Idea has a lot of very useful plug-ins, using these plug-ins can greatly improve the efficiency of development

Plug-in with good, the bug can not catch up with me 😆

0. How to install the IDEA plug-in

Go to the setup page of IDEA and select Plugins to search for and install plug-ins

1. JRebel for IntelliJ

In daily development, when you make changes to any Java file, Tomcat does not compile and reflect the changes to the running project in real time, so you have to restart the project. Doing so is time-consuming and cumbersome. After using JRebel, you can hot deploy projects by selecting the Build Project option in Bulid, which is great to use and highly recommended.

For installation and use, refer to the previous article: IDEA Hot deployment plug-in JRebel, a development necessity

2. Codota

Codota is an intelligent AI code completion plug-in that learns code from millions of Java applications, and eventually makes code improvements based on context cues, helping developers reduce errors and improve productivity. It’s also free.

3. Translation

Translation plug-in, with its mother no longer need to worry about my English residue

I often use it for two functions:

  • Translation, which means Chinese-English translation, can be used as a dictionary
  • Translation and substitution, which is a direct translation and substitution of the original text, is very useful for variable names: give a Chinese name and then translate and substitute.

4. RestfulToolkit

This plug-in can jump directly to the corresponding method based on the URL.


  • Windows: CTRL +
  • MAC: CMD +

5. Lombok

Past Java projects are full of unfriendly code: getters/setters/toStrings for POJos; Exception handling; The shutdown of I/O streams and so on, boilerplate code that was both untechnical and ugly, Lombok was born. It makes the code very clean.

The @data annotation automatically generates the above methods, eliminating the need to manually generate annoying getters/setters /toString methods

Specific use Lombok method can refer to this article:

6. GenerateAllSetter

Calling all of an object’s set methods with one click and assigning default values is very convenient when the object has many fields

7. Alibaba Cloud Toolkit

The Cloud Toolkit helps developers to deploy local applications to their own offline VMS or aliyun ECS, EDAS and Kubernetes with one click. Built-in Terminal, file upload, database SQL Console functions. It is very convenient to deploy projects with.

8. Material Theme UI

The Material Theme UI is a plug-in for JetBrains IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, Android Studio, etc.) that changes the original look to the Material Design look.

After using idea interface becomes very beautiful, good mood, write code speed has become faster.

9. Properties to YAML Converter

Convert the Properties profile to a YAML profile

  • First, select the properties file.
  • After right-clicking on the properties file, use the Transform action in the menu.

10. MyBatis plugin

Arbitrary jump between mapper. Java and mapper. XML. Click the small arrow to jump.

This article is published by OpenWrite!

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