
To tell the truth, IDEA update is really drop fast! Yesterday afternoon personally tested the success, no picture no truth, here is a personal crack to 2089 renderings:

How do you crack it? Below is a personal IntelliJ IDEA version 2020 activation crack process, steps are very detailed2. Download the latest IDEA 2020 installation packageWe choose to download from the official website of…: If you have a bad Internet connection, I have also saved an installation package of IDEA 2020 version in the network disk. You can download it by yourself.

Click download and wait for it to complete.Three, start cracking1. Double-click ideAIU-2020.1.exe to open the installation software. PS: If an earlier version of IDEA has been installed on your computer, you will be prompted to uninstall it. 2. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.

3. Check the desktop shortcut you want to create. The author’s operating system is 64-bit, so check the 64-bit shortcut:

4. Click Next and wait for the installation to complete:

5. After the installation is complete, check Run IntelliJ IDEA and click Finish to Run the software:

Select Evaluate for Free and click Evaluate:

7. Drag the patch jetBrains – Agent. jar in the 2020 folder of the web disk to the IDEA interface:

Page extraction number is too many only within seven days or it is easy to be sealed, resulting in cracking the patch is easy to be sealed, has been very troublesome to replace, to limit the number of people.

Due to frequent updates, it is convenient to have background updates. The following QR code replies:IDEA“To obtain the activation code

8. The patch will pop up. Click restart to restart idea:

9. The configuration assistant will prompt you which Activation mode you want to use. Here, we select the default Activation Code and activate it with the registration Code.

10. Click Yes to restart IDEA

Three, verify whether the activation is successful you said the activation is successful? Why don’t I believe that? Check whether IDEA has been activated successfully by following the steps: 1. After entering IDEA interface, click Help -> Register to view:

2. As you can see, it has been successfully activated to 2089 hot, masturbation to old, ha ha ~

If the number of people extracted is too large, it is only within seven days, otherwise it is easy to be sealed, which leads to the easy sealing of the cracked patch. It is very troublesome to replace all the time, so as to limit the number of people. Finally, if this method fails, you can add me in the background of the public number [Terminal R&D Department] to get a new activation method.

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