So let’s start with the picture, so I don’t want to waste your time if you’re not interested

Press the “L” cursor to locate the login box, enter the user name and password, and press Enter to login:

To favorites url in share (can be opened by using shortcut key X):

Modify the favorite link, add jump shortcut key, use G + shortcut key to open the WEBSITE (use GSJ jump) :

Use the plug-in favorite url (click to favorite, click twice to show the home page) :

Too many? You can find the favorite url, press the shortcut key F to enter the query content and enter to open, you can use the up and down key to select different url:

Press S to position the cursor in the search box, enter the content and press Enter to search. If you want to search the copied content, paste it on the home page (CTRL + V) and press S to search:

Visit other people’s pages or open any website, press O to enter/username to open other people’s pages, enter the URL to open the URL:

If you’re interested,

For more functions, you can press H to view the help. If you have any questions, you can feedback in the share. I also hope you have a good website to share.

If you want to make fun of me, please say so. Thank you