
The following topics are often encountered in bytedance or other big companies interview, if you have a good topic or a good idea to share.

Guo Lin, Hong Yang

Content features: clear, pictorial representation is easier to understand.

Handler, Activity related, Fragment, Service, Layout optimization, AsyncTask related, Android event distribution mechanism, Binder, Android AMS,WMS,PMS, Glide, Android componentization and plug-in and other interview questions and technology stack!

Here are the full interview questions for ByteDance Android advanced interview

Now the terminal development has begun to enter a stable period, in this stage, large factories are under great pressure, small factories will be squeezed, people use more and more fixed App, even large factories, a few years ago platform level application Push can drain hundreds of thousands of, now the role is becoming less and less, especially to this year, It’s almost impossible to pop a hit from an unknown team in a Top 100 App. I think there are two main changes for developers in this situation:

1. The bar is getting higher for developers:

There are fewer opportunities for small factories, while the business of large factories tends to be stable. In the short term, the mobile terminal will not see explosive growth, which will be followed by more and more rational recruitment of mobile terminal, and the threshold is rising. In the past two years, in addition to solid technical skills, all students with excellent performance in 985/211 + competition results + various awards +NB internship experience were recruited from major Domestic Internet companies and several major mobile phone companies. In addition, most companies are limited by their own business scale and investment in mobile terminals, and the gap between technology and major Domestic Internet companies is getting bigger and bigger. In other words, it will be more and more difficult for small companies to survive, and then it will be more and more difficult for small companies to change to large companies.

2. More demands on developers:

It is becoming more difficult for small factories to survive, and that is bound to put higher demands on developers. Compared to before, the technical requirements for terminal developers will be more and more broad, it is best to be a generalist, a big front end. The pressure inside large factories is also very large, and it is increasingly difficult to improve the data significantly. Therefore, more directions and more demands are inevitable. Terminal developers now deal with more and more complex issues than ever before, need to Cover more areas, learn faster and deeper, and have enough soft power in addition to technology. Under such requirements, a lot of times, the ability gap has not been able to make up for with diligence, and most people would not have much diligence.

Recently, I saw a high vote in answer to the question whether she could find a job after learning Android by herself on zero basis. She told me that she chose Android from the beginning and had to give it up in the face of the current environment after studying and struggling very hard. After watching it, I really felt sorry for her. If I had entered the industry two years earlier, the result would have been much better than now, but unfortunately, this is the reality. Finally, back to the main question, will Android developers still be as popular as they were before? I believe the answer is obvious: dedicated developers and those who rationally give up in the current environment will have a better life, but those who are half-assed will suffer more and more later in the industry. Before eating meat later can top seafood, before a lot of soup may have nothing

The last

Considering the length of the article, I have made these questions and answers as well as the questions I have encountered in the interview and some interview materials into PDF files. If you need them, you can send a private message to me for free

Click here to get a summary of Android interview materials

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