If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Good tools can improve our development efficiency. Here are a few editor plug-ins that I think are better.

This article is the author’s hard work to sort out 17 plug-ins, each is super practical, it is not good to not introduce, I believe that after experiencing it will know its good.

  1. Activate-power-mode
  2. pojo-to-json
  3. SequenceDiagram
  4. Free Mybatis plugin
  5. Key promoter X
  6. CodeGlance
  7. JUnitGenerator V2.0
  8. GenerateAllSetter
  9. ideavim
  10. sonarlint
  11. restfultoolkit
  12. Translation
  13. GenerateSerialVersionUID
  14. Maven Helper
  15. Lombok Plugin
  16. JRebel for IntelliJ
  17. mybatis-log-plugin

Activate the power – mode plug-ins

I like to call this plugin “Dancing artifact.” Let’s see what it looks like

Pojo – to – json idea plug-ins

At work, for testing purposes, we need to convert simple Java domain objects into JSON strings that can be easily simulated using Postman or curl

The official detailed address plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9686…

After installing the plugin, restart Idea, select a class, and right-click:

The resulting JSON will be copied into the paste board: CTR +V will be pasted.

SequenceDiagram generation tool: SequenceDiagram plug-in

Sometimes we need to comb through the business logic or read the source code. From this, we need to understand the entire invocation link, and the reverse generation of UML sequence diagrams is a strong requirement. The SequenceDiagram plug-in is a great one.

The official detailed address plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8286…

For example, if you want to see the execution of a method, right-click the method interface or the method implementation

Generate sequence diagrams immediately

Free Mybatis plugin

The MyBatis framework has been applied everywhere. As a result, more and more plugins and tools surround MyBatis. The Free Mybatis Plugin is very convenient to jump between Mapper interface and XML file.

The official detailed address plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8321…

After installation, a tag is generated in the Java DAO layer. Click the tag to jump immediately to the location specified in the XML file. Very convenient:

XML can also jump to methods specified by the Java DAO layer:

Shortcut Key Promoter X

The official detailed address plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9792…

What does this plugin do? For example, when you want to see the internal implementation of a method, if you don’t use a shortcut key, you would click like this:

If you have this plugin installed, you will be prompted to use the shortcut keys in the lower right corner of the developer tool after each such mouse click:

After installing this plugin, the shortcut keys will fly.

CodeGlance plug-in

When you have thousands of lines in your class, don’t you feel tired when you drag down to find objects? There is a plugin that can quickly switch to the place you need to go, like a thumbnail.

Official details address github.com/Vektah/Code…

After installation, the effect picture is shown as follows:

JUnitGenerator V2.0 automatically generates unit test code

Writing unit tests is a good developer habit, but how to improve the efficiency of your code, can the unit test code automatically generated, this plug-in is to help us do that.

Modify the configuration of JUnitGenerator V2.0, Other Settings under Settings modify the template and update the configuration

Once set up, you can generate unit test templates based on methods or classes:

GenerateAllSetter plug-in

If you select the object for which you want to generate a set method, press Alt + Enter and the interface looks like this:


Ideavim plug-in

Make your code fly: this plugin allows you to use vim command operations in the editor, switch back and forth, as far as possible without the restriction of the mouse, improve your development efficiency, this plugin works better on MAC. Detailed address: plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/164-…

Sonarlint code quality management

Find hidden bugs or bad smells in your code

The official address is intellij.sonarlint.org

You can choose the code class you want to execute or the project execution can be class. the results and comments are listed below

Restfultoolkit plug-in

Java WEB development requirements, no longer global search RequestMapping

Installation operation:

You can also view the URL list of all the interfaces in the Services and simulate requests, which is very convenient and simplified

Translation tools: Translation

This is the longest use of reading source code, look at other people’s annotations, English is not good, you can install a.

The official detailed address plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8579…

Select the word or sentence to be translated, right click or shortcut key, can be translated operation:

GenerateSerialVersionUID plug-in

Java’s serialization mechanism verifies version consistency by determining the serialVersionUID of a class at run time. During deserialization, the JVM compares the serialVersionUID in the incoming byte stream with the serialVersionUID of the corresponding local entity (class). If they are the same, they are considered consistent and deserialization can be performed; otherwise, an exception will occur that the serialized version is inconsistent. So serialVersionUID generation is quite frequent, this plugin has a shortcut to help you with Alt + Insert

Step 1: Install the plug-in first and search for the installation based on the name above

Step 2: Set the Conforms function

Maven Helper plug-in

Maven’s dependency mechanism can lead to Jar package conflicts. For example, your project now uses two Jar packages, A and B. Now A needs to depend on another Jar package C, and B also needs to depend on C. But A depends on version 1.0 of C, and B depends on version 2.0 of C. Maven will download both 1.0 C and 2.0 C to your project, so that there are different versions of C in your project. Maven will decide which version of Jar to use based on the shortest dependency path principle, and the other useless Jar will not be used. This is called dependency conflict.

What’s the good news?

Most of the time, dependency conflicts probably won’t cause an exception to the system, because Maven always selects a Jar package to use.

Unfortunately, exceptions like missing classes can occur under certain conditions, so as long as there are dependency conflicts, in my opinion, it is best to resolve them without leaving a hidden danger to the system.

The Maven Helper plugin solves this problem.

How do you use it?

Once installed, open the POM.xml file with the Dependency Analyzer option at the bottom and click

Here’s how to resolve the conflict (this picture is from network, this guy is marked very well, I won’t rebuild the wheel)

Another tip is to look at the overall Project Maven dependency structure:

Lombok Plugin plug-in

Use annotations to automatically generate code, liberator, and omit set get of entity classes. Note that you also need to add configuration in the Maven project’s POM.xml

< the dependency > < groupId > org. Projectlombok < / groupId > < artifactId > lombok < / artifactId > < version > 1.16.6 < / version > </dependency>Copy the code

Type @data above the specific class

JRebel for IntelliJ hot deployment plug-in

JRebel is a productivity tool, and many programmers find it hard to see the results directly after making changes to their code, wasting time on each build, restart, and redeploy cycle. With this plug-in, you can see the changes as you see them, making your coding process much smoother.

Hot deployment plugin, currently officially charged, for the easiest hack to use, please go to my post JRebel


Extract an output SQL statement from the console


Recommended reading

Solving RabbitMQ Message Loss and Ensuring Message Reliability (part 1)

How to make programmers like test girl?

If there is any harvest, please help to forward, your encouragement is the biggest power of the author!

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