. For some companies with money, they can deploy on servers in different regions to achieve a foolproof policy. Some big companies are even making preparations among different cloud vendors. The purchase of the server is also a technical work, to consider the comprehensive, so we must let their own technology before buying a good plan, and service providers also want to do a good job of timely communication, choose the good to use to rest assured.