Deploy local common SpringCloud projects under IDEA using Docker
The environment
- Windows 10
- IntelliJ IDEA 2018
- Docker 18.09.2
Local connections do not require TLS encryption
Set the connection between docker and local to not require TLS encryption
IDEA Install Docker plug-in
Configure the connection to the local Docker
Connection Successful connected to docker!
Open a local SpringCloud project
This is a multi-module project that previously learned from SpringCloud, testing the deployment of the sub-module Eureka-Server on a local Docker
Add the Dockerfile file to the project root directory
FROM java:8
Persist to the specified directory
# copy the project jar package (Eureka-service-1.0-snapshot.jar) to app.jar
COPYThe target/eureka - server - 1.0 - the SNAPSHOT. Jar app. The jar
RUN bash -c "touch /app.jar"
Egd =file:/dev/./urandom
ENTRYPOINT ["java".""."-jar"."/app.jar"]
Copy the code